Still Not the Labor Theory of Value, But…

There’s a story (true or false, I don’t know) about the famous artist, Pablo Picasso.

It seems a woman came up to him and asked him to sketch something on a piece of paper. He sketched it, and gave it back to her saying: “That will cost you $10,000”.

She was astounded. “You took just five minutes to do the sketch,” she said. Isn’t $10,000 a lot for five minutes’ work?

“The sketch may have taken me five minutes, but the learning took me 30 years,” Picasso retorted.

From here.

The Enemy: Neoconservatism

28. What is Neoconservatism?

Lew Rockwell on the origin of Neoconservatism

More from Lew Rockwell:

He wrote Speaking of Liberty.

He has an archive of articles.

Also mentioned:

The Betrayal of the American Right by Murray N. Rothbard

“We’ve Been Neo-Conned” by Ron Paul

28. What is Neoconservatism? [ 10:54 ] Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download
From LRC, here.

AUDIO: The Economics of American Prohibition Laws

78. 75 Years Ago Prohibition Was Repealed

Lew Rockwell interviews Dr. Mark Thornton

More from Mark Thornton:

He wrote The Economics of Prohibition.

He has an archive of articles.

He has an archive of articles.

He was previously interviewed in episodes:

From LRC, here.

A Possible Heter for Reading Newspapers on Shabbos

Once upon a time, newspapers were solely for wealthy merchants making financial speculations based on current events — ממצא חפצך, see beginning of siman 306.

Perhaps reading newspapers on Shabbos, as did the Netziv, etc., is therefore permitted in our own time, per the Rema in siman 307:18.

This needs further thought.