Pagan-Rabbi Shraga Kallus Doesn’t Fear God, He Fears the Temple Itself!

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Chazal say several times, to the contrary: לא מן המקדש אתה ירא אלא ממי שפקד על המקדש, but Rabbi K. must know better. Also, he must disagree with Rashi Bamidbar 17:13 (שהיו ישראל מליזין ומרננים אחר הקטרת לומר סם המות הוא) and distort lashon “Ketzef” idem 18:5, and more.

The Beis Hamikdash is a “natural” danger, stammers Rabbi Kallus, nothing to do with Hashem rewarding or punishing mitzvos and aveiros. Echoing Esav, Rabbi Kallus calls the Mikdash a spiritual “makom sakanah” (even without defeatist drama about a billion angry Muslims, or whatever)!

And therefore, says R’ Kallus, we should keep out all Jews (but, sure, let the Goyim keep stomping around freely in the Azarah) — doing the opposite of what Rabbi Todros implies (unlike what the liar put into his mouth).

Here is a screenshot of Rabbi Todros in Nazir 61b (not in the Shittah):


Listen to Shraga Betihara’s blasphemy and stupid “proofs” (if you must) for 9 minutes on TorahAnytime here…

And by the way, if the Rishonim ask a question and don’t say the Beis Hamikdash is a “tevadige” danger, this is proof against your kefirah, not for it, you dimwit!