Meir Kahane Praising Arabs


April 25, 1986

I love Arabs.  I really do.  They are so much more honest than the Jews I so often meet, they are so much more normal.  Consider two examples of Arabs I love.

The first is Knesset member Muhamad Miari of the pro-PLO Progressive List.  Miari is the very epitome of all that the liberal, humanist, democratic, co-existentialist egalitarians of the Jewish faith boast of.  A well-mannered, polite, intellectual (he is a graduate of the Hebrew University) citizen of Israel, he rose on October 15, 1985 in the Knesset of Israel to declare:

The State of Israel is not the state of the Jewish people but rather of the citizens who live there as citizens of the State of Israel.  I said it, we say it and we will continue to struggle for this.

And yet another Israeli Arab, poet, intellectual, writer, Anton Shamas, publishes a column in the leftist, self-hating Kol Ka’Ir (a local Jerusalem weekly controlled by the newspaper Ha’Aretz) on September 13, 1985, and writes:  “A Jewish state, by its very definition, carries with it the seed of disaster, namely the collapse of democracy.”

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From Barbara Ginsberg, here.