Are ALL Anti-Israeli Activists Hypocrites & Crypto-Antisemites?!

To my recollection, most mainstream Jewish editorials assume so.

An example: Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein wondering why anti-annexationists when it comes to Israel ignore Hong Kong sovereignty’s Chinese encroachment.

He starts off with a bang:

Annexation is about to wreak havoc with the lives of millions of people. It will deprive them of personal liberties, and subject them to arbitrary prosecution at the whim of a powerful oppressor. It will end rightful dreams of autonomy and self-determination. World pressure could make a difference, but it is not happening. Boycotts of the perpetrators should be widespread.

Have I gone mad? Sorry. I should have been more clear. I am not, G-d forbid, speaking about Israel’s possible moves in the next days or weeks to extend Israeli civil law to 30% of Yehuda and Shomron. We’re seeing lots of global rage about that! We don’t have to get into whether that annexation is welcome or not. Arguably, it is tepid in scope and in depth relative to the ongoing annexation of Hong Kong by China.

Given the guarantees that China gave to the former British colony which are now being unilaterally broken, it is nothing less than an annexation. It will bring far greater hardship and sorrow than the one in the Middle East, to a population three times the size of the West Bank. We’re not talking checkpoints and denied access to olive trees here. We are talking about the overnight end to effective civil liberties for everyone in Hong Kong, and the real prospect of prosecution and incarceration by a government that has shown itself willing and able to keep hundreds of millions under its thumb.

So, why no outcry?

Rabbi Adlerstein offers two reasons:

  1. “[T]he morality of these churches and of the university campus ends when it butts heads with providers of cheap tchotchkes. Hard to beat that for hypocrisy.
  2. The Chinese aren’t Jewish. Israelis are. It is as simple as that. The double-standard is not always – not even usually! – conscious. But it is there. Jews have always been treated more harshly and severely, and that is not going to change until the arrival of mashiach.

I see things otherwise from most all Jewish editorials.

As I wrote once before, we ought to be held to a higher standard than non-Jews. We are capable of more and are therefore to be held culpable for slighter infractions (not that this has discernible salutary effects on us!).

Also, what is antisemitism exactly? Can’t be pinned down. That’s why academics move from “classical” Jew-hatred to New antisemitism to the 3D test of antisemitism to the Working Definition of Antisemitism to…  Antisemitism is a (limited) counterfactual taught by Chazal. You know Goyim hate Jews. I know Goyim hate Jews. Even Goyim know Goyim hate Jews. But one can almost never manage to point to a specific person or action and apply the antisemitism label.

And can’t people specialize in criticizing one country or state? Israel is not always guiltless.

See the rest of Rabbi Adlerstein’s piece here…

When We Rebuild the Temple, That’s When You REALLY Better Come Home!

Excerpt from a master shiur on Aliyah by Rabbi Zev Leff:

We must refrain from feeling settled and fulfilled as long as we are outside the Land. This attitude need not lead to melancholy but should instead actually enhance one’s spiritual life. It affords direction in aspiring towards the proper values and lifestyle. Interestingly, it may also provide physical protection for the community in which one resides now, as illustrated by the following account from the Shearis Yisroel, in the name of Rav Yehoshua Falk, the author of the SMA.

The city of Worms was devastated twice during the Crusades. Why did a city blessed with pious Torah scholars merit such a fate? When Ezra hasofer returned to Eretz Yisroel to begin his work on the second Beis HaMikdash, he sent letters to all the major kehillos of the time inviting them to return with him. The kehilla of Worms, which had been established since the destruction of the first Temple, responded: “Peace unto you, Ezra hasofer! May you be successful in establishing the grand Beis HaMikdash in the grand Yerushalayim. We, however, will remain here in our `small Yerushalayim’ and with our mikdash meat, our small Temple.” This attitude, tragically common even in our own day, spiritually blemished the city to such an extent that it was especially vulnerable to the attacks of the Crusaders many years later.

And if in fact your personal circumstances do not exempt you from fulfilling this magnificent mitzva, then do not delay. If you keep in mind the benefits which will accrue to you personally, as well as the tremendous advantage to the klal, you will surely act with alacrity. Preparations need not be elaborate. The most important preparation that one can make is learning and teaching his family the importance of Eretz Yisroel in the total picture of avodas HaShem – for each Jew, and for the Jewish nation.

Here is the abovementioned story in Seder Hadoros:

ר’ יוזפ שמש בבחרותו למד בישיבת הגאון מורינו פנחס סג”ל כשהיה אב”ד בק”ק פולדא, והיה זה שנת ש”פ, ואמר בשם רבו הג”מ ואלק בעל מחבר סמ”ע, מה ששכיחין גזרות בק”ק ווירמשא יותר משאר קהלות ומדינות כי בחורבן בית ראשון באו ונתישבו בק”ק ווירמז ואחר כלות שבעים שנים גלות בבל חזרו הגולים לירושלים ולארץ ישראל ואלו אשר היו בווירמז לא חזרו לארץ ישראל, וכתבו יושבי ירושלים לאנשי ק”ק ווירמז שיבאו גם הם לישב בארץ ישראל כדי שיהיו יכולין לעלות בשלש רגלים לירושלים שהוא רחוק מאד מהם, ולא השגיחו על זה וכתבו תשובה שבו אתם בירושלים הגדולה ואנחנו נדור פה ירושלים קטנה, כי באותו הפעם היו חשובים מאד בעיני השר והנכרים והיו עשירים גדולים, ובענין זה נתחדש עליהם גזירות יותר משאר קהלות ומדינות, והג”מ פנחס הנ”ל סוף ימיו חזר לפראג והיה אפלנט וגאון גדול, היה בקי בכל הש”ס ואשר”י בעל פה, לא נשמע כמוהו. ומנוחתו כבוד בק”ק פראג, וספדו אותו שלשים יום כמו על משה רבינו. ספר מעשה נסים בלשון אשכנז דף נ”ז א’ סימן א’.

