Julian Assange Is Being Made an Example…

Eyewitness To The Trial and Agony of Julian Assange

John Pilger has watched Julian Assange’s extradition trial from the public gallery at London’s Old Bailey. He spoke with Timothy Erik Ström of Arena magazine, Australia:

Q: Having watched Julian Assange’s trial first-hand, can you describe the prevailing atmosphere in the court?

The prevailing atmosphere has been shocking. I say that without hesitation; I have sat in many courts and seldom known such a corruption of due process; this is due revenge. Putting aside the ritual associated with ‘British justice’, at times it has been evocative of a Stalinist show trial. One difference is that in the show trials, the defendant stood in the court proper. In the Assange trial, the defendant was caged behind thick glass, and had to crawl on his knees to a slit in the glass, overseen by his guard, to make contact with his lawyers. His message, whispered barely audibly through face masks, WAS then passed by post-it the length of the court to where his barristers were arguing the case against his extradition to an American hellhole.

Consider this daily routine of Julian Assange, an Australian on trial for truth-telling journalism. He was woken at five o’clock in his cell at Belmarsh prison in the bleak southern sprawl of London. The first time I saw Julian in Belmarsh, having passed through half an hour of ‘security’ checks, including a dog’s snout in my rear, I found a painfully thin figure sitting alone wearing a yellow armband. He had lost more than 10 kilos in a matter of months; his arms had no muscle. His first words were: ‘I think I am losing my mind’.

I tried to assure him he wasn’t. His resilience and courage are formidable, but there is a limit. That was more than a year ago. In the past three weeks, in the pre-dawn, he was strip-searched, shackled, and prepared for transport to the Central Criminal Court, the Old Bailey, in a truck that his partner, Stella Moris, described as an upended coffin. It had one small window; he had to stand precariously to look out. The truck and its guards were operated by Serco, one of many politically connected companies that run much of Boris Johnson’s Britain.

The journey to the Old Bailey took at least an hour and a half. That’s a minimum of three hours being jolted through snail-like traffic every day. He was led into his narrow cage at the back of the court, then look up, blinking, trying to make out faces in the public gallery through the reflection of the glass. He saw the courtly figure of his dad, John Shipton, and me, and our fists went up. Through the glass, he reached out to touch fingers with Stella, who is a lawyer and seated in the body of the court.

We were here for the ultimate of what the philosopher Guy Debord called The Society of the Spectacle: a man fighting for his life. Yet his crime is to have performed an epic public service: revealing that which we have a right to know: the lies of our governments and the crimes they commit in our name. His creation of WikiLeaks and its failsafe protection of sources revolutionised journalism, restoring it to the vision of its idealists. Edmund Burke’s notion of free journalism as a fourth estate is now a fifth estate that shines a light on those who diminish the very meaning of democracy with their criminal secrecy. That’s why his punishment is so extreme.

The sheer bias in the courts I have sat in this year and last year, with Julian in the dock, blight any notion of British justice. When thuggish police dragged him from his asylum in the Ecuadorean embassy – look closely at the photo and you’ll see he is clutching a Gore Vidal book; Assange has a political humour similar to Vidal’s – a judge gave him an outrageous 50-week sentence in a maximum-security prison for mere bail infringement.

For months, he was denied exercise and held in solitary confinement disguised as ‘heath care’. He once told me he strode the length of his cell, back and forth, back and forth, for his own half-marathon. In the next cell, the occupant screamed through the night. At first he was denied his reading glasses, left behind in the embassy brutality. He was denied the legal documents with which to prepare his case, and access to the prison library and the use of a basic laptop. Books sent to him by a friend, the journalist Charles Glass, himself a survivor of hostage-taking in Beirut, were returned. He could not call his American lawyers. He has been constantly medicated by the prison authorities. When I asked him what they were giving him, he couldn’t say. The governor of Belmarsh has been awarded the Order of the British Empire.

At the Old Bailey, one of the expert medical witnesses, Dr Kate Humphrey, a clinical neuropsychologist at Imperial College, London, described the damage: Julian’s intellect had gone from ‘in the superior, or more likely very superior range’ to ‘significantly below’ this optimal level, to the point where he was struggling to absorb information and ‘perform in the low average range’.

This is what the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Professor Nils Melzer, calls ‘psychological torture’, the result of a gang-like ‘mobbing’ by governments and their media shills. Some of the expert medical evidence is so shocking I have no intention of repeating it here. Suffice to say that Assange is diagnosed with autism and Asperger’s syndrome and, according to Professor Michael Kopelman, one of the world’s leading neuropsychiatrists, he suffers from ‘suicidal preoccupations’ and is likely to find a way to take his life if he is extradited to America.

James Lewis QC, America’s British prosecutor, spent the best part of his cross-examination of Professor Kopelman dismissing mental illness and its dangers as ‘malingering’. I have never heard in a modern setting such a primitive view of human frailty and vulnerability.

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

American Jew: Time to See the Writing on the Wall!

Don’t Be Surprised When The Pogroms Begin

There are three ways the escalating tensions between New York’s Jews and the authorities can play out.

