NOT Satire: Kamala Harris Humbled…

Kamala Harris Humbled To Have Been Chosen Exclusively For Her Race, Gender

U.S. — In a tearful “thank-you” to Joe Biden this week, Kamala Harris expressed how deeply humbled she was to have been chosen for VP based solely on her race and her gender. According to sources in the Democrat Party, Harris has both the required number of chromosomes in her cells and also the right amount of melanin in the epidermis that protects her internal organs.

“My woman-ness and my black-ness are by far my two best qualities,” said Harris. “As it turns out, I’ve been qualified to run for VP since birth!”

According to experts, no one has ever exhibited such a precisely perfect combination of genetic factors before. Scientists hope this may usher in a more progressive era where every leader is chosen based on immutable physical characteristics rather than outdated concepts such as character and competence.

Kamala Harris has a reputation for indiscriminately rounding up people and throwing them in jail for some reason. America’s minority population have reported looking forward to seeing what it might be like to be prosecuted and imprisoned by a woman of color.

From The Babylon Bee, here.

Dear Diaspora Jew: ‘Who Is Wise? One Who Sees What Is Coming’

Prepping in the Torah

Preparing for disasters, or prepping, used to be a niche that tended to attract people on the fringes of society. Preppers devote themselves to preparing for ordinary interruptions to life as we know it, such as natural disasters and power outages, and “end of the world” scenarios, such as nuclear war and the collapse of civilization. For some it is a responsible hobby, for others it is a lifestyle, even an obsession.

In the past, preppers were ridiculed for such things as hoarding supplies, building bunkers, and learning how to survive in the wilderness – but no more. The events of recent months have brought credibility to preppers, who could laugh with dismay while their relatives and neighbors frantically shopped for toilet paper. Things have settled down for the moment, but the entire world is on edge. Those who know how to best prepare for pandemics, food shortages, civil unrest, economic collapse, world war, and other nightmare scenarios are suddenly the smart person in the room. Those who mock the idea of preparing and planning have become the crazy ones.

Let’s see what the Torah has to say about prepping.

1) The first example of prepping in the Torah is the famine when Yosef ruled Egypt. (I do not count Noach preparing for a year in the ark, because he was informed of the impending disaster and instructed precisely on how to prepare for it.) Yaakov instructed his sons to go to Egypt and stock up on food, lest they perish.

This instruction was preceded with a rhetorical question: “Why should you be seen?” (Bereishis 42:1). This is explained by commentators in several ways, all of which relate to prepping. Here are the two most relevant:

  • Why are you looking at each other, as if waiting for your fellow to do something? There’s a famine! Are you waiting for the food to run out? Go to Egypt and stock up!

  • Why should other people look at you with astonishment? Everyone is concerned about the famine, and you are just sitting around. Why should they be jealous of you that you have lots of food and they don’t? Go to Egypt and buy some like everyone else.

According to the first explanation, there was a real need for the brothers to buy food. Their supplies were insufficient for a long famine, and Yaakov urged them to stock up before it became a problem. This fits with the prepper mentality of stocking up for the long haul, not just for the immediate future.

According to the second explanation, they actually had plenty of food. Nevertheless, Yaakov urged them to behave as expected of people in a time of crisis, lest they attract the wrong kind of attention. This fits with the concept among preppers of blending in with one’s surroundings to remain unnoticed and avoid advertising that they have the food and supplies everyone else desperately wants.

2) During the forty years in the desert, the Jews were forbidden from collecting more man than their daily needs, and would be left with nothing extra even if they tried. Jews who attempted to “prep” angered Hashem and failed anyway! This was intended to drive home the lesson that our sustenance comes only from God, and we must rely on Heavenly salvation from one day to the next.

A jar of man was saved and kept on display in later generations to admonish Jews who devoted too much time to working instead of studying Torah. Just as God provided for their ancestors with open miracles, He would provide for them in more natural times, without need for prepping.

These two sources seem to contradict one another. The first source indicates that even those with a healthy supply of food should prepare for the long haul, even if for nothing more than camouflage. The second source seems to repudiate prepping altogether!

3) In Mishlei 6:6-11 we are taught to study the ant and learn wisdom. Chazal teach us that the ant lives for only six months, and consumes only a grain and a half of wheat. Nevertheless, the ant spends the summer gathering large quantities of food to store for many years, just in case God decides to grant it extra life. The ant is the ultimate prepper! The ant’s industriousness is contrasted with the lazy person, who folds his hands and refrains from working, then has nothing to eat. The contrast between those who prepare with those who sit idle is emphasized repeatedly in Mishlei.

