Does Vayoel Moshe Stop Jews From Doing Aveiros?

I recently alluded to my disagreement with Rabbi Teitelbaum’s anti-Zionism to a fellow Jew in the opposing camp.

With great pathos, he turned to me and asked if I had ever learned through “Ma’amar Yishuv Eretz Yisrael” myself.

Yes, I responded.

“Let me tell you one thing,” he enthused. “After studying what Vayoel Moshe’s “Ma’amar Yishuv Eretz Yisrael” has to say about the sanctity of the land, one simply cannot do Aveiros for three weeks!”

I had to agree.

Except, well, it introduces new Aveiros you weren’t even considering, like heresy (and giving chizuk to heretics), and makes you feel superior, so you no longer need to improve. And what can a Jew do mitzvah-wise, anyway, if staying out of the Land of Mitzvos in false “respect”?! And their Birkas Hamazon must be repeated.

Not to mention attacking some righteous, innocent Jews, etc.and causing Jewish blood to be spilled through excessive appeasement.

The Chazon Ish once commented on those who intentionally introduce undue stringency in hilchos shemittah leading to undue leniency, quoting the Vidduy of Rabbenuu Nissim:

את אשר התרת אסרתי. ואת אשר אסרת התרתי. את אשר אהבת שנאתי. ואת אשר שנאת אהבתי. את אשר הקלת החמרתי. ואת אשר החמרת הקלתי.

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