Ethos, Logos and Pathos – Popular on Hyehudi

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Enjoy, and pass it on!

Tehillim Tip (Can You Embarrass Yourself When Anonymous?)

Tip: If you say Tehillim and feel it doesn’t work, I suggest adding the pesukim before and after. By “work” I don’t mean answered, but the feeling it was “received”.


לכו נרננה לד’ נריעה לצור ישענו. נקדמה פניו בתודה בזמרות נריע לו. כי אל גדול ד’ ומלך גדול על כל אלהים.


מי יתן מציון ישועת ישראל בשוב ד’ שבות עמו יגל יעקב ישמח ישראל. ותשועת צדיקים מד’ מעוזם בעת צרה. ויעזרם ד’ ויפלטם יפלטם מרשעים ויושיעם כי חסו בו.

I used to ignore this because I don’t know the source… So, I still don’t.

Must I return my Litvak elite membership card?

(I thought I dislike posting mystical matters, but, well… Obviously not enough…)

האריז”ל לעומת מנהגי חסידים שונים בימינו

מתוך הנהגות האריז”ל (משער המצוות):

נגד גילוח שערות האשה:

הנה כל שערות הראש הם כוחות הדין, ולכן ראוי להעבירם מעל הראש. אומנם כיון שדינים הם צורך גבוה, והם מכלל קיום העולם, והעולם צריך להם. לכן אין ראוי להעביר כולם, ולכן משיירים את פאה הראש. אחיזת חיות שורש הדינים, הוא בנקבה. ואם נעביר הדינים גם מראש הנקבה יתבטלו לגמרי, ולכן האשה אינה מגלחת ראשה, ואדרבה מגדלת שער ראשה כנודע להשאיר שורש אל הדינים. (ראה גם בסוף הקונטרס כאן.)

בענין אורך פאות הראש:

בענין שיעור הפאה, היה נזהר מאד מורי האריז”ל, לשייר כל השערות אשר בצדעים, שהוא כל השערות שיש בין האוזן לאותו המקום החלק שאין בו שער, מכאן ומכאן בשני צדדי הראש. וגובה הפאות שיעורם עד מקום שיגביה ראש האוזן למעלה, ועד המקום שיגיע שם ראש האוזן נקרא פאה בבחינת הגובה. ואף אם היו שערות הפאות גדולים מאוד וארוכים, לא היה חותכם במספרים, רק עד יגדלו ויתארכו וידלדלו וירדו ויכנסו למטה בגבול שערות הזקן, ואז היה חותכם ומקצרם במספרים, לפי שמה שמשתלשל משם ולמטה אינו נקרא פאת הראש.

קיצור השפם במספרים:

האריז”ל היה נזהר מאוד, שלא לחתוך שער הזקן כלל, לא בתער ולא במספרים, לא למעלה ולא למטה ולא בשום מקום מן הזקן, ואפילו למטה תחת הזקן, באותם שערות קטנים החופפים על הגרון ממש. אבל שער שבשפה העליונה, המעכב את האכילה היה קוצצו במספרים.

Don’t Worry About Bill Gates!

The Messianic World Reformer Behind WHO’s Agenda. (It Isn’t Bill Gates.)

Gary North – April 24, 2020

I have a Ph.D. in history. I am a revisionist (“conspiracy”) historian. I have been ever since 1958.

I have written fat books on historical events and historical causation. I have even written a book on the conspiracy view of history. You can download it here.

As a revisionist historian, I am on the fringe of the fringe of a fringe. In 1958, I became a revisionist historian because of the assistance of a lady who was part of a network of mostly female anti-Communist researchers in southern California. She had a lot of files and conservative books. She introduced me to The Freeman. She also introduced me to the revisionist literature of the Pearl Harbor attack. I learned how to connect the dots at age 16.

I have continued to connect the dots in ways not considered historiographically acceptable.

