The American ‘Liberation’ (Read: MASSACRE) of Iraq

‘Iraq War Diaries’ At Ten Years: Truth is Treason

The purpose of journalism is to uncover truth – especially uncomfortable truth – and to publish it for the benefit of society. In a free society, we must be informed of the criminal acts carried out by governments in the name of the people. Throughout history, journalists have uncovered the many ways governments lie, cheat, and steal – and the great lengths they will go to keep the people from finding out.

Great journalists like Seymour Hersh, who reported to us the tragedy of the Mai Lai Massacre and the horrors that took place at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, are essential.

Ten years ago last week, Julian Assange’s Wikileaks organization published an exposé of US government wrongdoing on par with the above Hersh bombshell stories. Publication of the “Iraq War Diaries” showed us all the brutality of the US attack on Iraq. It told us the truth about the US invasion and occupation of that country. This was no war of defense against a nation threatening us with weapons of mass destruction. This was no liberation of the country. We were not “bringing democracy” to Iraq.

No, the release of nearly 400,000 classified US Army field reports showed us in dirty detail that the US attack was a war of aggression, based on lies, where hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed and injured.

We learned that the US military classified anyone they killed in Iraq as “enemy combatants.” We learned that more than 700 Iraqi civilians were killed for “driving too close” to one of the hundreds of US military checkpoints – including pregnant mothers-to-be rushing to the hospital.

We learned that US military personnel routinely handed “detainees” over to Iraqi security forces where they would be tortured and often killed.

Ten years after Assange’s brave act of journalism changed the world and exposed one of the crimes of the century, he sits alone in solitary confinement in a UK prison. He sits literally fighting for his life, as if he is successfully extradited to the United States he faces 175 years in a “supermax” prison for committing “espionage” against a country of which he is not a citizen.

On the Iraq war we have punished the truth-tellers and rewarded the criminals. People who knowingly lied us into the war like Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, the Beltway neocon “experts,” and most of the media, faced neither punishment nor professional shaming for their acts. In fact, they got off scot free and many even prospered.

Julian Assange explained that he published the Iraq War Diaries because he “hoped to correct some of the attack on truth that occurred before the war, and that continued on since that war officially ended.” We used to praise brave journalists not afraid to take on the “bad guys.” Now we torture and imprison them.

President Trump has made a point of singling out the US attack on Iraq as one of the “stupid wars” that he was committed to ending. But we wouldn’t know half of just how stupid – and evil – it was were it not for the brave actions of Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Journalism should not be a crime and President Trump should pardon Assange immediately.

From LRC, here.

Restoring CORRECT Pronunciation of Lashon Hakodesh Is Part of Jewish Renascence!

On pronouncing Hebrew correctly

Every language has its own mixture of phonological, morphological, and syntactic features that, taken together, constitute its unique character and identity. For the most part, these features are of interest only to a small minority of professionals and geeks; the better part of mankind remains obliviously content, interested only in how to practically manipulate the language so as to generate and absorb meaning. This is as true of Hebrew as it is of any other language.

There is, however, one feature of Hebrew that protrudes so obnoxiously that it cannot escape the attention of the most minimally thoughtful person, whether he be a native speaker or a foreign student. On the one hand, Hebrew has one of the most phonetically regular alphabets of any language, a fact that is particularly remarkable since this alphabet has remained unchanged for at least 2,100 years. There are scarcely any Hebrew words that cannot be deciphered with complete accuracy, providing, of course, that the nikud is added. On the other hand ,this phonetically regular alphabet has an abundance of completely redundant letters whose sole purpose seems to be to confuse people trying to spell.

So far, we have said nothing remotely controversial. Everyone, from the native speaker to the ulpan student, religious and secular, will freely comment on this odd feature of Hebrew and its ability to generate all sorts of amusement and confusion. However, this friendly atmosphere is instantly shattered the second anyone suggests a blindingly obvious thesis, namely that this feature of Hebrew is not a feature at all, but a mistakeEach letter in Hebrew exists for a reason, to indicate a unique sound. If two letters make the same sound, then you are pronouncing at least one of them wrong.

