Just in Case You Didn’t Catch It in Hebrew July 11, 2017 – י״ז בתמוז תשע״ז by HyehudiOne good reason to join the cool, “in” Jews ascending the Temple Mount is to displace those who are there at the moment.Some other articles:ספר ‘לשכנו תדרשו ובאת שמה’ – בירור הלכתי מקיף בנושא העלייה להר הביתHalacha Changes Based on Archeology, and More…CHOL HAMOED: Special Temple Mount Visit with Rabbi Avi Grossman!Are the Goyim Stomping in the Temple Compound Just ‘Shogeg’?For Hyehudi’s Many Ben Shapiro Fans: He Ascended the Temple Mount!Powered by YARPP.