1) The Jews successfully get their point across through the courts, or civil disobedience, that the restrictions imposed upon them are unfair and infringe on their rights. The politicians imposing these restrictions either see the light or are humbled and give in to the Jews’ demands.

Harmony is restored. The Jews enjoy newfound respect and appreciation from their gentile hosts. It will be a long time before someone dares mess with the Jews again.

If you believe this outcome is likely, you’re smoking some heavy galus opiate. Apparently, however, many New York Jews believe it is likely.

2) The virus situation improves, people find other things to worry about, and everything settles down. The cycle of political crackdowns on Jewish neighborhoods and Jewish protests becomes nothing more than a historical footnote in the lore of American Jewry. After enough time passes, we joke about it.

3) The Jews in America, who have been far too complacent for far too long, get a very rude wake-up call. The hatred of the Jew that has become increasingly pronounced both on the street and in government becomes enflamed. Their gentile neighbors and lords decide to put them in their place.

Armed with strong pretexts, they unleash their pent-up frustrations, fury, and deep-seated hatred on the world’s favorite scapegoat. Legislation targeting the Jews becomes bolder, punishments against their communities more draconian, and a few unfortunate Jews have the book thrown at them to send a message to everyone else.

The best Jewish legal minds are rendered impotent; you cannot beat the system when the system is determined to beat you.

The Jews are confounded by the media’s antipathy when so many other underdogs receive favorable treatment and the rights of so many minorities are championed. Op-eds to their gentile neighbors, full of sound reasoning and conciliatory words, are mocked and scorned.

In spite of everything, the Jews are taken completely by surprise when the pogroms begin. The police are ordered to stand down. The story continues from there, and, let’s just say, it doesn’t end with the triumph of the few over the many and a new Jewish holiday.

If you’re an American Jew, and you think this scenario is crazy, please explain why. Otherwise, maybe it’s time to see the writing on the wall.

We have a Jewish country, a Jewish homeland. It’s your home, too, your only home. We look forward to welcoming you.


Unrelated PSA: Have Your Passwords Been Hacked? Easy Checkup

Unless you use unique, different passwords saved on an open-source, encrypted password manager (or copy them from a book by hand for each and every use of each account), chances are high you use your default browser’s option to save them in autofill. And many people use Google Chrome.

Simply go into Settings>Passwords and click on the button captioned “Check passwords – Keep your passwords safe from data breaches and other security issues“.

You’re welcome…

יש קורונה בעיר? זכור: לב שמח ייטיב גהה

בניהו בן יהוידע בבא קמא ס’ ב’:

דבר בעיר כנס רגלך. הנה מהרש”א ז”ל פירש הכונה, אם אין אתה בורח חוץ לעיר למקום אחר, אז תעשה תקנה זו להיות מוסגר בביתיך, ולא תצא מפתח הבית, והרב עיון יעקב ז”ל פירש הכונה, דהבריחה מן העיר היא טובה ונכונה קודם שנתחזק הדבר בעיר, אבל דבר בעיר שנתחזק הדבר לא תועיל הבריחה, שגם הדבר ילך עמהם למקום שהולכין, וכמ”ש מהרי”ל ז”ל סימן נו”ן, וכן כתב הרב תורת חיים ז”ל ע”ש.

ודע כל זה שכתבו המהרש”א ז”ל והרב עיון יעקב ז”ל הוא בדבר, אבל בחולי הקוליר”א אפילו אם נתחזק החולי בעיר טוב שיברח, וגם בזה לא יועיל ההסגר בביתו שבעיר, יען כי זה החולי של הקוליר”א יזיק לאדם הפחד וההבעתה ויתהווה בו החולי מחמת הפחד וההבעתה אשר יפחד ונבעת, ואומרים הרופאים מעשה בדרך משל ומליצה, פעם אחת היה חולי הקוליר”א בעיר אחת גדולה, וקודם שנתחזק החולי מצא אדם אחד את המשחית הממונה על חולי הקוליר”א, ואמר לו כמה נפשות אתה רוצה ליקח, ואמר חמשה אלפים, וסוף דבר מתו באותה העיר ט”ו אלפים באותו החולי, וימצא האיש ההוא לאותו המשחית, ויאמר לו למה שקרת, שאמרת אתה שליח על מספר חמשה אלפים, ולקחת ט”ו אלפים, והשיב לא שקרתי, כי לא לקחתי בחרבי על ידי אלא רק חמשה אלפים, ואותם העשרה מתו מחמת רוב הפחד והבעתה שהיה להם בעבור החולי הזה בעיר, עד כאן משל הוא בדרך מליצה, להודיע שיש נספה בלא משפט מחמת פחד והבעתה, ולכן טוב לברוח למקום רחוק, כדי שלא ישמע באזניו, ולא יראה בעיניו, החולי השולט בבני אדם, ויבא לידי פחד והבעתה, ואז ילקה חס ושלום, והשי”ת ברחמיו יבטל כל גזירות קשות ורעות מעלינו ומעל כל ישראל, ולא ישמע שוד ושבר בגבולינו ובגבול כל עמו ישראל, ובלע המות לנצח, ולא נוסיף לדאבה עוד. אמן כן יהי רצון.