Voicing this idea has an almost magical ability to make anyone present regurgitate garbled renditions of cliches drawn from linguistics and postmodern liberalism. You will be told that languages naturally evolve, that there is no such thing as authentic Hebrew, that we can’t really know what is correct, and that no version of a language can be judged as preferable to any other. You will hear this not only from liberals, for whom, at least, one can say that such arguments are a natural fit, but from religious and nationalist Jews who suddenly become fonts of relativism when forced to confront the possibility that a ט is not a different way of drawing a ת. The purpose of this essay is, first, to demonstrate that all these arguments are either false or irrelevant and, second, to defend the rather banal thesis that we should, to the best of our abilities, attempt to pronounce Hebrew correctly

Before beginning, however, it is necessary to review what we mean by pronouncing Hebrew letters correctly. This is not the place to review the myriad different proofs for the authentic pronunciation of each letter. I will simply repeat what all those who have seriously studied the subject have concluded, noting in the footnotes where there is some reasonable grounds for debate:1

  • In modern Hebrew, ח and כ without a dagesh are both pronounced as a voiceless uvular fricative, like j in Spanish. However, ח should be pronounced as a voiceless pharyngeal fricative, like the Arabic letter ح.2
  • In modern Hebrew, ו and ב without a dagesh are both pronounced like the English letter v. However, ו should be pronounced like the English letter w.3
  • In modern Hebrew, ק and כ with a dagesh are both pronounced like the English letter k. However, ק should be pronounced as voiceless uvular stop, like the Arabic letter ق.
  • In modern Hebrew, א and ע are both pronounced as a silent letter, but א should be a glottal stop while ע should be pronounced as a voiced pharyngeal fricative like the Arabic letter ﻉ‎.4
  • In modern Hebrew, ט and ת are pronounced like the English letter t, but ט should be pharyngealized like the Arabic letter ط.

This is bad enough, but we still haven’t exhausted the topic. Every speaker and student of Hebrew knows that כ, ב and פ change their sound depending on the presence or absence of a dagesh. This rule is known as בג”ד כפ”ת (beged cefet), an acronym of the six letters to which it applies. However, three of these letters don’t exhibit this property in modern Hebrew! If they did they would be pronounced as follows:

  • As in modern Hebrew, ת with a dagesh makes the same sound as t in English, but without a dagesh it makes the sound th as in thing.
  • As in modern Hebrew, ד with a dagesh makes the same sound as d in English, but without a dagesh it makes the sound th as in then.
  • As in modern Hebrew, ג with a dagesh makes the same sound as g in English, but without a dagesh it makes the sound g as in thing or like the Arabic letter غ.

We could go further and mention that most scholars agree that ר should be pronounced as an alveolar trill rather than a voiced uvular fricative as it is today and that צ should be pharyngealized. However, it is enough for our purpose to observe that of the 28 distinct sounds that used to be present in Hebrew, 8 (that is 29%) have been lost entirely. Not only is this not a typical phenomenon in the history of language, it is, in fact, completely unique.

Let us take English, for example. It is true that certain words have silent letters, such as the b in climb or the k in knock. In almost all cases, this is a result of Anglo Saxon words undergoing transformation under the influence of French while retaining their original spelling. However, there are precisely zero examples of one letter being lost and assimilating into another.5 It is true that in other languages we can find cases where over the course of hundreds of years the pronunciation of one or two consonants has changed, but never so that it becomes the same as another already existing consonant. This is simply not part of the normal change that occurs in a language.

The only place where we find any such thing are in creoles, where, in those derived from English, the two sounds of th typically assimilate into d and t respectively. It is important to understand why this happens, namely because groups of people who took up English were unable to pronounce some of the phonemes that they did not have in their African or American languages. One who tries to justify the omission of eight consonants in modern Hebrew is effectively arguing that it is a sort of creole spoken by outsiders to the origins of the language. How one can believe that and remain a Zionist is not clear to me. However, even by this standard, modern Hebrew fails because the scale of phonemic deformation is far beyond that found in even the most wacky and way out creoles anywhere on Earth.

