How I Wish Jordan Was RIGHT to Be Nervous…

Rai al Youm has a paranoid article about how Jews want to take over Jordan.

On Sunday, Jordan struck down a bill that would have theoretically allowed foreigners to purchase land in Petra. Jordanians are deathly scared that Jews will buy land there and somehow transfer it to Israel.

The author, Ahmed Abdul Basit Rajoub, mentions the filming of “Jaber” that was shut down last year because Jirdan found out that the movie implied a Jewish history in Petra. It mentions that Jews visit the mountain said to be the burial site of the biblical Aaron, and how terrible that is.

Rajoub argues that there is no evidence that the Children of Israel were ever in Jordan. In fact, the ancient Jews were nobodies:

Most historians in archaeology and anthropology tend to believe that the ancient Jews in the East are Arab tribes that were Judaized. They were pastoral, and practiced usury and the profession of mercenaries due to their particular social situation. They did not know stability, agriculture, city building, or fortresses. …

We are facing a wicked enemy. We must pay attention to every movement he makes, not only in the political field that relates to the Palestinian issue, but rather in the religious, cultural, touristic, etc. areas from which he crept to consolidate his allegations, his lies, to implement his plans.

Indeed, Jordan’s archaeological sites regularly erase any Jewish connection out of their paranoia and hate.

One of the less traveled tourist sites there is Machaerus, a fortress originally built by the Hasmonean king Alexander Jannaeus around 90 BCE, destroyed but later rebuilt by Herod the Great in 30 BC as a military base.

This is the sort of thing that Jordan doesn’t want the world to know.

Psychological Projections On ANTI-Zionists…

Informing your opponent what he really feels is in extremely poor taste, but they sure do it to us, so let’s return the favor!

Right, so the simple explanation of those who refuse to acknowledge momentous, providential changes is something like high time-preference: יען כי מאס העם הזה את מי השלח ההלכים לאט.

But perhaps it’s more than that. Mild-mannered folks prefer matters stay on an even keel. Any excitement is bad for them, per Sarah Imeinu hearing of Akedas Yitzchak.

Kesubos 62a:

אמר רב אנחה שוברת חצי גופו של אדם שנאמר ואתה בן אדם האנח בשברון מתנים ובמרירות תאנח ורבי יוחנן אמר אף כל גופו של אדם שנאמר והיה כי יאמרו אליך על מה אתה נאנח ואמרת אל שמועה כי באה ונמס כל לב ורפו כל ידים וכהתה כל רוח וכל ברכים תלכנה מים ורבי יוחנן נמי הכתיב בשברון מתנים ההיא דכי מתחלא ממתנים מתחלא ורב נמי הכתי’ ונמס כל לב ורפו כל ידים וכהתה כל רוח שאני שמועה דבית המקדש דתקיפא טובא ההוא ישראל ועובד כוכבים דהוו קאזלי באורחא בהדי הדדי לא אימצי עובד כוכבים לסגויי בהדי ישראל אדכריה חורבן בית המקדש נגיד ואיתנח ואפילו הכי לא אימצי עובד כוכבים לסגויי בהדיה אמר ליה לאו אמריתו אנחה שוברת חצי גופו של אדם אמר ליה ה”מ מילתא חדתי אבל הא דשנן בה לא דאמרי אינשי דמלפי תכלי לא בהתה.

Anti-Zionists don’t wish to feel events so close to heart. Better to feel nothing at all.

Stop Interrupting Government Clerks’ Coffee Breaks!

Collected from Rothbard A to Z:

… government, unlike private enterprise, is not in the business of seeking profits or trying to avoid losses. Far from eager to court the consumer, government officials invariably regard consumers as an annoying intrusion and as “wasteful” users of “their” (government’s) scarce resources. Governments are invariably at war with their consumers.
Rothbard, Making Economic Sense, p. 96
Businesses are always eager for consumers to buy their product or service. On the free market, the consumer is king or queen and the “providers” are always trying to make profits and gain customers by serving them well. But when government operates a service, the consumer is transmuted into a pain-in-the-neck, a “wasteful” user-up of scarce social resources. Whereas the free market is a peaceful cooperative place where everyone benefits and no one loses; when government supplies the product or service, every consumer is treated as using a resource only at the expense of his fellow men. The “public service” arena, and not the free market, is the dog-eat-dog jungle.
Making Economic Sense, p. 131
… the private sector will always be more efficient than the governmental because income in the private sector is only a function of efficient service to the consumers. The more efficient that service, the higher the income and profits. In the government sector, in contrast, income is unrelated to efficiency or service to the consumer.
Income is extracted coercively from the taxpayers (or, by inflation, from the pockets of consumers). In the government sector, the consumer is not someone to be served and courted; he or she is an unwelcome “waster” of scarce resources owned or controlled by the bureaucracy.
Making Economic Sense, p. 144

