Salaried Rabbis Must Also ‘Uphold the Torah’

From Rabbi Sternbuch’s Ki Savo parsha sheet:


Cursed be he who does not uphold the words of this Torah (27:26)

The Ramban cites a Yerushalmi (Sotah 7:4) that states that even someone who has learned, taught,
and observed the mitzvos, but is in a position to uphold the Torah and does not do so, is subject to this
curse. The Ramban explains that this includes anyone who has the power to uphold the Torah against
wicked people seeking to breach it but does not do so. This includes not preventing them from committing sins when we are able to, and — as noted by Rav Moshe Schneider — protesting against
anti-religious acts, especially in times like ours when people seek to uproot religion. He added that the
very act of protesting has the effect of “sweetening” (being “mamtik”) i.e. overturning, or at least
mitigating, dinim (decrees stemming from the trait of justice).

Rabbonim who are able to, yet do not, stem the tide of secularization and heresy will not be spared
from this curse, notwithstanding how much Torah they have spread to those who are already observant.

Conversely, the reward of those who refuse to make peace with the status quo, fight against anti-
religious measures, and engage in activities that strengthen the Torah and their spiritually weak brethren, is increased manifold, and they will enjoy the blessings set aside for those who uphold the words of the Torah.

Hyehudi’s Rhetorical Triangle – Recently Read

Although the posting frequency is lower (and will remain so for the next few months), Baruch Hashem, we have no fewer visitors.

Here is what’s been popular lately:

  1. ספר ‘מענה לאגרות’ נגד שו”ת אגרות משה
  2. The Lubavitcher Rebbe Believed in the Myth of ‘American Exceptionalism’
  3. Abandoning the Priestly Blessing in the Diaspora – Why Do You Look So GUILTY?!
  4. חדש: קונטרס לכשרות בית מקדש תחת הקרקע
  5. ספר שדי תפוחים – שני חלקים: אוצר תיקוני עוונות
  6. ‘Liberated Parents, Liberated Children’ and Child Abuse
  7. A Pandemic of Mask Misinformation
  8. תיקוני תשובת המשקל של האריז”ל עבור חטאי עריות – חלק שלישי
  9. Did You Know Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s ‘Living Torah’ Is Online?
  10. בד”ץ שערי שלום Badaz Shaarey Shalom

Enjoy the good ones twice

GOOD NEWS: Berland-Toady *Shalom Arush* All Set to Discredit Himself!

The Master of the World had mercy on us!

As I wrote before:

Shalom Arush plays a calculating two-faced game. When speaking with victims of Berland and those courageous warriors working to set up a “Ma’akeh” against that awful stumbling block, he often pretends to understand the problems with his ex-rabbi. And then he goes right back to visiting gravesites and publicly praying for Berland’s welfare.

Now, as you can see in the following video clip — the man who still, STILL gratuitously calls Sabbatean womanizeridolatermurderer Eliezer Berland yemach shemoMy Teacher and Master” (!) to this very day — has spoken imprudently. Finally.

Probably misremembering Breslov sources (cf. Kochvei Ohr, sec. “Sichot Vesipurim” #4) Arush says Mashiach will come by the end of the next Jewish year.

So, either Mashiach won’t come, publically rendering S. Arush (akin to) a false prophet (just like his Teacher and Master, Berland, of course). Or Mashiach will come, in which case, this will doubly be the case…

God-willing, I hope to post a reminder after next Rosh Hashana.

Chafetz Chaim Lashon Hara chapter 4:8

כשבית דין (לג) אומרים לאדם דין אחד במה שהוא (לד) בקום ועשה, בין שהוא דברים שבין אדם למקום או דברים שבין אדם לחברו, ואינו רוצה לקים בשום אפן, ואין לו תשובה במה שאינו מקים, מתר לספר גנותו ואף לרשם את גנותו בספר הזכרונות לדור דורים. ואם השיב תשובה באמתלאות, שתלוי לפי דבר המסור ללב, דינו כך, אם אנו מבינים שהתשובה זו איננה אמת רק להוציא מדעתנו, אין אנו צריכין להאמינו (לה) ומתר לספר בגנותו ואף לרשם כנ”ל, אבל אם הדבר ספק, אסור לספר בגנותו.

Again, see the evidence here.

UPDATE: Mashiach didn’t come.