הנחתום מעיד על עיסתו’ – התר עיסקא של הבנקים’

מכתב אחד הקוראים בעלון “תקציב המשפחה” של הרב אריה ליבוביץ גליון 51:

בסוף המאמר על ׳איש אמיד בפוטנציה׳ הובאו 10 תובנות שהגיע אליהם בעקבות הסיפור.

ניתן להוסיף תובנה נוספת, ברוח הדברים שהובאו באחת התגובות בשם הגראי”ל זצ”ל והגרח”ק שליט”א שבמשכנתא יש “חשש כבד מאד של ריבית”.
התובנה פשוטה: אין ללוות בריבית כלל, בכל מצב ולכל מטרה.

ובאמת לא מובן איך מוזכרת כאן מפעם לפעם נטילת משכנתא, כאילו לא אסרה התורה ריבית, וכאילו לא אמרו עליה חז”ל שמעיד בעצמו “כפר פלוני בא׳ ישראל”.

ולמי שמייחס חשיבות לחותמת הבד”ץ על כשרות הבנקים, נזכיר כי הגר”י בלוי זצ”ל שחתום על כתב זה אסר על ילדיו לקחת משכנתא, ונהג לומר “מכירת החמץ הגרועה ביותר עדיפה על היתר העיסקא הטוב ביותר”.

כעין זה, כשדיברתי עם הגרא”י אולמן, החתום אף הוא על ההת”ע, ושאלתי אותו על אחד הפרטים בהת”ע הבנקאי המנוגד להלכה בשו”ע, ענה “הבעיה ידועה, הגר”י בלוי אמר שכשם שמצוה לומר דבר הנשמע כך מצוה שלא לומר דבר שלא נשמע”.

הנחתום מעיד על עיסתו, שהתר עיסקא של הבנקים הוא “מוטב שיהיו שוגגים” ותו לא.

R’ Moshe Feinstein & R’ Yaacov Kamenetsky on Miracles Performed for the Wicked

“G-d does miracles even for the irreligious” – Criticism of the views of the Satmar Rebbe

One of the major theological controversies in recent years has been the validity of the Satmar Rebbe’s claim that the Six Day War victory was ma’aseh Satan and whether miracles only happen to frum people. [There is of course Rav Moshe’s teshuva (Y.D. 4:8.2) regarding the miracle of Entebbe which clearly disagrees with the Satmar. ] But there is a little known or  remembered event that happened shortly after the Six Day War which clearly defined the basis of dispute. This is the version I heard from Rabbi Gavriel Beer – a life long Aguda askan – who was there.
As is well known by now, the mood leading up to the Six Days War was very gloomy. Many in Israeli and in the Diaspora were anticipating a war which would be very costly in life – both for the soldiers and civilian population. The more optimistic view was that Israel would take a harsh beating but would survive. There is no need to mention the pessimistic view.
But when the guns were silent after the incredibly short war in June 1967, Israelis discovered that not only had they survived but they had soundly thrashed the massive armies of the surrounding Arab countries and in addition had acquired the West Bank – which included the Old City of Jerusalem and the location of the Temple. Everyone seemed to say it was an open miracle. There was one major dissenting voice – the Satmar Rebbe – who insisted that it was not only not a miracle but the victory was in fact the work of Satan. He emphatically stated that miracles don’t happen for the Zionist  – especially to support the theological crime known as the State of Israel.
Several months later at the annual Aguda Convention, this astounding event was the central topic of discussion  Speaker after speaker spoke on the topic and the gedolim were clearly divided on whether to agree or disagree with the Satmar position. One of those who publicly agreed with the Satmar view was Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky.
At the Melava Malka that weekend, the keynote speaker was Rav Itchie Meyer Levin – the Gerrer Rebbe’s son-in-law. He of course spoke about the topic. After some introductory comments he made the following observation. “Not so long ago the Jewish people suffered the horrible loss of 6  million Jews in the Holocaust. When we went to the gedolim for an explanation we were told that we must be silent and accept this because it was G-d’s will. Now we were just faced with another possible holocaust in the Land of Israel but the Jews were saved this time. We hear gedolim who say that these millions who were saved were saved by Satan. How is that when it comes to the death of Jews it is G-d’s work but when it comes to rescuing them from death it is Satan? It can’t be.”
In response, Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky quickly wrote a note which he sent to be read from the podium. It said, “I want to publicly retract my previous statement supporting the view of the Satmar Rebbe and say that now I agree fully with what Rabbi Levin just stated.”

Rabbi Beer noted that this was Rav Yaakov’s greatness. His only concern was truth and he wasn’t afraid to publically admit that he had erred.

Igros Moshe(Y.D. 4:8.2):Concerning the matter of the Jews who were hijacked in Uganda and then were saved by [Israeli] soldiers who went to Uganda. It is reasonable that this should be considered an open miracle. That is because in the normal course of events it would not be possible that such a thing be successful. Whatever is done in the world is only by the hand of G‑d – whether it is for the good or whetherit is – G‑d forbid – ! the opposite. He causes the blow and the cure. He caused that these Jews be captured. But He also caused that they were rescued by means of giving these soldiers special courage and motivation so that they were able to save the captives. He also arranged circumstances so the soldiers in fact were successful. Nevertheless the reasons that G‑d did a miracle through sinners are hidden from us. Furthermore it is prohibited for any man to be “wise” and raise question against G‑d’s actions. Rather it is necessary for us to be innocent and accepting whatever G‑d does as it explicity says in the Torah (Devarim 18:13)

How Yehuda Segal Writes to Lawyers…

Yehuda Segal wrote an article on the government war on prayer at Kever Dan. He received an obnoxious letter from an “objective” lawyer, defending the state. The nerve! So, Segal let him have it…

Note: The back-and-forth is heavily edited to avoid lawsuits!

