Corona Likely Man-Made…

– The most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory

The well-known Norwegian virologist Birger Sørensen and his colleagues have examined the corona virus. They believe it has certain properties which would not evolve naturally. These conclusions are politically controversial, but in this interview he shares the findings behind the headlines.


“I understand that this is controversial, but the public has a legitimate need to know, and it is important that it is possible to freely discuss alternate hypotheses on how the virus originated” Birger Sørensen starts to explain when Minerva visits him in his office one morning in Oslo.

Despite the explosiveness of his statements and research, Sørensen remains calm and collected.

Sørensen has been a point of controversy ever since former MI6 director Richard Dearlove cited a yet to be published article by Sørensen and his colleagues in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. The article claims that the virus that causes Covid-19 most likely has not emerged naturally.

“It’s a shame that there has already been so much talk about this, because I have yet to publish the article where I put forward my analysis”, Sørensen says in the form of an exasperated sigh.

Together with his colleagues, Angus Dalgleish and Andres Susrud have authored an article that looks into the most plausible explanations regarding the origins of the novel coronavirus. The article builds upon an already published article in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics that describes newly discovered properties in the virus spike protein. The authors are still in dialogue with scientific journals regarding an upcoming publication of the article.

News outlets are thus confronted with a difficult question: Are the findings and arguments Sørensen and his colleagues put forward of a sufficiently high quality to be presented and discussed in the public sphere? Sørensen explains that they in their dialogue with scientific journals are encountering a certain reluctance to publishing the article – without, however, proper scientific objections. Minerva has read a draft of the article, and has after an overall assessment decided that the findings and arguments do deserve public debate, and that this discussion cannot depend entirely on the publication process of scientific journals.

In this interview with Minerva, Sørensen therefore puts forward his hypothesis on why it is highly unlikely that the coronavirus emerged naturally.

On May 18th, WHO decided to conduct an inquiry into the coronavirus epidemic in China. Sørensen believes that it is important that this inquiry looks into new and alternate explanations for how the virus originated, beyond the already well-known suggestion that the virus originated in the Wuhan Seafood Market.

“There are very few who still believe that the epidemic started there, so as of today we have no good answers on how the epidemic started. Then we must also dare to look at more controversial, alternative explanations for the origin,” Sørensen says.

Birger Sørensen and one of his co-authors, Angus Dalgleish, are already known as HIV researchers par excellence.

In 2008, Sørensen’s work came to international attention when he launched a new immunotherapy for HIV. Angus Dalgleish is the professor at St. George’s Medical School in London who became world famous in 1984 after having discovered a novel receptor that the HIV virus uses to enter human cells.

The purpose of the work Sørensen and his colleagues have done on the novel coronavirus, has been to produce a vaccine. And they have taken their experience in trialling HIV vaccines with them to analyse the coronavirus more thoroughly, in order to make a vaccine that can protect against Covid-19 without major side effects.

Continue reading…

From Minerva, here.

הרב קאפח: מנהג תימן שלא לבנות בית של אבנים בחו”ל

“..הדברים נראים ברורים: מאז ומעולם לא פסקה עלייה מתימן לירושלם בפרט, וליתר חלקי הארץ בכלל, ויוצאי תימן לא חדלו מבין תושבי ירושלם במשך כל הזמנים, כי בכל הדורות ראו היהודים את עצמם בתימן רק ארעיים וזמניים שם, ומשום כך לא בנו להם בתי אבן, ולא תקעו יתד נאמנה המשרישה את ישיבתם שם. אף העשירים אשר בקלות יחסית יכלו לבנות בתי אבן, ללא מאמץ רב, לא עשו את זאת, לפי שראו בכך יאוש מן הגאולה, והרי חז״ל אמרו, כי בתחילת דינו של אדם לפני הקב״ה שואלין אותו: “צפית לישועה?” (שבת לא, א׳), ואם הצפייה תהיה רק אמירת מלים בפה, ומעשה בהיפך, הרי יהיו בכלל מי שנאמר בהם: “בפיו ובשפתיו כבדוני, ולבו רחק ממני”(ישעיה כט, יג). דכירנא כד הוינא טליא, אחד העשירים החריגים בעירנו בנה לעצמו בית אבני גזית, ולעזה עליו כל העיר שהוא כופר בביאת המשיח. וכיוון שכן, כלומר שבתימן ראו היהודים את עצמם זמניים שם, אין פלא שלא פסקה עלייה מתימן לירושלם במשך כל  הדורות. ושגור היה בפי העולים גם בימינו, שלא היו אומרים נעלה ארץ-ישראל, אלא נעלה לירושלם, כי ירושלם היתה משאת נפשם, והיא היתה כל מגמת כספם וכמהם, ואע״פ שאין בידינו לעת עתה הוכחות על רציפות התישבות התימנים בירושלם, הרי כלל הוא אצלנו – “אין לא ראינו ראיה” (זבחים כג, ב). והנקודות הפזורות, המתגלות בדילוגי הדורות השונים, מהוות גילוי ועקבות לרציפות

מקור: הרב יוסף קאפח, כתבים ח״ב, עמ׳ 1016

(הובא ב”ליקוטים מדברי רבנן ותלמידיהון לתשועת מלחמת ששת-הימים וליום שחרור ירושלים” מאת הרב שי הירש, עמ’ 22-23)

Corona: Victory for Swedish Hands-Off Policy

Sweden – Number of Covid deaths plummeting even as the number cases rises

Similar pattern in the United States! Number of deaths declining rapidly.



In case you weren’t aware of this, Sweden refused to go into a lockdown mode. Restaurants remained open, bars remained open, the entire country remained open, all because Swedish authorities decided to let the virus run its course. They expected the country to reach what is known as “herd immunity.” And they succeeded!

At first, coronavirus cases rose quite rapidly, as expected. But even as the number of new cases continued climbing, the number deaths began declining. I don’t know that the proper word is “plummeting,” but as you can see from the graph below, the decline is very pronounced.

“Over the past ten weeks, the number of daily reported COVID-19 cases in Sweden has more than doubled, yet the number of deaths has plummeted,” writes Tony Heller. “The vast majority of deaths in Sweden were the result of nursing homes getting infected.”

“Their strategy has been to get the low risk population exposed so that they can reach herd immunity, so more cases is to be expected.”

Sweden Coronavirus: 67,667 Cases and 5,310 Deaths – Worldometer

“The same pattern is occurring in the US,” says Tony. The number of daily deaths is declining markedly.

United States Coronavirus: 2,681,811 Cases and 128,783 Deaths – Worldometer

The point here is that the number of new cases is meaningless propaganda. Many of those new cases came as a result of more testing, and many more came from what I consider fraudulent reporting.

And, as reader Michael Jenkins correctly points out, “even the death rate reported is, in all likelihood, grossly exaggerated.”

Forget the number of “new cases.” What we need to keep our eyes on is the death rate.

See more from Tony Heller:

Thanks to Penelope for this link

From Ice Age Now, here.

Of Reflected Honor and Reflected DISHONOR

There is a profusion of posthumous books describing deceased Torah greats as having “led” and the more the merrier. But looking at the state of us, their “followers”, doesn’t this description, in fact, um, not altogether give them honor?

Here are some panegyrics of our Dear Leaders, some approximate, or off the top of my head (I don’t always remember which refers to whom if any):


פוסק הדור

רבן של כל בני הגולה


רבן של ישראל

מופת הדור

אביהן של ישראל

סניגרון של ישראל

עמוד האש לפני המחנה

מנהיג של דור

לשכת הגזית

And so on…

Unlike a local person, see Shabbos 54b:

כל מי שאפשר למחות לאנשי ביתו ולא מיחה נתפס על אנשי ביתו באנשי עירו נתפס על אנשי עירו בכל העולם כולו נתפס על כל העולם כולו, וכו’.

If they get deserved credit, how can they evade deserved blame?

Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin would insist he not be considered the “student” of the Gaon for this reason, among others.

Of course, this would suggest the real point of these books is praising puny us, and the living disciples of these Jews…

PSA: Do You Know Anyone With Personal Holiness Problems?

I mean inappropriate actions, tendencies, pictures, movies, etc.

If you cannot (or will not) get through to them, the successful “Venishmartem” organization will happily contact them for you, instead.

Just call or email the friend’s contact info and some basic information to Venishmartem, and keep praying.

ארגון “ונשמרתם” נלחמת בחוסר המודעות, ומאפשרת יציאה קלה ותמידית מעוונות פגם הברית, העיניים והאינטרנט. להדרכות מוקלטות, ייעוץ אישי, והכוונה פרטנית, התקשרו אלינו: 077-222-222-1. לשאלות נוספות, כתבו לנו:

ניתן לתרום לארגון בכרטיס אשראי דרך קהילות או נדרים פלוס.