In fact, we know very well how Hebrew came to lose nearly a third of its phonemes and it was nothing like the ‘natural’ processes glibly referred to by defenders of the status quo. After the destruction of Jewish civilization by the Romans in response to the Bar Kochba revolt, Hebrew ceased entirely to be a spoken language and became a language of prayer and study only.6 The Jews who preserved this language in the synagogue and study hall were dispersed among different nations, whose languages differed in their phonology from Hebrew, often drastically so. Jews themselves either spoke the languages of their host countries, or formed their own new languages based upon them such as Ladino and Yiddish. After only a few generations, those who never heard the sound of a ח or a ק in ordinary speech lost the ability to pronounce them, choosing the closest sound they knew instead.

This deformation of Hebrew in exile was not equally distributed. Jews in Iraq and Yemen spoke versions of Arabic whose phonology is substantially similar to that of Hebrew and so preserved all but two or three consonants intact and entire. The Jews of Europe, however, were in a thoroughly alien linguistic environment and lost all the consonants which are distinctively semitic. Even here, the process was not uniform. The Jews of Spain, for example, lost the ability to pronounce ש since there is not a sh sound in Spanish, and then recovered it following the expulsion of 1492.

What concerns us, however, is the pronunciation of Hebrew that developed among the Jews of Eastern Europe. Before the Holocaust, Ashkenazim constituted the overwhelming majority of Jews around the world and, most crucially, they were the source of the Zionist movement and the pioneers of the revival of Hebrew. The Hebrew they started with was that which they had learned at the synagogue or Cheder, but they were well aware of its ‘exilic’ qualities, alien to the revived Jewish commonwealth they wished to build. In order to rectify this, they consciously set out to correct their Hebrew pronunciation.

The problem was that the criteria they used to do this were confused where they were not simply wrong. In place of the positive goal of authentic pronunciation, they substituted, if not entirely consciously, a negative one of making their revived language sound as unlike Yiddish as possible. From the variety of pronunciations that existed among Middle Eastern Jews of the age, they selected changes that were easy for them to make, while also transforming the language in a way that made it sound new and modern. The Zionists succeeded in their goal of creating a gulf between their pronunciation and that of traditional Jews in Europe, If this actually improved the language, however, it was entirely by accident and, on occasion, it made things even worse.

The most obvious example of this is the letter ת. As we have already seen, in classical Hebrew this makes two sounds: a when given a dagesh and an unvoiced th without. Ashkenazi Hebrew preserved this distinction, but transformed the th, absent in Eastern European languages, into a s. This is undoubtedly a terrible mistake, but it at least preserves the beged cefet distinction. Instead of correcting this mistake and reverting to the th sound, which had been preserved by the Jews of Yemen, Persia and Iraq, the Zionists adopted the even more defective pronunciation of North African Jews who simply pronounce the ת as a t in all cases. They could have learned from these same Jews the correct pronunciation of ח or ע, but that was too much like hard work. In fact, and to our eternal shame, Jews who returned to Israel in the 1940s and 50s from the Islamic world had their superior pronunciation mocked out of existence by the Zionist society they joined.

As we said before, the closest analogy to the deformation of Hebrew that occurred during the years of exile is the creation of creoles when peoples of Africa and the Americas adopted European languages. The Zionist Hebrew spoken today is actually the result of a two-step creolization. It is, not to put too fine a point on it, the result of Ashkenazi Jews doing a bad impression of Sephardi pronunciation. We can only compare it to what might happen if a Trinidadian decided to mimic a Cockney accent under the impression he was replicating RP, and then made a complete mess of it. Again, though, even that is an understatement because the scope of the deformation in modern Hebrew exceeds that of any real-world creole. All in all, the formation of modern Hebrew phonology has the same relationship to organic linguistic development as a cancerous tumour does to healthy growth.

We have now dispensed with the lie that modern Hebrew phonology is a normal or natural development of the ancient language. What, though, do we say to the committed relativist who does not believe that the categories of right and wrong apply to language at all? Perhaps, even if we admit that the process by which modern Hebrew pronunciation came to be was abnormal, even sordid, we might still say that what came out the other end has as much right to respect as anything else. What harm does it really do?