DIASPORAVIRUS: The Jewish Stockholm Syndrome

The Diasporavirus

Those Jews stricken by the Diasporavirus epidemic exhibit signs of disorientation, believing they have found the Promised Land in America, Australia, and Mexico


Tzvi Fishman, 18/02/20 10:59 | updated: 12:30

Tzvi Fishman

Just as we all sympathize with, and pray for the speedy recovery, of all people stricken with Coronavirus, we must empathize with, and pray for the speedy recovery of our brothers and sisters suffering from the devastating plague of Diaporavirus, which is dwindling the ranks of Am Yisrael outside the Land of Israel.

With the Presidents of the Major Jewish Organizations of America visiting Israel this week, it is an appropriate time to address this fast-spreading dilemma. While Coronavirus is accompanied by a fever, making an early diagnosis possible, Diasporavirus is far more difficult to detect.

In fact, most Jews carrying the virus don’t feel ill at all. This is because the virus has damaged their sensory system, adversely affecting their mental capacities and numbing their spiritual being. Because of this, they don’t feel the Jewish soul’s anguish being imprisoned in a foreign, Gentile land. They don’t hear the horrifying scream of the Shekinah in being captive in a polluted non-Jewish environment.

Because of the mental disorder caused by the Diasporavirus epidemic, they exhibit signs of disorientation, believing they have found the Promised Land in America, Australia, and Mexico. In severe cases, they forget Jerusalem entirely and believe are genuine Americans, Frenchmen, Germans, and Englishmen, rather than their true selves – Israelites temporarily dwelling in Exile after having been cast out from their eternal Homeland.

Another problem in identifying Diasporavirus stems from the fact that its symptoms resemble healthy states in Gentiles amongst whom they mingle and live. A Jew with Diasporavirus loves to act just like the non-Jews around him, until it is hard to tell the difference between them.

Many Diasporians with DV don’t think there is anything wrong in celebrating Xmas or Easter. When the virus becomes ensconced in their blood cells, they develop a passionate longing to marry foreign spouses, and to forget about their Jewish heritage completely.

While religion has proven to be a vaccination against the disease, the effect of the Judaism pill is only partial, as Rabbi Kook writes, in a somewhat different context, in the first chapter of “Orot.” In an Orthodox Jew infected with Diasporavirus, the yearning for Salvation from the Exile gradually wanes and disappears, until he or she longs to remain in the Diaspora forever.

The Land of Israel is seen as a nice place for a 10 day visit, but not as a life goal, and all of the national facets of the Torah, such as the command to build a Torah Nation in the Holy Land, the vision of all of the Prophets of Israel, become external to his existence – something for the Israelis to deal with, but not for him.

In his Diasporavirus-inspired state, he is an American Jew, content with keeping Shabbos and munching on Glatt Kosher popcorn while he watches TV sitting on his comfortable couch as the Israelis and their children risk their lives to defend the Promised Land so that he can continue to say, year after year, “Next Year in Jerusalem,” even though he doesn’t mean it.

What’s the cure for Diasporavirus? Unfortunately, there is only one. Aliyah. This is the message the Jewish leaders of the exile must bring back to the Jews in order to save them.

Reprinted from Arutz Sheva.

Tzvi Fishman is a recipient of the Israel Ministry of Education Award for Creativity and Jewish Culture. His many novels and books on a variety of Jewish themes are available at Amazon Books, including four commentaries on the teachings of Rabbi Kook. Recently, he has published “Arise and Shine!” and “The Lion’s Roar” – 2 sequels to his popular novel, “Tevye in the Promised Land.” In Israel, the Tevye trilogy is distributed by Sifriyat Bet-El Publishing. He is also the director and producer of the feature film, “Stories of Rebbe Nachman,” starring Israel’s popular actor, Yehuda Barkan. He can be contacted via his website: