The FED: How Government Worsens Government-Caused Problems

Will the Federal Reserve Cause the Next Riots?

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly both recently denied that the Federal Reserve’s policies create economic inequality. Unfortunately for Powell, Daly, and other Fed promoters, a cursory look at the Fed’s operations shows that the central bank is the leading cause of economic inequality.

The Federal Reserve manipulates the money supply by buying and selling government securities. This means that when the Fed decides to pump money into the economy, it does so by putting it in the pockets of wealthy, and oftentimes politically-connected, investors who are able to spend the new money before the Fed’s actions result in widespread inflation. Wealthy individuals also tend to be among the first to invest in the bubbles that form when the Fed distorts interest rates, which are the price of money. These investors may lose some money when the bubble bursts, but these losses are usually outweighed by their gains, so they end up profiting from the Fed-created boom-bubble-bust cycle.

In contrast, middle-class Americans lose jobs as well as savings, houses, and other assets when bubbles burst. They will also not benefit as much as the rich and well-connected from government bailouts and stimulus schemes. Middle- and working-class Americans also suffer from a steady erosion of their standard of living because of the Fed’s devaluation of the currency. This is the reason why so many Americans rely on credit cards to cover routine expenses. The Federal Reserve is thus the reason why total US credit card debt is almost one trillion dollars.

Big-spending politicians are also beneficiaries of the fiat money system. The Fed’s purchases of US debt enable Congress to massively increase welfare and warfare spending without increasing taxes to politically unacceptable levels. The people pay for the welfare-warfare state via the Fed’s hidden and regressive inflation tax.

Low interest rates also benefit politicians by keeping the federal government’s interest payments low. This is an unstated reason why the Fed will keep interest rates near zero or even lower interest rates below zero.

In response to the government-caused economic collapse, the Federal Reserve increased the money supply by about a trillion dollars from mid-April to early June. In contrast, it took the Fed all of 2019 to grow the money supply by 921 billion dollars. Even before the lockdown, the Fed was massively intervening in the economy in a futile attempt to prevent economic crisis.

A coming crisis will likely be triggered by a collapse in the dollar’s value and a rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. The economic collapse will be worse than the Great Depression. This will result in widespread violence along with government crackdowns on liberties, accelerating the US slide into authoritarianism. The only way to avoid this is for Congress to make drastic cuts in spending — starting with defunding the military-industrial complex — and to audit then end the Fed.

From LRC, here.

‘How Did America Go Bankrupt? Two Ways. Gradually, Then Suddenly.’

To Hell in a Hand Basket

The eruption of government red ink literally defies imagination. The deficit figure topped $863 billion during the month of June alone.

Indeed, the number is so massive that it’s hard to put it in context. But consider this: When your editor joined the Reagan campaign in the summer of 1980, the public debt was also $863 billion and it had taken 192 years and 39 presidents to get there.

So during the last 30 days, the clown brigade which passes for a government in Washington has actually borrowed nearly two centuries worth of debt!

Indeed, the numbers for June are so bad as to give ugly an entirely new definition:

  • June receipts of $242 billion were down by 28% or –$92 billion from last year;
  • June outlays totaled $1.105 trillion, representing a +$713 billion or 182% increase from last year;
  • Leading the charge was SBA outlays of $511 billion compared to $80 million last year – and, yes, that’s the PPP boondoggle and it amounts to a 4,400% gain;
  • Not far behind was unemployment benefits at $116 billion compared to $2 billion last year;
  • There was also a $70 billion increase in the cost of student loans owing to CARES act repayment deferrals and an adjustment for massively higher student loan defaults in the future than had been previously assumed;
  • And the red ink total for June, which is usually a low deficit month due to estimated tax payments, rose from $8 billion last year to the aforementioned $863 billion.

But the issue is far more than the humongous numbers. There is now at work a trifecta of baleful forces that is literally destroying any semblance of fiscal discipline in Washington.

The first of these, of course, is the Fed. It has so completely and recklessly monetized the ballooning public debt that Washington officialdom and politicians are getting zero honest price signals from the bond market. In any practical sense the Brobdingnagian amounts of money they are borrowing is perceived as free, and rightly so.

After all, as of this morning, 90-day, 2-year and 10-year money costs the Treasury only 0.14%, 0.17% and 0.58%, respectively.

Secondly, there has been what amounts to a highly improbable “doctors plot” to take down the already debt-entombed US economy with an unprecedented regime of quarantines, economic locksdowns and drastic social regimentation in response to a virus that is really only an abnormal medical threat to the old and infirm.

The fact that the lockdowns are so wildly disproportionate to the 5%-of-population threat posed by the Covid is attributable to the rampant Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) among the Dems, the MSM and the permanent Washington ruling class. They are so rabid with TDS that they have mindlessly cheered on the health care apparatchiks, mayors and governors in a blunderbuss attack on the US economy that pales all prior recessions in severity.

And, thirdly, the elected politicians – beginning with the Donald – have stood idly by during this economy-wrecking campaign, deluded by the belief that Washington has the responsibility and means to fund a virtual make-whole for every worker and business in America that has suffered a loss of income and cash flow.

That is to say, America has fallen under the dictatorship of an unaccountable and unconstitutional Virus Patrol. But there has been almost zero political resistance to its insanities such as closing schools, bars, gyms and air travel because the fiscally incontinent policy-makers of Washington have stood up multi-trillion coast-to-coast soup-lines to ameliorate the damage and pain.

But for crying out loud, this jerry-built trifecta of madness cannot possibly be sustained. Your can’t print $3 trillion of fiat credit in just four months as the Fed has done and get away with it. Nor can you spend $7 trillion and collect only $3 trillion as Uncle Sam will do this year and not expect dire repercussions down the road.

And, for that matter, you can’t run-up the NASDAQ to an all-time high in the face of this fiscal, monetary and economic mayhem, and on the strength of just ten stocks, and not expect that a thundering financial collapse lies just around the corner.

Indeed, as David Rosenberg pointed out this AM, the top 10 stocks in the NASDAQ Composite (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Nvidia, Tesla, Intel, Netflix, Adobe) now make up 48% of the index’s market cap, and an incredible 58% of the NASDAQ 100.

So what you see in the chart below is an accident waiting to happen. The NASDAQ’s all-time high is being propped up by a massive bubble in a few stocks, while what is happening down below is more like a foretaste of things to come. To wit-

  • The equal-weight S&P 500 is at the same level today as December 18th, 2017;
  • The NYSE Composite is at same level as in Sept. 15th, 2017;
  • The Russell 2000 small cap index is where it was on July 14th, 2017;

More crazy still, during the three years in which the index of America’s main street small and mid-cap stocks has gone nowhere, the total return (price plus coupon) on the 30-year UST has been a staggering 43%; and in the case of the zero-coupon 30-year UST, the return has been 56%.

Now that’s just nuts. Given the egregious fiscal breakdown and the near $80 trillion of public and private debt weighing down upon the nation’s faltering economy, owners of long-term bonds should be facing severe capital losses, not insanely massive capital gains on top of essentially nonexistent coupons.

Likewise, you have Tesla trading at 288X its pittance of free cash flow and valued more highly than Toyota for the same reason that bond prices are soaring irrationally: Namely, unhinged speculation on Wall Street that is being fueled by grotesque infusions of central bank liquidity.

That’s also why in the face of a quarter in which GDP is slated to plunge by upwards of 40%, the Dow booked its best quarter in 33 years; the S&P 500 posted its best performance since 1998; and the NASDAQ had its biggest increase since 1999 – jumping 39 percent in just three months.

Indeed, the chart below is truly grotesque by any other name. The 4-week moving average of continuing unemployment claims now stands at 19 million or at 6.1X its level at the start of 2013, when the NASDAQ composite stood at just 3,000.

Today it closed at 10,617 or 254% higher and because, why?

  • Netflix is worth $241 billion or 111X net income or an infinite multiple of free cash flow, of which it has generated negative $11 billion during the last 5 years?
  • Amazon is worth $1.600 trillion or 151X net income and 83X free cash flow?
  • Facebook is worth $700 billion or 33X net income and 30X free cash flow – after two years of low single digit growth and in the face of the biggest impending plunge in advertising revenue in modern times?
  • NVIDIA is worth $258 billion or 108X net income and 60X free cash flow?
  • Microsoft is worth $1.622 trillion or 35X net income – even though its earnings growth rate over the last 8 years has been just 6.5% per annum?
  • Apple is worth $1.664 trillion or 29X net income – even though its earnings have grown by just 4.5% per annum since 2012?
  • Google is worth $1.053 trillion – even though its earnings too have plateaued during the last two years and it is now facing a brutal decline in advertising spending?

In fact, the above chart actually understates the case because – surprise – the financial press doesn’t even report the correct figures for the number of US workers on the unemployment dole at the present time.

In addition to the 18.56 million of continuing claims reported yesterday under the standard state programs, there is another 14.36 million of so-called uncovered employees – gig workers, free lancers, temp agency contractors etc. – now getting the Federal pandemic unemployment assistance benefit (PUA) . That means at the time we are supposed to be sharply ascending the other side of the “V”, there are actually 32.92 million workers lounging at home and collecting unemployment benefits in lieu of a paycheck.

As Wolf Richter recently demonstrated, there are now nearly 2X more workers getting UI checks than the 17.75 million unemployed workers the BLS reported for June.

That’s right. We have repeatedly reminded that the BLS does not arrive at its jobs and unemployment numbers by counting; it generates them by modeling, and when the economy is at a big inflection point, to say nothing of the unprecedented turmoil of the moment, its models are not worth the digital ink they are printed on.

Stated differently, it do make a difference that 15.2 million workers no longer on the job are not accounted for in the BLS ballyhooed monthly jobs report.

In short, the whole shebang is on a razor’s edge and there is nothing much immediately ahead except opportunities for the whole system to go tilt.

For instance, the SBA payroll protection program (PPP), which has already shelled out an incredible $521 billion to nearly 5 million US businesses will expire next month, while the $600 per week Federal supplement to average state UI checks of $500 per week will expire at the end of July.

What this means is that the whole economy is floating on a massive air mattress of government subsidies and transfer payments which could suddenly evaporate if Washington becomes politically paralyzed; and, in any event, can’t be sustained much longer as a matter of sheer fiscal math.

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

No Flights to Israel? Come by Boat. No Boats, Either? Start Swimming!


When Rabbi Zeira finally realized his dream of reaching Eretz Yisrael, only a river separated him from his goal. Rather than wait for the next ferry to take him across, he decided to use a primitive bridge consisting of a log spanning the river, which he walked upon while holding on to an overhead rope to ensure that he wouldn’t fall.

A heathen observer of this rickety crossing cried out to him: “Impulsive people that you are, who put your mouths before your ears (when they said “we will do” before they said “we will hear” in accepting the Torah without knowing what it required of them), you are still acting impulsively. Why don’t you wait for the ferry in order to make a safer and more comfortable crossing.”

To this Rabbi Zeira sighed: “A land which Moshe and Aharon did not merit to enter – who knows if I wait any longer that I will have the privilege of entering it!”

(Kesuvos 112a)

Excerpted from “The Love of the Land – Selections from classical Torah sources which express the special relationship between the People of Israel and Eretz Yisrael“, by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, Dean, Ohr Somayach Institution.

פסק גדולי הדיינים בארץ ישראל נגד כת ברלנד – מאחורי הקלעים

בירור יסודות פסק בית הדין המיוחד

מיועד לרבנים בלבד

נכתב ע”י צוות תלמידי חכמים לאחר בירור יסודי ומעמיק של פרטי ההלכה, המציאות והשתלשלות העניינים בבית הדין המיוחד בעניין מנהיג שובו בנים

מהדורה ראשונה תמוז תש”פ

תוכן הענינים

פרק א’ – מטרת הקמת בית הדין המיוחד……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

פרק ב’ – “חזקת הכשרות” של מנהיג שובו בנים ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

פרק ג’ – ראיות ואומדנות לנכונות השמועות הקשות………………………………………………………………………………. 6

פרק ד’ – דין קבלת עדויות שלא בפני בעל דין בנידון דנן …………………………………………………………………………. 8

פרק ה’ – כמות ותוכן וטיב העדויות שהגיעו לביה”ד……………………………………………………………………………….. 11

פרק ו’ – תחבולות שקרים וזיופים מול עדויות וראיות אמת……………………………………………………………………….. 12

פרק ז’ – תוקף עדותו של עד אחד בנידון דנן ………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

פרק ח’ – עידי הודאה ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

פרק ט’ – תוקף עדותן של שאר העדויות בנידון דנן ……………………………………………………………………………….. 20

פרק י’ – צורך השעה וגדירת גדר……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21

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Reprinted with permission.

The Left = Amalek

Amalek Versus a Torah Society

by Chananya Weissman

Make no mistake about it: the rot eating away at Western society from within has nothing to do with rectifying any problems in society. It is a war led by Amalekites, powered by an army of empty people and useful idiots, against God and everything sacred.

This war will not be won by exposing their endless hypocrisies and mocking their twisted logic. Were that the case it would have been won generations ago – yet the good guys have continuously lost ground. Like any war, this war can only be won when a critical mass of people follows these essential steps

1) Recognize that this is in fact a war

2) Achieve the motivation and determination to fight the war

3) Understand the nature of the war and the tactics of the enemy

4) Unify and organize

5) Prepare a response that neutralizes the tactics of the enemy and takes advantage of their vulnerabilities

6) Execute the response

Missing any of these steps renders defeat a near certainty, barring an unexpected and undeserved stroke of good fortune.

I have written extensively about the nature of Amalek and their tactics. In a nutshell, they wage war on God by sowing moral doubt and confusion, gradually eroding the convictions of even those who previously held strong beliefs, amassing an army of followers who lack moral convictions to carry out their evil designs, and overcoming a society that has surrendered its identity and purpose, having lost the will and manpower to fight before it is too late.

Amalek has successfully neutralized Europe, is in the advanced stages of conquering America without planes and tanks, and is using the same tactics to weaken Israel from within more than all its external enemies have collectively managed since the state was declared. It is the same playbook every single time. They erode the foundations of a moral society, using the system to destroy itself, until it is doomed.

The main weapon to defeat Amalek is loudly and proudly standing up for the moral truth, not compromising an iota in the face of their hollow condemnations. Those with strong moral convictions need to bolster themselves to resist their intimidation and bullying. Then they need to turn the tables on the aggressors posing as victims, challenging them and putting them on the defensive. Finally they need to rally the common folk, who are easy prey for Amalek, to stand with them for truth and God’s objective, unchanging morality as expressed in the Torah – the only religious code Amalek attacks, precisely for this reason.

There are many decent but uneducated people around us who are easily lured by Amalek’s incessant, insistent preaching, amplified by a compliant media that presents radical opinions as unquestionable moral truth. These decent people, the easy prey of Amalek, are the ones we need to engage and draw to our side with the light of God’s truth.

As part of our vital efforts to enlighten the masses and belatedly push back against Amalek’s moral erosion, I offer a comparison between the Torah’s morality and some of Amalek’s regressive platitudes in recent days.

Amalek: It is morally wrong to defend your property when someone seeks to take it from you or destroy it. Your possessions can be replaced, but his life cannot, and his life is more valuable than your possessions. Even calling the police is racist and immoral.

Torah: A person does not stand idly by while someone steals his possessions. A poor person is like a dead person; one should not remain passive in the face of those who seek to destroy his home and livelihood. An intruder expects that a man will defend his property, and therefore comes with the willingness to kill if necessary. Therefore, unless it is clear as day that the intruder does not come to kill if necessary, a homeowner may take the life of the intruder. If someone intends to kill you, get up early and kill him first. If the homeowner can disable the intruder without killing him, he must do so, but should not jeopardize his own life to protect the life of the intruder.

Amalek: Those born today must bear the sins of their predecessors, profess their own guilt, and make endless, arbitrary restitution to an amorphous group of proclaimed victims.

Torah: Children are not to be punished by society for the sins of their parents, nor parents for the sins of the children. Each person is held accountable for his own actions.

It was the practice of kings to put to death the entire families of those who rebelled against them, and even their political rivals. This practice continues to this day in many parts of the world to tighten the leader’s grip on power. Amalek preaches it as a moral virtue. The Torah repudiates it. Indeed, King David personally supported the descendants of those who had sought his own death.

Amalek: One who committed even the slightest moral crime decades ago – based on new definitions of morality today – shall be condemned and may have his life destroyed if it suits Amalek’s agenda. Penance may be demanded, but no degree of penance shall ever be sufficient. The slate can never be wiped fully clean. Guilt is permanent.

Torah: We judge a person strictly based on where they are today. Anyone can overcome their past, no matter how sordid, and is lovingly encouraged to do so with a helping hand for those who desire it. Complete reformation is possible. A repentant sinner is not to be reminded of his past. In fact, a repentant sinner is in some ways on a higher spiritual level than one who was always righteous, for he tasted the allure of sin and struggled to overcome it.

Furthermore, definitions of morality never change. One who lived what is considered to be a moral life can be confident that his past actions will never be reinterpreted and prosecuted years later.

Amalek: People who are “frustrated” or “angry” may express their emotions however they see fit, especially if they consider themselves victims of society in some way. Those who challenge such behavior are insensitive, hateful, and their mere speech can even be considered an act of aggression and violence. Hence, acts of actual violence against such people are self-defense, resistance against aggression, and entirely legitimate. Furthermore, those who belong to the same social class of “victims” who speak out against their behavior may be destroyed for being collaborators with the enemy.

Torah: Anger is the lowest of human traits, and one who acts through anger is akin to one who worships idols. The only acceptable form of anger is sincere objection toward the desecration of God’s name, and even that must be restrained. Anger is never a justification to harm a person or his property, and one who does so is equally liable for damages. Even lifting one’s hand to strike his fellow is a wicked person. A Godly person works on himself to eliminate anger. He also works to better his life through hard work and spiritual growth; he does not wallow in perpetual victimization and demand society to coddle him.

Amalek: You have to destroy society to rebuild it. The ends justify the means.

Torah: We never seek to destroy society. Avraham prayed desperately for the wicked city of Sodom to be spared from heavenly destruction, with the hope that they would improve. A Godly person seeks only to build and improve society, beginning with building and improving himself, then by contributing to society and helping others.

Amalek: If you think someone has too much money, it is your right to take it from him. He must have earned it in sin and prevented you from achieving. Even if not, it’s unfair for him to have more than you.

Torah: All money belongs to God, and wealth is a blessing from Him. God determines how much people earn. Stealing from the rich is a crime. Working responsibly is a virtue; those who plant the field will have what to eat, while those who sit idle will go hungry in the winter. It is a sin to be jealous of others and covet what they have. Those who attain their wealth dishonestly – both the rich and those who seek to rob them – will be cursed.

Amalek: Those who came before us were all morally inferior to us. Whatever is the moral standard of today will be considered primitive tomorrow. We show our moral superiority by denouncing those who came before us. Parents shall fear their children and children shall scorn their parents. This is the meaning of progress. Everyone must live in fear of evolving morals and fall into line with whatever is expected of them. Morality is determined by social groupthink.

Torah: Morality is determined only by God and never changes. Parents are to be honored even if they are severely flawed, because they are our direct link to our origins, which we cherish. Everyone must live in fear only of not living up to the moral standards of those who came before them, and for failing to transmit these moral standards to the next generation. The Torah’s commandments are to be clearly explained and learned by all, never to be added to or taken away from. We may only enact safeguards to protect the Torah’s commandments, and even those are to be limited and carefully considered by the greatest sages. We can live confidently that what is right and wrong today will remain right and wrong forever, and we will never have to fear retroactive shaming and punishment for ever-evolving mores.

This is but a small comparison between the ideology of the Torah compared to that of Amalek, who is waging war against it. No one with a good soul and an ounce of intelligence can compare the two and side with Amalek. Therefore, it is our responsibility to spread true enlightenment to the masses, with genuine pride, and light a spark in the souls of those who are lured by Amalek’s empty slogans and buzzwords.

Let us restore God’s complete throne and defeat the evil ideology of Amalek once and for all.

Legal Disclaimer: The word “Amalek” in no way hints at violent action.