The original article:

Only in the State of Israel: Kever Dan Was Sealed

Yehuda Segal ה’ חשון ה’תשע”ח 25/10/17
At first it appeared Religious Affairs Minister David Azulai would be able to delay the decree for the time being, but that didn’t happen. The Gravesite is sealed and barred.

Kever Dan Ben Yaakov was sealed this morning with blocks and cement, in spite of the place being a central magnet for Jews from the entire region.

Two years ago the local branch of the Chut Shel Chessed Yeshiva operating near the gravesite was destroyed as an “illegal structure”. But the authorities’ rage toward those “squatting” on their forefathers’ inheritance was not yet satisfied. The Antiquities Authority received a final ruling from the courts to continue blocking up the gravesite with cement and blocks, as they indeed did, to the great sorrow of visitors.

And what’s the excuse? They speak of “state-owned land” (?), “forests”, and missing electricity and engineering permits. Of the slight chance someone might build something illegal, this although there is nothing built there at the moment, but the simple structure over the dome! If this was the grave of an Arab Sheik, you can be sure nothing would happen to it.

Bottom line: We need to wrest this and all other holy sites from the hands of the state and return them back into rightful private ownership. This is the only way we can ensure their upkeep, building safety, electricity, and serve those who visit to pour their brokenhearted prayers at our forefathers’ graves.

At first it appeared Religious Affairs Minister David Azulai would be able to delay the decree for the time being, but that didn’t happen. The Gravesite is sealed and barred.

This article first appeared in Hebrew.

With Heaven’s help, Yehuda Segal


The lawyer:

Arizal did not consider kever dan a holy site with a mesora, and therefore omitted it from the exhaustive list of tradition-based kevarim he composed.

Misrad HaDatot is following the tradition of the Arizal. You’re not.

Do you have a competing, authoritative mesora different than his?

M. HaDatot is trying to discourage people from devoting money and resources [read: erroneously donating their tzedakah money] to a site which may indeed be nothing more than the grave of an Arab Sheik.

Since when does the gravesite of any of our forefathers constitute “private property”? And of whom?

If you want to be taken seriously as a journalist, and especially as a frum journalist, then do your homework [at the very least regarding halacha-related issues], and don’t write an uninformed opinion\editorial article, then pretend as if you were reporting the news objectively.

Y. Segal responds:
Dear Mrs. ____ ____,
You say “do your homework”. But lawyers are supposed to excel at research. An “authoritative mesora” on where Dan is buried: http://www.kolhazman.co.il/333710
The Ari’s list (he didn’t himself “compose”) was not intended to be exclusive (even assuming everything he said – or might have said – was recorded). The young, homebody, bookish, fresh immigrant from Egypt bears no better “tradition” on this, either, absent Ruach Hakodesh.
This whole land is ours (at a minimum by Jewish legal presumption), as both tribes and individuals, especially ancient, homesteaded areas, such as burial plots, and must all be privatized to avoid the Tragedy of the Commons. Historically, inventing Arab sheiks is not a safe bet. And had you not been a guild Bar Association-registered quasi-lawyer sworn to your patron regime, this after graduating from academic open-entry-limiting monopolies (university), you would not regard my axioms as anything but commonplace.
The current regime artificially limits the supply of land throughout our country, to confiscate taxes, and to subsidize licensed, inner-ring individuals like yourself to profit off notary make-work fees, a cartel-enforced violent wealth transfer. Is that innocent? Your anti-Jewish quasi-judges in the evil Arka’os continually evict Jews off properties duly acquired from Arabs but refuse to enforce their own professed zoning quasi-laws against enemy trespassers. Still just? Are the criminals discouraging Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount (and preventing our rebuilding the Temple), too, for noble intentions?!
Thanks for writing,
Yehuda Segal

For select Yehuda Segal articles, see here.

Why ‘Vechein’? Paying Close Attention to the Text

Avos Derebbe Nosson 16:5:

ושנאת הבריות כיצד, מלמד שלא יכווין אדם לומר אהוב את החכמים ושנא את התלמידים, אהוב את התלמידים ושנא את עמי הארץ, אלא אהוב את כולם, ושנא את האפיקורסין והמסיתים ומדיחין, וכן המסורות. וכן דוד אמר (תהלים קלט) “משנאיך ה’ אשנא ובתקוממיך אתקוטט תכלית שנאה שנאתים לאויבים היו לי” הלא הוא אומר (ויקרא יט) “ואהבת לרעך כמוך אני ה'” מה טעם, “כי אני בראתיו”. ואם עושה מעשה עמך אתה אוהבו, ואם לאו אי אתה אוהבו.

Why “vechein” by Mosrim, all of a sudden, last on the list?

I think it’s not part of the original. The “Mishna Rishona” had no need to mention them, since they had Jewish sovereignty. And the gloss was not hidden with a simple Vav.

What do you say?