4) This brings us to Tzidkiyahu, the last king before the destruction of the first Beit Hamikdash, and the closest example in Tanach to a modern prepper. Israel’s kingdom had been in decline for generations. Most of the population had already been exiled, and the remnant in Israel was subservient to Bavel. Tzidkiyahu was a vassal with little political power, even over his own people. His brothers, who preceded him on the throne, had been exiled or executed by Nevuchadnezzar for rebelling against his authority.

Tzidkiyahu knew he had a short leash and that an “end of the world” scenario for him and Israel was anything but far-fetched. Like any serious prepper, he prepared an escape plan in the event Jerusalem was invaded: a tunnel from Jerusalem all the way to the plains of Jericho, approximately 25 kilometers away!

When the city fell, he fled in his secret tunnel and should have successfully escaped. Unfortunately, God had other plans. A deer ran along the roof of the tunnel, and enemy soldiers chased it all the way to the exit point. When Tzidkiyahu emerged from the tunnel, he was immediately captured, to fulfill the words of the prophet Yechezkel.

Ultimately, all his prepping was for naught.

How can these sources in Tanach be reconciled to provide the Torah’s perspective on prepping?

The first source demonstrates that responsible preparations for a clear and present danger must be taken. If there is a famine in the land, and food is available in a nearby country, one should stock up and not wait until he runs out of food.

The third source indicates that one should prepare even for scenarios that seem entirely far-fetched, like the ants gathering much more food than they can ever expect to eat. However, this is balanced by the second source, in which we are taught not to work more than necessary at the expense of Torah study. Consequently, the lesson we should learn from ants is that hard work is virtuous, nothing more. After all, ants don’t need to devote time to Torah study, and therefore have nothing better to do with their extra time than endlessly prep.

Indeed, the fourth source demonstrates that prepping without divine assistance is futile. If Hashem is with us, a reasonable amount of prepping will be sufficient, and if, God forbid, Hashem is not with us, no amount of prepping will save us. Naturally, the proper balance between prepping and faith will vary based on the situation, and we can only present general philosophical guidelines.

An interesting source from Chazal is Menachos 103B. We are taught that there are three levels of accursed people who live with fear: one who purchases an annual supply of food every year, one who purchases grain on a weekly basis, and one who relies on the local baker to supply his daily needs. Even one with enough food to last a year stares death in the face, for he might not have money at the end of the year to make his next purchase. One who relies on the local baker will go hungry the very day the baker has no bread. Only a landowner, who does not need to rely on others to supply his food, can live with a measure of confidence.

At the same time, Chazal teach us (Sotah 48B) that one who has enough bread for today and worries about what he will eat tomorrow is short on faith!

Once again, these sources balance one another. God expects us to take reasonable measures to prepare our needs, preferably in a way that we are not dependent on others for our sustenance from one day to the next. Ultimately, though, we are supposed to rely only on God, not on our own efforts and ingenuity. We must trust that if we find ourselves in extenuating circumstances, and preparing for the long-term is impossible, God will see us through the difficult times.

Chazal also teach (Kiddushin 29A) that a father is obligated to teach his son an occupation and to swim. The main form of travel in those days was by sea, and the ability to swim was like wearing a seat belt in a car: a relatively simple life-saving device for a common danger. Chazal did not expect everyone to learn how to survive extreme scenarios; the cost of such prepping does not justify the benefit. Some individuals in every community must possess the skills to deal with extreme scenarios, but the average person should content himself with reasonable preparations.

What emerges from all these sources (which are a small sample but a good representation) is that extreme prepping – in which one devotes his life to preparing elaborately for any conceivable situation – is a poor investment of time and resources. When one’s life is devoted to prepping to survive anything merely for the sake of survival, then the life itself has little value.

We can store all the food in the world, all the weapons to protect it, all the hideouts if we need to flee, all the medicine and gas masks and tools and seeds and books to survive the destruction of civilization and rebuild it from scratch. No amount of prepping is enough to cover all the bases, and one slip or stroke of bad luck is enough to thwart the best prepping. Man plans and God laughs!

There are those who devote their lives to another sort of prepping: amassing enough money not only for the rest of their lives, but to support all their descendants until the end of time. This is the life of an ant, not the life of a Jew.

The Torah teaches that our life is really one big prepping exercise for life in the next world. What spiritual prepping are we doing? What Torah, mitzvos, and good deeds have we stored away for the long journey we will all have to take? Do we have enough?

This is one area in which panic buying is a healthy response, and no amount of prepping can be considered extreme.

