Hyehudi Tries SCARING American Jews STRAIGHT (Partial, Recent Compilation)

Someone (a historian, not me!) should remind overconfident\self-deluded Jews (concentrated in America) of some facts:

I could “Ac-cen-tchuate the Positive“, too. But as any salesman will tell you, people respond more to fear than to hope or logic.

Israeli Communities Tour- Aug. 30 / 10 Elul

Leaving Yerushalayim 9:30AM, back at 9:30PM

Immanuel, Afula, and Karmiel

Touring the neighborhoods, meeting with locals including Americans / English speakers, getting an overview of the local kehillos, housing options and pricing, mosdos chinuch and the local kollelim etc.
170 NIS per person, 300 NIS per couple,

50 NIS if coming in your own car

(not for profit – to cover costs).


Registration – Yoel Berman – 053-3191618




Download (DOCX, 46KB)

Why You Should Care About Har Habayis

Rashi to Deuteronomy 12:4:
You shall not do so [to the Lord your God]: to burn sacrifices to God in any place you choose, but rather at the place that He will choose. Another explanation is: “And you shall tear down their altars… and destroy their name… [but] do not do so [to the Lord your God]”; this is an admonition [addressed] to one who would erase the Name [of God from any writing] or remove a stone from the altar or from the courtyard (Mak. 22a).
The first of Rashi’s explanations is the one preferred by his grandson, Rashbam, and better fits the context of the subject matter. The gentiles create places of worship wherever they wish and as many they wish; the Jews shall only have one Temple where God resides. The second explanation is a secondary level of interpretation and is used to derive biblical prohibitions. It is interesting that if this commandment is taken as the plain meaning of the verse, then we should note the following verse,
But only to the place which the Lord your God shall choose from all your tribes, to set His Name there; you shall inquire after His dwelling and come there. There you shall bring your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the separation by your hand, and your vows and your donations, and the firstborn of your cattle and of your sheep.
Then we see that the way to avoid destroying God’s Temple and altar is by inquiring after it (i.e., finding where it is and caring about it) and going there to perform the commandments and that if we ignore the place of His abode, and choose not to seek it out and care for it, and to serve Him there, then we could, God forbid, lead to it being harmed…

Odddballl Compilation of, Welll…

OK, I was bored out of my mind waiting for someone (don’t ask), and in no mood to actually do anything productive, um, and I had the weirdly ingenius idea of searching through our, well, Archives page for

Scratch that sentence!

Your hardworking curator, editor and sole proprietor of the-one-and-only Hyehudi.org engaged in digitally sifting through all the titles of past articles for horrific typos by searching for repetitions of the exact same letter (e.g., ZZZ, צצצ), number, or symbol appearing three times in a row (excluding 300 ellipses).

Well, here is a list of fourteen relevant discoveries (typos excised):

  1. Israeli Government ‘Saaaaafety
  2. Only John Bolton and Other Cockroaches Don’t Mind a Nuclear WWIII
  3. Awww – Kotzk Seems Alright…
  4. תיקוני עירובין גליון #111
  5. תיקוני עירובין גליון #222
  6. Next Week Hyehudi.org Reaches *5,000* ARTICLES…!
  7. COVERUP: How the Feds Murdered 50,000 Oldsters via Lethal Flu Shots In 1993
  8. התקליטור התורני עם 3,000 ספרי קודש – כעת ב50% הנחה
  9. Who Knows 20,000?
  10. קול החינוך גליונות #111 – #114
  11. 20,000 Dollars down the Drain – Don’t Dream of ‘Donating’ Again!
  12. Um, Do You Want Over 9,000 Jewish Songs – For Free? (Yes, I Said FREE!)
  13. The Best Mussar Sefer Is ___?
  14. מיזם 929? לאאא. מעכשיו: מיזם 447
