Lekavod the Upcoming Elections Where Everyone Gets to Vote Himself His Neighbor’s Property October 25, 2022 – ל׳ בתשרי תשפ״ג by Hyehudi(Fine, “Lich’vod”, with a שווא מרחף! Have it your way.)Lo Sachmod – Yanky & Shulem Lemmer – Shira Choir | ״לא תחמוד״ יוסל’ה רוזנבלט / מקהלת שירה והאחים למרFind the music video on YouTube here…Some other articles:מעוט חמדה זה צורך גמורVIDEO: Jewish Miracle Doctor Zelenko on HXC – In His Own WordsThe ‘Lifnei Iver’ FetishNot Sure What Bearing This HasPet Theory: How Individual YouTube Videos REALLY Become UnavailablePowered by YARPP.