לבנות מזבח בגורן ארונה היבוסי – ותעצר המגיפה

תפילה בהר הבית לעצירת המגיפה

תפילות לעצירת המגיפה העולמית מדי יום בהר הבית • היום ב-12:30 תפילה מרכזית עם פיטום הקטורת • הכניסה מ-7:00 עד 10:30 ומ-12:30 עד 13:30 • יש להקפיד על כללי ההלכה

בן למואל יום ראשון, י”ט אדר ה’תש”פ

מדי יום יתקיימו בהר הבית תפילות לעצירת המגיפה העולמית.

היום (ראשון) בשעה 12:30 תתקיים תפילה מרכזית עם אמירת פיטום הקטורת.

הכניסה להר הבית בין השעות 7:00 עד 10:30 ומ-12:30 עד 13:30.

יש לטבול ולחלוץ נעלי עור לפני העליה להר הבית.

הכניסה בהתאם להוראות משרד הבריאות.

מאתר חדשות הר הבית, כאן.

‘Pre-War Era Bnei Torah Were More Confident in Their Ability to THINK’


I will never forget a conversation I had with Rebbetzin Zlata Ginsburg a”h. We were discussing the differences between the yeshiva world in the 1990s and the yeshiva world of pre-war Europe, where she was born and raised. Rebbetzin Ginsburg was a daughter of Rav Yechezkel Levenstein zt”l, famed mashigach of Mir and Ponovezh, and the wife of Rav Efraim Mordechai Ginsburg zt”lrosh yeshiva at Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn and a close talmid of the Brisker Rov. She was born in Kelm and was raised in Mir and Kletzk in the heart of the pre-war yeshiva world.

She told me that one fundamental difference was that bnei Torah of the pre-war era were far more confident in their own abilities to think, analyze something, and make a conclusion based on their own seichel than people are today.

She told me that so many people don’t seem to have confidence in their ability to think and draw conclusions based on what they see. They are constantly running to ask others to think for them.

I asked her, “So people shouldn’t consult with their roshei yeshiva, rabbonim and mentors?”

She replied, “Of course, there are times when you have to ask a question to ah kluger Yid (a clever Jew).” [“Not every talmid chochom is ah kluger Yid,” she added parenthetically.] “But that is only after you have thought the entire thing through on your own and broken the question down to its essence.”

She felt that the lack of ability to think for oneself was a combination of intellectual laziness and lack of confidence in one’s own abilities. The bnei Torah of pre-war Europe were far more secure in their ability to think for themselves, she would say.

Continue reading…

From Yated, here.

Does Calling Up a Jew in Quarantine = ‘Bikur Cholim’? (And Does It Matter?)

Video call to the ill patient


Can one fulfill the mitzvah of bikur cholim via a video call or phone call or does one have to be in the presence of the patient?

Many thanks


While this is an act of chesed to speak with and inquire over the phone or video, the actual mitzvah of Bikur Cholim is only fulfilled as it was originally commanded to us, by a visit in person.

תשובת מורנו הרב

מצות ביקור חולים ע”י שיחת טלפון

רבינו האגרות משה יו”ד ס ס ינ”ג דן אם אפשר לקיים מצוה זו ע”י שיחת טלפון וכתב לדון שהרי מצאנו כמה טעמים במצוה זו א’ שיתפלל על החולה ב’ שישמשנו ג’ שיחזקנו בדברים ולפי הטעם שיתפלל עליו או יחזקו זה שייך גם על ידי שיחת טלפון אך לפי הטעם שישמשנו זה ודאי לא שייך בטלפון אך לענ”ד נראה פשוט שבודאי אין מקיים מצוה זו בטלפון דגם אם שייך לחזק רוחו ע”י שיחת טלפון הרי אמרו שצריך לבקר את החולה ואפשר לקיים מצוה זו רק ע”י ביקור ממש ולא ע”י שיחה מרחוק וצריך לקיים מצוות התורה ותקנות חז”ל כפשטות מעשיהן ולא בכל דבר אזלינן בתר טעמא וכיוצא בזה כתבתי במק”א עין מנחת סל גיטין ק י”א וס ג’ בענין קנין מעמד שלשתן דהנה בגיטין י”ג ע מבואר שאין סברא בקנין זה אלא הוי הלכתא בלא טעמא ובספר שו”ת דבר יהושע חידש שגם בשיחת טלפון משולשת אפשר לקנות בקנין זה אך לדידי פשיטא שאין לשבש ולשנות את עיקר צורת המעשה שתקנו חז”ל משום הענין הפנימי שיש בה ולכן גם אם מסברא אין לחלק ביניהם אי אפשר לקנות ע”י שיחת טלפון דבעינן מעמד שלשתן שהם עומדים ונמצאים במקום אחד ומשו”כ נראה דאף דבכל שישת הטעמים הנ”ל אפשר לפעמים לקיים ע”י שיחת טלפון מ”מ אין בזה מצות ביקור חולים אלא גדר גמילות חסד בעלמא ובודאי ראוי לנהוג כן כשאין בידו לקיים מצות הביקור כפשוטו מצד החסד שבמעשה אך אין בזה עיקר מצות ביקור חולים