As it happens, we can easily point to harmful consequences of losing nearly a third of the Hebrew alphabet. Modern Hebrew has hundreds of fake homonyms brought about by the conflation of what should be distinct letters and this makes the language pointlessly harder to learn and spell. It also impedes foreign language acquisition because Israelis have to learn ‘new’ sounds that they would know already if they spoke their language correctly. This is most obviously the case with Arabic, in which almost all Israeli Jews lack even the most basic proficiency, but by happenstance, is also a major problem in learning English. Israelis struggle terribly with the two sounds of thw, and the soft sound of g, impeding all aspects of English learning, for no good purpose whatsoever since all these sounds exist in Hebrew too. Given that phonemic awareness is generated in small children by their being exposed to different speech sounds, the truncated phonetic range of the Hebrew alphabet is equivalent to imposing a learning disability on Israeli children.7

If that seems too extreme, consider the inability of the vast majority of Israelis under the age of 40 to even recognise, let alone to pronounce, the sound h. Around the world, the letter ה is pronounced by Jews, correctly, as an h sound. So it was at the founding of the state of Israel and for many decades afterwards, and so it is still by much of the older generation. For that reason, I omitted it from the already long enough list of lost letters in Modern Hebrew above. In 2019, however, we stand near the end of a decades-long trend in which the h sound was first dropped, then forgotten entirely. Today, it is almost universally pronounced as a glottalstop, which is how, the attentive reader will remember, an א should be pronounced. This places Modern Hebrew in the truly absurd position of having three separate ‘silent’ letters and causes daily, maddening frustration for English teachers whose pupils cannot be induced by any combination of carrot and stick to tell the difference between hat and at.

The sorry story of the ה tells us something important. On one point, at least, the proponents of linguistic relativism are correct: languages really do change. But they do not all change in the same way. An already broken language has its own momentum, towards further decay and rot. We see this also, for example, in young Hebrew speakers’ bizarre assimilation of the first and third person future (אני יתן) facilitated by the absence of any glottal quality in the א. At what point in this process of hacking off parts of the language is it fair to say that the House of Jacob has become a people of barbarous tongue? The very question of course, will excite the rage of linguistics experts, who tell us that creoles are no less sophisticated, complex, interesting and whatever else than the languages from which they sprung. Let us, for the sake of argument admit that this is so. Let us even leave aesthetics to one side. Can we at least agree that a creole of a language is not the same thing as the language itself?

And this brings us, finally, to the real nub of the issue. If all languages are equally good, they are not all equally Hebrew. The Israelite language was dormant and revived as an act of will. It did not have to be. For a start, no Jewish state in the Levant had to be established at all, but even if it had been, Yiddish, English, German or Arabic could, each with its own advantages, have been adopted as the language of the Zionist project. The decision to invest enormous effort and resources into Hebrew was made because it was felt that, without the Hebrew language, any revival of Hebrew nationhood was plastic and fake, perhaps not even a revival at all. What then do we say of a Hebrew that has been revived only as a severely mutilated golem? We do not need here to rehearse all the arguments for resurrecting Hebrew, we only need observe that to the extent that any of them are valid, they are an argument for actually resurrecting Hebrew, not a parody of it. Here, as anywhere else, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

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From, here.

Mixed Jewels and Pottery Shards: Corona VS Pikuach Nefesh

So, I cannot fully or even mostly endorse the following article, but if you take it with a kur of salt, for both entertainment and edification, well… there are worse articles trying to tackle these questions. At least, this will give you a window into the mindset expressed.

I don’t know how to say more than that, so, without further ado, I present:

“Mask Policy in Judaic Thought: An Urgent Rabbinic Statement” by Rabbi Michoel Green

Charedi Politics ONLY PRETENDS To Be Purely Defensive!

Rabbi Shach was once asked to explain his community’s seeming hypocrisy. On the one hand, mainstream Charedim oppose the state of Israel, adopting the anti-Zionist line almost-perfectly (voting excepted), as Rabbi Shach admitted in his eulogy for Rabbi Y. Teitelbaum, and on other occasions. And on the other hand, they guard and use political power to great effect.