One final thought: a wise prepper decides in advance at what point in the deterioration of his society he will get out of Dodge, abandon everything if necessary, and prioritize life over material considerations. Diaspora Jews historically are poor at this. They assure everyone that when things get “really bad” they will know it and leave, yet they fail at both.

If you asked Diaspora Jews ten years ago if they would leave if their society looked like it does today, they would laugh, claim that would never happen, and that they would leave if it did. Yet here we are…and there they still are, claiming that things aren’t so bad.

Our Sages teach (Tamid 32A): “Who is wise? One who sees what is coming.” A Jew in exile must know that his home is not permanent and be prepared to leave it. Considering the current climate, and how rapidly things are deteriorating, failing to prepare an escape from exile is reckless to the point of insanity.


Go Up Like a Wall is available on Amazon and by request at

You’re Still Exempt. Just Say ‘I Am Unable to Wear a Face Mask Safely.’

Excerpts from Allan Stevo’s LRC article:

Many millions cannot safely wear a face mask. With the one-size-fits-all face mask approaches, this presents a problem.

Those who can’t safely wear a face mask are pressured into wearing one, to their own detriment, or they are alternately, discouraged from using vital services due to the heavy-handed enforcement measures that place personal safety secondary at best.

The reasons for not being able to safely wear a face mask are many: from obvious issues such as chronic lung ailments and terminal heart conditions, to less obvious issues like panic attacks, dyspnea (shortness of breath), angina (chest pains), cephalalgia (headaches), migraines, internal physical deformations from injuries, or genetic abnormalities.

Since my previous writing on the topic, in addition to my own experience, I have received many correspondences from people crossing face mask compliance checkpoints and sharing what works and doesn’t work for them. There are some behaviors that work repeatedly across the board and there are some behaviors that don’t work. Using some of these principles, I have yet to wear a face mask even one time.

One sentence is supremely helpful. You almost never need anything else, even in the most locked down environments: “I am unable to wear a face mask safely.”

What All People Manning A Checkpoint Have In Common… 

What they all have in common is their humanity. If you keep things nice and calm and you behave in a friendly way, virtually all people are going to respond favorably to you. If you keep the issue of your exemption nice and focussed, by saying “I am unable to wear a face mask safely,” almost all people will make exception for you. They won’t ask questions. They won’t give you a hard time. They won’t ask much else.

There’s a little bit of humanity left in many face mask policies. The humanity is in the exemptions around someone making the statement “I am unable to wear a face mask safely.”

Some working a checkpoint might say “So what?” or the equivalent, especially if you look healthy.

Stick with it and add a small clause, if you want: “I am exempt from your face mask policy, because I am unable to wear a face mask safely.” If they push further, you should feel comfortable saying “I am not comfortable talking about this private matter with others. I am unable to wear a face mask safely.”

If that doesn’t work, simply say “May I speak to someone else?”

I strongly recommend no other conversation at a compliance checkpoint. Almost all other conversations are losing conversations. If you are yelling, you are probably doing it wrong. If a bystander is recording you in hopes that your outburst will go viral, you are probably doing it wrong.

Some compliance checkers might want to debate your condition. Some compliance checkers might want to see your doctor’s note: the answer to that could be “Yes, of course I have a doctor’s note.” 75% of those who ask will stop there. If they press to see your doctor’s note, you can say you don’t want to show the note because it mentions a personal condition of yours that you wish not to share with strangers.

Very seldom (perhaps 1 in 10,000) will the conversation go there if you treat the other person as kindly as possible and stick with “I am unable to wear a face mask safely.”

The main problem that causes people to unsuccessfully cross face mask compliance checkpoints is that they have not decided on a clear outcome that they are working toward.

If you want to yell at someone at the top of your lungs in a public place about John Locke, and to be the ridiculed subject of a Young Turks video that makes the rounds on Twitter, with clips that perhaps the local Fox affiliate also picks up, then these suggestions probably aren’t for you. There’s a lot of stress in the world right now. Vast portions of the globe are effectively living in a state of communism, without it being called such. I completely understand the need to blow off steam.

If you have a standard of well-being for yourself that specifically excludes the use of a face mask, and insists for yourself that you be allowed to go through your daily life without a face mask, then you are the audience for this piece. “I am unable to wear a face mask safely,” is the easiest and most effective tool you can have at your disposal.

Many honorable people have made an unsuccessful ruckus at a checkpoint, but it seems that some of them really just wanted to go through the day without wearing a mask. That is sad. This article is for them.

The act of making a ruckus and the act of successfully crossing a checkpoint unmasked are not always mutually exclusive, but are almost always mutually exclusive.

