Against the Atavistic Strains in Nassim Taleb

Since I have all but indicated one should say “שנתן מחכמתו לבשר ודם” upon seeing Nassim Taleb I should add more criticisms.

I recommend the short paper titled “The Unconstrained Vision of Nassim Taleb” by RYAN H. MURPHY. Find it all over online.

It starts slowly but it’s pretty short and it gets far more focused toward the end.

Short version: Nothing is wrong with corporations or orange juice.

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‘Mr. Libertarianism’ and Liberty’s ‘Jewish Mother’ Walter Block Gets Excommunicated…

“How dare a Jew justify Israel and the Jews?!”

The Alternative\Anti-Poop of the group, Block’s peer Dr. Hans Hoppe makes the schism quite official (not to mention personal) on LRC here…

(It’s a rewrite of Bionic Mosquito’s bites of Block throughout his blog, actually; plagiarism. And probably incited by him.)

By the way, to riff on the old minarchist joke, “What’s the difference between an Israel-hater and a Jew-hater? Answer: About 6 months.”

Open Letter:

Dear Walter Block (sorry, I don’t know your Jewish name), forget the Goyim! It was never destined to work out. Do Teshuvah (return to God and be a good Jew) and come on home to your homeland. You know about the Law of Return, the State’s only good law. Join Ohr Sameach and learn about your Jewish heritage. God misses you (can’t you tell?). Your Jewish brothers and sisters need you and want you here with us.

Quoting your own coauthored conclusion in another WSJ article:

“[Jews] may be condemned to dwell alone, but if so, they will do it as a people. In their own homeland. Finally.”

Will you come home??

P.S., The search engines still send to your eponymous, pre-Substack domain, defunct and available for sale by GoDaddy. You should deal with it.

(A link to this article was sent to Dr. Block. Hope he answers with a Yes.)