In answer, Rabbi Shach adapted the following parable of the Chafetz Chaim for his purposes (see the rest here):

 אשה אחת היתה מוכרת תפוחים בשוק. עברה שם קבוצה של אנשים בני בליעל, אשר חשקה נפשם לאכול מן התפוחים מבלי לשלם. מה עשו? כאילו מבלי להתכוון, הפילו את ארגז התפוחים ארצה, וכך התגלגלו התפוחים והתפזרו לכל עבר. כעת עטו עליהם בני הבליעל והחלו לחטוף מכל הבא ליד. פכרה האשה את ידיה בייאוש והתחילה לצעוק במר נפשה: “יהודים, אחים יקרים, מהרו חושו לעזרתי, הן לא אוכל לבדי להתעמת עם קבוצת הבריונים הלזו בני הבליעל, אנא רחמו עלי ובואו לעזרתי”. חלפו רגעים יקרים, ואין איש נחלץ לעזרתה ולהגנתה. עבר שם איש חכם ואמר לה: גברתי היקרה, בודאי אינך יכולה להתמודד עם קבוצת בריונים שכזו, חבל לך אף לבזבז את הרגעים היקרים הללו בחיפוש אחר עזרה. הדבר הנכון ביותר שעלייך לעשות כרגע הוא – לחטוף בעצמך כמה שיותר תפוחים ולהשיבם לארגז! הפרחחים ימשיכו לחטוף, ויחטפו מה שיחטפו, אך לפחות תחטפי גם את, וכך תצילי את מה שניתן להציל, ולא תישארי בידיים ריקות.

The idea was originally intended as encouragement for one who “awakes” halfway through prayer, realizing his concentration was lacking. Point being, at least concentrate on whatever words one still has left to recite.

Rabbi Shach borrowed this parable to exemplify his approach toward the condition of illegitimate politicians grabbing our religious freedoms and stealing our assets wherever they can. We await Mashiach to supplant this weed with the kingdom of Torah. But meanwhile, why suffer? Let us at least try and grab whatever “apples” we possibly can, as well!

So answered Rabbi Shach.

Presumably, the intention is not to concede shameless corruption. Instead, he means to convey an attitude of non-naive, defensive realpolitik, both foreign and domestic.

But this is comparing apples and oranges. In my opinion, Charedi politics, under the thin veneer of תן לי יבנה וחכמיה has in practice (and from virtually the beginning, too — excluding the Chazon Ish, I hope) been the woman whose own apples are being stolen — and responds by overturning others‘ apple carts, grabbing apples from additional innocents, joining and, indeed, paying the ruffians to systemize and expand their crime syndicate.

Sometimes “The Best Defense Is a Good Offense”, but committing “Offense against fellow slaves as a Junior Partner to the evil regime has nothing to do with “Defense” from the slave-master.

You don’t like taxes? So why do you approve the state’s plans and budgets and create new currency debasement, monetary inflation, and government “jobs”? Why do you write new laws and regulations? Why do you assist and enlarge coercive miseducation if you don’t like it yourself? You want to keep your homes (including those beyond the Green Line), so why do you enable the expulsion and expropriation of other Jews?!

In short, why do to third parties what you vocally dislike?

A world of difference divides subsidies (bad) and tax breaks (good), as Rothbard once explained:

A deduction or exemption is only a “loophole” if you assume that the government owns 100 percent of everyone’s income and that allowing some of that income to remain untaxed constitutes an irritating “loophole.”

Why not let everyone keep their own private apples, plus Tzedakah?

Rabbi Yitzchak Ze’ev Soloveitchik (I think) was once asked how he proposes to deal with a certain issue absent the means of the state of Israel. He mockingly answered with a story of a wagon driver gratefully warming up his hands with snow in bitter, European winter, foolishly saying: “Ach, what would I use to warm my hands if there were no snow?

If anything, “Torah-True” politics should be about גם לי גם לך לא יהיה – גזרו! If we believe our own words about the state being a “children’s play” and “criminal gang”, our own speeches (in the ears of our own…) begging “them” to let us go back to how things were before the state, and if we believe (with the Austrian school and against Keynesian woo) the state is at least not necessary to create economic growth, shouldn’t we then follow the example of the man asking to be blinded in one eye, so his one-eyed enemy loses all?!

Why do you complain when the chief “Rabbinate” (whose very founding was originally opposed by Charedim!) gets pelf and power diets, instead of rowdily campaigning for these yourself?