Seeing if you fit into one of the checkboxes, on a flowchart, that a corporate functionary needs to check off, will make it easier for you to pass. You make it easier for them to show you compassion. You may be one of the many millions who can simply say “I am unable to wear a face mask safely,” and will be left alone to cross the compliance checkpoint unmasked.

This lets you pass, and it lets them keep their job. It may not be perfect, but it provides for the primary want of each party to the interaction.

Less than 80 years ago, the United States government put Japanese Americans convicted of no crime into prison en masse. Today, mainstream politicians and media in the United States are advocating for a political system that killed more than 100 million civilians over the last century. Since Roe v. Wade, a number of babies equivalent to more than half of the current black population have been aborted by the eugenicists who run and fund abortion clinics. A black baby in New York City is more likely to be aborted than to make it out of the womb alive. The United States has almost constantly been at war since its founding. All this barely begins to tell the story.

The United States government is awful. So many with their hands on the levers of power are awful. There is no moral backstop within the government. It doesn’t come to an end with them. No one in DC is the deus ex machina.

You are deceiving yourself if you don’t think this can get so much worse.

If you are one of the many millions affected by a mask, rather than wearing a harmful mask, now is the time to take a stand.

See the rest here (Note: bad language)…

N.B. In Israel, a doctor’s note will exempt you from a police fine for not wearing a mask. Also, see this.

ESSAY: How the International Ruling Class Used Corona Bogeyman to Stifle Resistance

Essay 07.17.2020

And how to unlock ourselves.

Panicked by fears manufactured by the ruling class, the American people assented to being put essentially under house arrest until further notice, effectively suspending the habits, preferences, and liberties that had defined our way of life. Most Americans have suffered economic damage. Many who do not enjoy protected status have had careers ended and been reduced to penury. Social strains and suicides multiplied. Forcibly deferring all manner of medical care is sure to impose needless suffering and death. In sum, the lockdowns’ medical and economic dysfunctions make for multiples of the deaths and miseries of the COVID-19 virus itself.

Bad judgments and usurpations—the scam, not the germs—define this disaster’s dimensions. The COVID-19’s devastating effect on the U.S. body politic is analogous to what diseases do to persons whom age (senectus ipsa est morbus) and various debilities and corruptions had already placed on death’s slippery slope.

Outside of the few who have gained (and are still gaining) power and wealth from the panic, Americans are asking what it will take to end this outrage—not to modify it with any “new normal” decided by who knows whom, on who knows what authority. Since no one in authority is leading those who want to end it, Americans also wonder who may lead that cause. What follows suggests answers.

What history will record as the great COVID scam of 2020 is based on 1) a set of untruths and baseless assertions—often outright lies—about the novel coronavirus and its effects; 2) the production and maintenance of physical fear through a near-monopoly of communications to forestall challenges to the U.S.. ruling class, led by the Democratic Party, 3) defaulted opposition on the part of most Republicans, thus confirming their status as the ruling class’s junior partner. No default has been greater than that of America’s Christian churches—supposedly society’s guardians of truth.


Since obfuscation, pretense, and lies concerning the COVID-19 are the effective agents of the panic and of the seizure of arbitrary power, truth and clarity about it are the foundational requirements for escaping its effects. Here is a dose.

From early March 2020 on, the best-known authorities on epidemics—the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control—presented the COVID-19 respiratory disease to the Western world as a danger equivalent to the plague. But China’s experience, which its government obfuscated, had already shown that the COVID-19 virus is much less like the plague and more like the flu. All that has happened since followed from falsifying this basic truth.

Our “best and brightest,” at first having minimized fears of person-to person contagion during January and February, during which the disease spread from China to the West, then declared that the virus is unusually contagious, and posited—on zero factual basis—that it would kill up to one in twenty persons it infected—5% infection/fatality rate (IFR). Based on that imagined fatality rate, they adopted mathematical models from Britain and the University of Washington that predicted that up to two million Americans would die of it.

The U.S. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) modeled the authoritative predictions on which the U.S. lockdowns were based. Its model also predicted COVID deaths for un-locked-down Sweden. On May 3 it wrote that, as of May 14, Sweden would suffer up to 2800 daily deaths. The actual number was below 40. Whether magnifying this falsehood was reckless or willful, it amounted to shouting “fire!” in a crowded theater. What justifies listening to, and paying, people who do that kind of science?

Establishing any infectious disease’s true lethality is characteristically straightforward: test a large sample of the population proportionately representative of location, age, sex, race, socioeconomic categories. Follow up with the subjects a month later to add up the rate of infections and learn the results thereof. Period. Today, we still lack this definitive, direct knowledge of COVID’s true lethality because bureaucrats have prevented widespread testing for the purpose of firmly establishing the one figure that matters most. That is because that figure’s absence allows them to continue fearmongering.