What I am about to tell you is “the story behind the story,” as Marvin “Robbie the Robot” Miller used to tell us on his daily radio shows in the early 1950’s.

The secret is knowing which questions to ask, and then using the Web to connect the major dots. That will get you started.

Most people ask no questions. They don’t care. Most of the others ask the wrong questions. Then they are lured down rabbit trails by their questions.


The historical questions are these, and in this sequence: what, where, when, who, why, and how? Each successive question is more difficult to answer.

What? The World Health Organization is part of the United Nations.

Where? Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. But geography is irrelevant. It is an international organization. It is under the jurisdiction of UNESCO: the United Nations Educational and Social Organization. That is located in the United Nations Building in New York City. Why New York City? Because John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donated the land. It cost him $8.5 million for 18 acres. The city spent another $5 million. The Rockefellers owned the apartment complex across the street. The value of that property soared.

When? It has been around a long time. The Wikipedia entry explains just how long it has been around.

The International Sanitary Conferences, originally held on 23 June 1851, were the first predecessors of the WHO. A series of 14 conferences that lasted from 1851 to 1938, the International Sanitary Conferences worked to combat many diseases, chief among them cholera, yellow fever, and the bubonic plague. The conferences were largely ineffective until the seventh, in 1892; when an International Sanitary Convention that dealt with cholera was passed.Five years later, a convention for the plague was signed. In part as a result of the successes of the Conferences, the Pan-American Sanitary Bureau (1902), and the Office International d’Hygiène Publique (1907) were soon founded. When the League of Nations was formed in 1920, they established the Health Organization of the League of Nations. After World War II, the United Nations absorbed all the other health organizations, to form the WHO.

We also read this in the entry’s introduction:

The WHO was established in 7 April 1948, which is commemorated as World Health Day. The first meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the agency’s governing body, took place on 24 July 1948. The WHO incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations’ Health Organisation and the Office International d’Hygiène Publique, including the International Classification of Diseases. Its work began in earnest in 1951 following a significant infusion of financial and technical resources.

From the beginning, the organization was committed to the eradication of disease by means of vaccines.

1947: The WHO established an epidemiological information service via telex, and by 1950 a mass tuberculosis inoculation drive using the BCG vaccine was under way.

Who? This is where it gets interesting. We read in the section on “Establishment“:

The first meeting of the World Health Assembly finished on 24 July 1948, having secured a budget of US$5 million (then GB£1,250,000) for the 1949 year. Andrija Stampar was the Assembly’s first president, and G. Brock Chisholm was appointed Director-General of WHO, having served as Executive Secretary during the planning stages.

G. Brock Chisolm was a high-level administrator in the post-World War II New World Order. He was a Canadian. I first wrote about him in 1959 in a high school term paper. He was one of the big promoters of the mental health movement. In 1957, he became the president of the World Federation for Mental Health. This was why I knew who he was when I wrote my term paper. Wikipedia summarizes:

The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) is an international, multi-professional non-governmental organization (NGO), including citizen volunteers and former patients. It was founded in 1948 in the same era as the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO). . . .The WFMH founding document, “Mental Health and World Citizenship”, understood “world citizenship” in terms of a “common humanity” respecting individual and cultural differences, and declared that “the ultimate goal of mental health is to help [people] live with their fellows in one world.Members include mental health service providers and service users. In 2009, the World Fellowship for Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders, an international network of families of people with serious mental illness, merged with the World Federation. The World Federation has close ties with the World Health Organization. For many years after its founding, the WFMH was the only NGO of its kind with a close working relationship with UN agencies, particularly the WHO.

In my 1959 paper (which I saved), I quoted Dr. Chisholm. He wrote “The Psychiatry of an Enduring Peace” in Psychiatry (Feb. 1946).

The responsibility of charting the necessary changes in human behavior rests clearly on the sciences working in that field. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, economists, and politicians must face this responsibility. It cannot be avoided (p. 5).We have been very slow to rediscover this truth and to recognize the unnecessary and artificially imposed inferiority, guilt, and fear, commonly known as sin, under which we have almost all labor and which produces so much of the social maladjustment and unhappiness in the world (p. 7).