From Tevunah.org, here.

Will Rabbi Kahane Be Proven Right Again (on Widespread American Antisemitism)?

The Impending Kristallnacht

Chananya Weissman

[Note: this article was censored by the Slimes of Israel on March 15, 2020 on an absurd pretext and they terminated my blog when I objected.]

The following is an excerpt from an article I wrote this past Tisha B’av, August 11:

There are only two reasons why Jews will return to Israel: inspiration and desperation. Roughly half of the Jews in the world are already here, primarily because of inspiration. The rest of you will return eventually, one way or another, because that is the destiny of our people. It would be far preferable if you will return because of inspiration, but if you won’t do it for any other reason than desperation, that can be arranged.

Just consider what life in your foster home of choice looked like last Tisha B’av compared to today, just one year later. Even in America, the last stop on the train, the last year alone has seen the following: open anti-Semitism from the Wicked Witches of Congress the likes of which we have never seen before; normalization of open anti-Semitism within the Democratic party, major media outlets, and college campuses across the country; a surge of anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn and other major Jewish communities; multiple mass shootings in synagogues; Jews across the country getting used to the fact that their institutions require armed security and members require training to respond to attacks. All this in just the last year!

The country can no longer unite on even the most basic issues, like whether they should have borders, or babies should be allowed to live even after they are born, or whether America is good or evil, or whether the Constitution should be rendered irrelevant, or whether there should be celebration or disappointment if it turns out the President was not a Russian agent. Is America even a country anymore, or just a bunch of groups who loathe each other and are itching for a fight?

Maybe you would still be shocked if sometime in the next year we have a Kristallnacht in America, but I wouldn’t.

Here we are just a few months later, and the America of Tisha B’av looks like Gan Eden compared to the America of today. Galus Jews – many of them extremely religious and devout – are desperately clinging to the belief that somehow this is all going to blow over and they can return to business as usual. Their faith in Galus continuing to tolerate them while they have a detached interest in Jewish destiny is rivaled only by their belief that moving to Israel “isn’t for them”.

My brothers and sisters in America, please listen to me. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) the life you knew in Galus is over, and it’s not coming back. You need to come to terms with this. Your lives are in real danger.

Even before the Corona virus became a serious problem, the situation in America was rapidly deteriorating. Criminals in New York have been emboldened by drastic changes to the law, allowing them to commit serious crimes and quickly be released back onto the streets. The police have themselves become targets, and have little incentive to risk their lives confronting criminals. On the national level, the country is more divided than ever before in its history. The Civil War, as bad as it was, was primarily over slavery and a few related points of contention. Today the country is polarized over every issue under the sun, including the very foundations of the country. The rift is irreparable, and Jews are front and center in every controversy and scandal. The Goyim don’t need a reason to hate the Jews, but they don’t have to work hard to fabricate reasons today.

Now the Corona virus is on the verge of devastating America. There are still those who are pooh-poohing everything, just as Jews pooh-poohed the death camps even as they were being led to the showers. That will change. Just a few days ago, everyone was saying it’s just a flu and making fun of people for overreacting. Now they are davening like it’s Yom Kippur, but they are neglecting to say Vidui. Yes, it’s that dire.

If they are lucky, it will still be a few weeks before there is an explosion of seriously ill people in the country and the hospitals are completely overwhelmed. Most likely it won’t take that long. Quarantines and lockdowns are going to become more severe, and will probably need to be enforced by martial law. The stock market won’t be able to be pumped up with helium anymore, and there will be an economic crisis unlike anything we’ve seen before.