In May the Centers for Disease Control, by then discredited professionally (though not, alas, in the mass media), was forced to conclude that the lethality rate, far from being circa 5% was 0.26%. Double a typical flu. The CDC was able to keep the estimate that high only by factoring in an unrealistically low figure for asymptomatic infections—never mind inflated figures for deaths. But the U.S. government, instead of amending its recommendations in the face of reality, tried to hide reality by playing a shell game with the definition and number of COVID “cases.”

During March and April, the authorities had defined as “cases” people sick enough to be hospitalized, who also tested positive. Whoever divided the number of reported deaths (a number inflated by a CDC directive to count deaths due to other causes as being due to COVID) by the number of cases thus defined, was predictably scared and willing to heed “the best advice”—namely societal lockdowns—on how to stay safe. That turned out to be ruinous in and of itself. At the time, they defined the number of these “cases” as the “curve” which we were supposed to sacrifice so much to “flatten,” lest the wave of hospitalizations overwhelm our health care system. Because their premises were wrong, that wave never came.

Instead, in May, as various non-official surveys were published showing that the majority of those who tested positive for COVID either barely knew that they had been infected or had not known at all, these very authorities doubled down their dishonesty. They began labeling mere infections as “cases.” They divorced reporting of these “cases” from reporting of the number of deaths, and warned the inattentive public about “spiking COVID cases” as if infection carried a serious risk. They also promoted widespread testing of wholly asymptomatic persons for current and past infections, the results of which tests were sure to produce a surging number of new “cases” thus defined.

And they toyed with reporting deaths by attributing to COVID any that “involved” or looked as if they might have involved it. They then included pneumonia, influenza, and COVID into the category PIC. That is how the death figure came to exceed 100,000. But if the CDC had used the same criterion that it did with the SARS virus, namely “severe acute respiratory distress syndrome,” the figure by the end of June would have been some 16,000.

Such naked ploys could succeed only because the media colluded in them. The New York Times’ May 27 lead story ominously blared: “California is the fourth state with more than 100,000 known cases.” Meanwhile, the number of deaths attributed to COVID continued dropping from ever-lower bases. By the July 1, even using the CDC’s inflated figures for COVID-responsible deaths, COVID-19’s Infection Fatality Rate for people under 70 was 0.04%. But rather than ask how clarion calls of danger comport with decreasing reports of deaths that may somehow be associated with it, the ruling class agitated to reverse returning to normal life. Be afraid, be very afraid. Heads the House wins, tails you lose.

Irrefutable if indirect indication that COVID is no plague also comes from comparison between the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 during any given period with the number of deaths due to all causes for the same period—despite official inflation in the number of deaths attributed to the virus.

The Imperial College, London’s tally for Great Britain, broken down by age of death, shows that the chances of dying from COVID-19 infection roughly track the chances of death from all causes at any given age, except for the very young. For men, the chances of death co-incident with the virus don’t exceed 1%, or the average death rate, until age 70. For women, they don’t exceed the average death rate until close to age 90. In Spain, the death rate for infected persons over 90 years old was 10%.

The measure of “excess deaths” tells a similar story. During the six-week peak of the COVID event in 2020, deaths in the U.S. exceeded deaths during the same period in the previous year by 82,000. Considering that, concurrently, the 2020 flu season was one of the worst on record (typically the flu is responsible for some 50,000 deaths during the season) and given the CDC-mandated conflation of COVID numbers with others, the COVID-19 pandemic in and of itself did not amount to much—except in New York City, for reasons only partly known. By the week of June 20, 2020 the CDC was reporting ZERO excess deaths—meaning that the figure for weekly deaths was within the long-term normal curve for that time of the year.

Not incidentally, in 1957 some 116,000 Americans (out of a population two thirds of today’s size) died of the flu. Ten years later, the toll was 100,000 and in 2019 it was 61,000. By June 2020 the (inflated) toll from COVID-19 stood at 100,000.

In short, COVID-19 is not America’s plague. It did not shake America. The ruling class shook it. They have not done it ignorantly or by mistake. They have done it to extort the general public’s compliance with their agendas. Their claim to speak on behalf of “science” is an attempt to avoid being held accountable for the enormous harm they are doing. They continue doing it because they want to hang on to the power the panic has brought them.

BTW: Whenever you hear someone claiming to speak on science’s behalf, referring to authorities rather than to facts and logic, you may be sure that person is a fraud.

Continue reading…

From The American Mind, here.