There is something to be said for taking charge of our own destiny, for gently putting aside the mistaken old ways of our elders if that is possible. If it cannot be done quietly, it may have to be done roughly or even violently — that has happened before (p. 18)

Five months after the article was published, he was appointed as the head of the predecessor of the WHO, the WHO Interim Commission. Officially, it was part of UNESCO, which at the time was run by the scientific world’s most famous defender of eugenics, Sir Julian Huxley.

The Canadian Encyclopedia offers this insight:

In the negotiations leading up to the WHO’s formation, Chisholm stressed that the organization must be truly global in its scope. He insisted that it serve the “world citizen” and see past divisions imposed by national borders and histories.

In 2009, the University of British Columbia Press published a book on Chisholm: Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War. In a review of this book published on the website of the academic Humanities and Social Science Online, we read this:

As deputy minister [of Canada’s newly created Department of Public Health and Welfare], Chisholm was not a retiring bureaucrat; rather, he repeatedly drew unwanted attention to his department for ill-considered and sometimes outrageous public comments. He treated his office as a pulpit from which to preach Freudian-inspired ideas about proper parenting and the perversions of religion and popular morality. Much of what he had to say concerned what he saw to be the root causes of war. War, he argued, was a manifestation of collective neurosis: the consequence of poor parenting and social institutions that delivered humanity into a state of perpetual immaturity. He condemned the central institutions of society — family, school, and church — for propagating the dogmas that lay at the base of this collective neurosis. Perhaps most famously, Chisholm lashed out against Santa Claus. In an address to an Ottawa audience, he declared that parents crippled their children by consistently lying to them: “Any man who tells his son that the sun goes to bed at night is contributing directly to the next war…. Any child who believes in Santa Claus has had his ability to think permanently destroyed” (p. 43).

The WHO has a page reviewing the book. We read this:

A postscript could perhaps have mentioned that those early visionary ideas have turned out to be not that illusory after all. Chisholm’s hope of universal health services now guides WHO’s Global Strategy for Health for All; his advocacy of a peacekeeping force is now reality, albeit weak, through the UN Blue Berets; his ideas on world federalism are partly translated in the European Union; his anti-nuclear stand has seen the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs receive the Nobel Peace Prize; and his poverty–disease link is key to UN Millennium Development Goals.

It is a highly laudatory review, as we would expect.

In 1959, he was named the man of the year by the American Humanist Association.

What is also significant is the fact that he had no background in epidemiology. He was a psychiatrist. He had been a political appointment in Canada, and he was a political appointment with the WHO. He was the director-general of the WHO in 1946, before it was established as a separate organization. The WHO website says this:

The Canadian Government created the position of Deputy Minister of Health in 1944, and Chisholm was first the person to occupy the post until being elected as Executive Secretary of the WHO Interim Commission in July 1946.

Succeeding the League of Nations’ Health Organization, the World Health Organization was established in April of 1948, with Chisholm as its Director-General.

It was Chisholm who proposed the name “World Health Organization”, with the intent of emphasizing that the Organization would be truly global, serving all nations. Chisholm’s vision of WHO was a determining factor in the election for the post of Director-General. Parts of WHO’s constitution, including the definition of health as “…a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, were first heard in Chisholm’s speech to the final meeting of WHO’s technical planning committee.

The WHO constitution also declares health to be a fundamental right of every human being, and recognizes that “the heath of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security.” Chisholm believed that the well-being of humanity is dependent on the world’s emotional health.

The significant question is this: how did he get the two appointments? That is the question that revisionist historians ask whenever government economic intervention is involved. It is the question that Murray Rothbard asked again and again in his histories of American intervention. It is the question that is almost never raised by conventional historians.

Continue reading…

From Gary North, here.