Read the rest of Rabbi Leff here…

COVID: Can One Still Make Aliyah? (Or ‘Come, THEN Ask Permission to Stay’?)

Exceptional Circumstances for Entering Israel

UPDATE: See new additional exceptions issued on July 12

Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, foreigners have been banned from entering Israel. Throughout this period, Chaim V’Chessed has been heavily involved in obtaining permission for non-Israelis to enter Israel in certain situations. Our efforts on behalf of student visa families have been well documented.

There are numerous exceptional circumstances, in which non-Israeli citizens seek to enter the country. These include family members seeking to attend weddings of their siblings or children, mourners wishing to participate in the funerals of loved ones, and other life and death situations.

A constant challenge has been the lack of clearly delineated guidelines. Over the past few months, we have persistently entreated Interior Ministry officials to issue cogent guidelines, and preferably in English.

On Sunday June 14, the Interior Ministry finally responded with a one-page Hebrew document outlining the rules for exceptional entry permission. We continue to urge the Ministry to issue these guidelines in English, as well.

The Hebrew document can be viewed here.

Bear in mind, that is not sufficient to belong to one of these categoriesOne must receive written permission from the Foreign Ministry in order to enter Israel.

The following groups are addressed by these rules:

Foreign Spouses of Israeli Citizens:

Foreign spouses of Israeli citizens may receive permission to enter Israel.

However, the Israeli citizen must also be a current resident of Israel. If he/she holds Israeli citizenship but currently resides abroad, the spouse will not receive permission.

Furthermore, we have seen that authorities commonly require that the couple be listed as married in the Israeli Population Registry. A foreign marriage certificate is often insufficient. This has created difficulties for Israelis who have recently married foreigners abroad, near or during the Corona crisis. These couples have no way to register their marriages with Israel (consulates and embassies are closed), and hence, their applications are frequently denied. We are working with government officials to resolve this issue.

Relatives Attending Weddings in Israel:

A chassan or kalla marrying an Israeli citizen, as well as their parents, grandparents and siblings can obtain permission to enter Israel. Please note: Chaim V’Chessed has learned that permission is not granted to brother or sisters in law.

Relatives Attending Funerals in Israel:

Mourners may travel to Israel for the funeral or shiva of immediate relatives. Here too, we have found that permission is often not granted to in-law children. However, the rules state plainly that mourners and their spouses can be allowed to enter.

While all travelers must quarantine for fourteen days upon arrival in Israel, permission can be obtained from the Health Ministry to attend the funeral.

Furthermore, despite the fourteen-day quarantine requirement, the Health Ministry sometimes grants permission for mourners to enter the country for a very short time, up to 48 hours, and to leave immediately thereafter.

Olim Chadashim:

People in the process of making aliya are permitted to enter Israel. However, here too, there are numerous complications. With governmental offices shuttered across the globe, many basic documents needed for aliya are unobtainable. Nefesh B’Nefesh, with whom we work closely with, is making great efforts to alleviate some of these difficulties.

Applications for these exceptional circumstances must be made through your nearest Israeli embassy or consulate. For a complete list of Israeli outposts, see here.

From Chaim V’Chessed, here.

ירחון ‘קדושת ציון’ גליון #51 – מנחם אב התש”פ

דרישת ציון על טהרת הקודש ◆ דעת תורה בנושאי ארץ הקודש ת”ו

עם פרוס חודש מנחם אב עלינו, אנו מגישים בפניכם עלון זה, הרווי בענייני אבלות החורבן, מתוך נסיון אמתי וכנה לראות מה תפקידנו שלנו – החיים בשנת התש”פ – ביחס למקדש, לאבלות על חורבנו ולצפיה לבנינו.

הגל השני של מגפת הקורונה נתן אותותיו בכל מקום, וגם באגודה שלנו כמעט אמרנו נואש מלהוציא עלון זה לאור, אחר שבתי-הכנסת והישיבות עומדים בסכנת סגירה, גם אם לא מוחלטת.

על-אף זאת, כמה מהחברים והתומכים היקרים פשוט לא ותרו, וכמעט ‘הכריחו’ אותנו להוציא את העלון בכל מחיר שיהיה.

תפקידכם – הקוראים – הוא להפיץ את העלון בדוא”ל ככל הניתן, זאת מתוך הבנה, שרבים לא יצליחו למצוא אותו בבתי הכנסת ובישיבות כבזמנים רגילים. גם לרחבת הכותל לא הכל מגיעים כמדי שנה, ובכלל – המרחב הציבורי הצטמצם, ועלינו לפצות על כך באמצעות הפצה רוויה בדוא”ל – איש איש לפי יכולתו.

כמובן, שמי שיוכל לסייע בהפצת העלון הפיזי – יבורך, והוא מתבקש ליצור קשר עם המשרד.

תקוותנו היא לשוב ולהדפיס עלון מדי חודש בחודשו ולהפיצו ברחבי הארץ, אך לעת עתה המצב מקשה על כך מאד, ולכן אנחנו משתדלים להגביר את הפעילות ברשימת התפוצה כך נזכה לקיים קשר רציף ופורה עם קהל הקוראים ותומכי האגודה.

מלבד זאת, הפעילות של האגודה הולכת ומתרחבת, מחלקת העליה ממש תוססת מפעילות, ואנו בודקים יוזמות נוספות שעומדות על הפרק.

המקום ינחמנו בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים ולא נוסיף לדאבה עוד.

שלכם, יהודה אפשטיין

יו”ר אגודת ‘קדושת ציון’ ועורך העלון.

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Reprinted with permission.