Lag Ba’Omer: Alternative Views

Other Opinions

              שנים עשר מי יודע

1) Where is Kever רשבי located?

According to ר’ מנחם החברוני (13th century) רשב”י is buried in Kfar Chananya *(15 km. south of Meron)

2) What day in the עומר was רשבי niftar?

According to the חיד”א, there is no מקור anywhere that רשב”י was niftar on Lag Baomer**.

3) Who wrote the Zohar?

According to the יעב”ץ, (The Chasam Sofer seems to agree) it was R. Moishe d’Leon (not רשב”י)

4) What day did the Talmidei R. Akiva stop dying?

According to many Poskim, they still died on Lag Baomer but stopped on the 34th day of the עומר.

5) How many Talmidim of R. Akiva died between
Pesach & Shavuos?

The גמרא (Yevamos 62) says 12,000 pairs of Talmidim.The מדרש says it was only 300 Talmidim.

6) How did they die?

The גמרא says they all died of a disease called Askera.

According to Harav Hagaon Y. Henkin zt”l and others, the גמרא uses Askera as a code for getting killed fighting the Romans.

7)  How can you bring Nachas to רשבי (guaranteed)?

The שואל ומשיב  5 – 39  writes “If you distribute the  money to עניי ארץ ישראל instead of spending it to go to his  Kever etc., he guarantees רשב”י will have  much more Nachas Ruach.

8) Why do we celebrate Lag Baomer?

According to the Chasam Sofer, the קצת שמחה has nothing to do with רשב”י but because it’s the Sefirah of הוד שבהוד*** and to commemorate the first day the מן came down in the מדבר.

9)  Why you should not celebrate לג בעומר with
dancing & music in 
חוץ לארץ?

According to the   מנחת אלעזר ח”ד:ס because it is only a Minhag Eretz Yisroel Celebrating in Chutz Laaretz is onsidered strange & haughty כזרות יחשב וכיוהרא

10) Why the מנחת אלעזר waited till the morning to
travel to Meron?

When the מנחת אלעזר was in Eretz Yisrael during לג בעומר he spent the night in צפת not willing to celebrate in Meron together with the Zionists.

11) Why is it forbidden to dance in front of a fire?

The תוספתא (Shabbos 7:1) says clapping hands or dancing in front of a fire is אסור because of דרכי אמורי.

12)  Years ago they had women dancing in Meron on Lag Baomer לכבוד התנא רשבי

*R. Binyomin Todelo mentions being at the Kever of Hillel & Shammai but no mention of Rashbi
**The first to mention Yahrzeit of Rashbi on Lag Baomer is the Sefer “Chemdas Hayamim” (controversial Sefer)
*** Kabbalah

From The Torah Matzav, here.