Why do you support the army kidnapping anybody if you dislike being drafted yourself? Why do you cheer robbing money, labor, untaxed [literal] apples, and oil on the high seas for the sake of “environmentalism”\feminism\equality baloney? Why do you support fake news, counting our apples, or volcano survivors in other countries — so long as you get your cut for yeshivos?

(One cannot ask this question of the National-Religious, of course…)

Instead of demanding apple reparations, secession, or at least some appl-iberalization, Charedim support red apple socialism, robbing cannabis apples, and oppose slicing the spending and malinvesting of apples.

And to hear complaints about “Jewish antisemitism” and the Gemara Pesachim 49b of גדולה שנאה ששונאין עמי הארץ לתלמיד חכם יותר משנאה ששונאין עובדי כוכבים את ישראל ונשותיהן יותר מהן… (And they don’t seem to think they need us for trade, either!)

Rashi Tehillim 37:1:

אל תתחר במרעים, מוכיח את ישראל הוא שלא יתחרו בהצלחת המרעים לעשות כמעשיה’ כמו ואיך תתחרה את הסוסים לרוץ במרוצתם, האטיר בלע”ז.

אל תקנא בעושי עולה, לעשות עולה כמותם.

Do our brethren gobble apple pie? Sure. But as I say regarding anti-Israeli sentiment, are they meant to hold the supposedly strictly-observant down to their own lowly standards? At least they are straightforward about their intentions.

Someone needs to spell things out, שמא יאמרו תלמידי חכמים אין הרמאין בקיאין במעשה ידינו…

(Full anti-Zionists, too, often decry this התחברות לרשעים \ mission creep, especially upkeeping Avoda Zara in Eretz Yisrael via the “Religions Ministry”, plural (!), but even a stopped clock is right twice a day, per Brisk.)

Charedi spokesmen (for both internal and external consumption) say: Look how much chessed and Torah we have gotten the regime to “support” (ignoring the 70% loss for the state’s “overhead“)! Isn’t it great? “Mif’al Hapayis” now gives prizes in Torah essay-writing competitions! They still take our apples worse than ever, but now we have apple funding for our schools, our media, equal time among Cursedians for army Torah classes, forcing new Kallahs to hear Taharas Hamishpacha before governmental marriage registration in a nice environment (like Tzohar)!

Medrash Rabba Shemos 31:17:

מרבה הונו בנשך ובתרבית לחונן דלים יקבצנו… ואיזה חונן דלים זה עשו וכי עשו חונן דלים הוא והלא עושק דלים הוא אלא כגון הגמונים ודוכסים ואפרכין שהן יוצאין לעיירות וגוזלין ובוזזין וכשהם חוזרין אומרים הביאו לנו עניים ונפרנסם והמשל הדיוט אומר מנאפת בתפוחים וחולקת לחולין.

(By the way, this Medrash supports the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away“.)

And what of the other side of the coin: the many, many apple multiples which fund the opposite of Kedusha, in universities, the army cesspool, and anti-Judaism camps, the street culture influencing our youth?

But having sampled the seductive sweetness of stolen apples, it is nearly impossible politically to reverse the trend. Anyone trying to end funding of which Charedim get a (symbolic!) portion would — unbelievably — be seen as an enemy of the Torah…

“How do you like them apples?”

‘Yosif Da’as Yosif Mach’ov’- Hyehudi’s Populars

  1. תיקוני תשובת המשקל לפגם הברית ועוד – חלק שני
  2. MASKING? – ‘First, Do No Harm!’
  3. ספר ‘מענה לאגרות’ נגד שו”ת אגרות משה
  4. Did You Know Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s ‘Living Torah’ Is Online?
  5. ‘Masechet Zoom’
  6. מה פגם ראה הגאון מוילנא בתנועת החסידות? הרב יצחק שלמה זילברמן זצ”ל מבאר
  7. ספר שדי תפוחים – שני חלקים: אוצר תיקוני עוונות
  8. VIDEO: Jewish Miracle Doctor Zelenko on HXC – In His Own Words
  9. מדריך: כיצד לבטל קנס קורונה בפעם הראשונה

Enjoy them all!