The State Controls 90% of the Land – We Need a ‘Homesteading Act’

Quoting Binyamin Rose, in July’s Mishpacha “readers’ mailbag”:

(A reader in Ramat Beit Shemesh questioned one of the propositions in my recent article on Aliyah that the state of Israel should create incentives for wealthy people from chutz l’aretz to make Aliyah.) My question for you, he asked, especially from the perspective and hashkafah of a chareidi publication:

Is it the right approach for us to make mass aliya incumbent on the government creating luxurious realities?

I agree that the primary motivating factor for making Aliyah should be a quest for the spiritual. Chazal tell us the meraglim failed in their mission, partly out of fear that they would lose their prominent positions upon entering the Land of Israel. Yet, remember, that every Jew who did enter the land received their own ancestral plot of private land. They didn’t have regional and city planning boards hampering their efforts. People like to say that Israel is a little country. It is, but it’s big enough to fit the world’s 15-million Jews. The problem is the government owns 90% of the land. It shouldn’t be their own private domain. It should belong to the people. Israel needs a Homestead Act like America crafted to settle the West. Let Jews acquire land cheaply and build a nice home. I guarantee more people would make Aliyah if they had that opportunity.

Read more here…

P.S., American Homestead Acts were imperfect, as is the Right of Return, but the principle of the state devolving powers back to Jews is great. Perfect Is the Enemy of Good.

Important Announcement: Slowing Down for NEXT 3 MONTHS!

Due to personal reasons, will be posting far less often during the next three months.

Instead of the almost regular five articles per day, you can expect on most days to see only one article a day.

Also, for the next three months, it will take me longer to respond to your precious letters.

On the 14 of Cheshvan 5781 (November 1, 2020), we will resume our usual schedule of posting (about) five articles a day, and answering emails in a (generally) timely fashion.

Thank you for understanding.

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Leaders Leading Only Themselves

From “Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought” by Libby Kahane (Volume One, p. 491-492):

“Let us not offend [President] Ford since he can harm Israel”.

The fact that such an attitude has always guaranteed Jews being hurt makes no impression on these people, since what is really at the bottom of their concern is fear of what such bold attacks will do to the Jewish position in the United States and more specifically, to THEM.

Eichah Rabbah 1:31:

אמר לו רבן יוחנן בן זכאי לפנגר כל מגירייא דעבדין בישא למגיריהון עבדין עד דלית את מליף סניגוריא את מליף עלן קטיגוריא אמר ליה לטיבותכון אנא בעי דכל זמן דהדין ביתא קיים מלכוותא מתגרין בכון אין איחרוב הדין ביתא לית מלכוותא מתגרין בכון אמר לו רבן יוחנן הלב יודע אם לעקל אם לעקלקלות.