The average American didn’t have a few hundred dollars saved up for an unexpected bill before the virus hit. A large portion of the population is about to be completely wiped out, if not by the virus then by financial ruin.

In the past when there were wars or financial downturns, Americans could escape their troubles by turning to their religion, sports and entertainment. Unfortunately, their god has been slain. No longer can they paint their faces, go to a ball game, and howl for a few hours to relieve their stress. No longer can they line up for the latest movie about a fantasy world or the end of this one to take their mind off their problems. They can’t even go to a bar and enjoy a few drinks with their friends.

When a Jew is quarantined or otherwise separated from his leisure activities, he will pick up a sefer, listen to a shiur, learn with a chavrusa, or simply pour out his heart to God. What do you think tens of millions of sick, scared, bored, frustrated, broke, angry, armed Americans are going to do? Pick up a Bible? Binge watch Netflix for days on end?

The Goyim have been split across all racial and political lines for many years now, boiling with anger, itching for a fight. Now their world is about to come crashing down on them, and it’s going to be every man for himself, every tribe and gang for itself. This is not going to pass peacefully.

Meanwhile, the Jews generally have a higher standard of living, they are not armed, they don’t fight, they are not in shape, everyone knows where they live, and they hate you anyway. I know you defiantly proclaim “Never again”, and some of you took krav maga lessons, and a few of you even started carrying a gun. How long do you think you will be able to hold them off, Rambo?

The police are not going to be able to protect you, and many of them won’t want to. Despite all the outreach you do and appreciation you show, many of them don’t care for you at all. Even the good ones might be ordered to stand down to “deescalate tensions”, or they might be unwilling to risk their lives when the riots get out of control.

Rav Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal writes in Eim Habanim Semeicha that when Jews choose to stay in Galus for their money, eventually Esav takes away their money anyway. Esav is going to need a lot of money – and food, and medicine, and basic supplies – very soon, and they are going to do whatever it takes to get it. When they are finished ransacking and looting the stores like Black Friday on steroids, they are going to think about who to target next. It won’t be the Italians.

I am not a prophet, but we have been through this enough times in our history that it’s easy to predict how this plays out. The next time a good Galus doesn’t turn into a bad Galus is going to be the first time in history that happens. Those of you who think you will be the lucky exceptions are deluding yourselves and endangering your lives.

Reprinted from Chananya Weissman, over here.

Online Aliyah Seminar Draws 2,500 Jews

‘Virtual’ Mega Aliyah Event Draws 2,500 Participants In Face Of Coronavirus Crisis

JERUSALEM (JNS) — The annual Mega Aliyah Event, which provides potential new immigrants (olim) with an all-encompassing slate of resources for retirees, young professionals, medical professionals, families and singles, that was set to take place in New Jersey on Sunday, with an expected 1,500 individuals in attendance from 15 states across North America, was turned into a virtual meeting due to the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak worldwide.

And a record 2,500 participants joined online in real time.

The virtual event included multiple online lectures on a wide range of topics in order to provide potential olim with accurate, reliable and relevant information to help ease their aliyah process. The webinars were broadcast live, via Zoom, and delivered by Nefesh B’Nefesh experts as well as Israeli professionals in the medical, legal and financial fields.

“During this challenging time, we are directing our hearts and prayers to those affected by the coronavirus pandemic,” said Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, co-founder and executive director of Nefesh B’Nefesh. “In light of this complex situation, we refocused our approach and decided to use the best technological and digital tools available to provide potential olim with all of the same, necessary information, continuing our support in every situation on their way to fulfilling their Zionist dream of living in Israel.”

The online seminars included rights and benefits for new arrivals, converting a U.S. medical license to an Israeli license; Israeli tax payments for retirees and the general public; employment options in Israel; buying and renting apartments; the Israeli education system; and the Israeli health-care system.

During the online event, potential olim were able to ask questions via a chat function or call into the Nefesh B’Nefesh call center (1-866-4-ALIYAH), which was staffed by the organization’s aliyah and employment departments, to answer any inquiries and questions from participants.

Following the virtual fair, all lectures were saved on the Nefesh B’Nefesh YouTube page and are available to watch at any time.

From Vos Iz Neias, here.