Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky of the ‘Eidah Hacharedis’: Hashem Causes Suffering so Jews Will Make Aliyah!

עת להשליך אבנים – תשתפכנה אבני קדש (איכה ד, א), ‘ועת כנוס אבנים’ – ‘בונה ירושלים ה”. (שמו”ר מו, ב)

“יש לפרש בדרך מוסר, דמקודם לא עלה בדעת אחד לבוא לארץ ישראל, וכל שכן בעלי נכסים שלא עלה אפילו על רעיונם איזה הרהור מארץ ישראל, ואפשר שעל זה בא בעווה”ר עתה כל כך צרות, כדי שעל ידי זה נתעוררו מארץ ישראל. ואפילו אותם שהתפללו תפילות ‘ירושלים עירך’ בדמעות שליש עד עתה, מכל מקום לא חשבו להניח שם אפילו פרוטה אחת, ולעלות לארץ ישראל. וזה שאמר, מקודם צריך להיות ‘תשתפכנה אבני קודש בראש כל חוצות’ (איכה ד, א) – היה לישראל קדושים צריכים להשתפך בראש כל חוצות, ורק על ידי זה ‘נדחי ישראל יכנס'”.

מקור: כתבי הגרי”צ דושינסקיא זצ”ל, שנת תש”ה (הובא בקובץ אור ישראל כרך ע’ דף קלד)

OK, so it’s also a Yalkut Shimoni (translation thanks to dear Chananya Weissman), but we need sensational headlines, don’t we? Rabbi Dushinsky of the Eidah Hacharedis, no less! And it’s even better than the title, read the original Hebrew above.

(And there is a far deeper and sadder reason for this tactic, as well.)

 חוזרים. ודכוותה “ובגוים ההם לא תרגיע ולא יהיה מנוח וגו'” (דברים כח) הא אלו מצאה מנוח לא היו חוזרים.
(מדרש רבה נח לג:ו)
“And he sent the dove… and it did not find rest.” Yehuda the son of Nachman said in the name of Rabbi Shimon, had it found rest it would not have returned.  Similarly, “she dwelled among the nations, she did not find rest” (Eicha 1) — had she [the Jewish people] found rest, they would not return.  Similarly, “And in those nations, you will not find repose, nor rest for the sole of your feet” (Devarim 28) — had they found rest they would not return.
(Midrash Rabba Noach 33:6)
Image courtesy of The Jewish Press (sent in by a beloved reader).

Undermining the ‘Prior Restraint’ Nonsense of Medical Prescription Laws

The Hydroxychloroquine Controversy Is a Reminder That Prescription Laws Are a Government Racket

Audio Mises Wire

05/29/2020 Nick Hankoff

In a free country, doctors would be free to prescribe whatever drugs they wish to anyone for any reason. In fact, individuals should be free to buy drugs without a special government-required doctor’s note.

This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros.

Original Article: “The Hydroxychloroquine Controversy Is a Reminder That Prescription Laws Are a Government Racket

Continue reading…

From Mises.org, here.

GOOD NEWS: Hyehudi Blocked on Rimon’s ‘Etrog’ Filter for Exposing Berland & Moshe Bransdorfer

Just after exposing the fact Moshe Bransdorfer, חומץ בן יין to Rabbi Meir Bransdorfer, and famous for the “Kneh Bosem” Arba’ah Minim hechsher, willingly and knowingly gave false testimony in Beis Din against the main witness against Eliezer Berland yemach shemo, all of a sudden Hyehudi was blocked on Etrog. Etrog also blocks other anti-Berland sites (while opening the pro-Berland camp!).

For more on the Pesak Din against Berland & his idolatrous, Sabbatean cult, see here.

Here is the message from Etrog (sent in by a contributor):

שלום _____ , (___)
מסלול : _____זה אני הרובוט העוזר אישי שלך, ביקשת להבין למה האתר לא נפתח והאם אפשר לפתוח אותו.
הקישור שביקשת לפתוח:
להלן תשובתי:
הקישור שביקשת לפתוח אינו מוכר במערכת שלנו.
סביר להניח שהאתר עדיין לא נבדק בבדיקה אנושית ולכן הוא חסום עד שייבדק.בכל אופן, העברתי את הקישור לבדיקה והוא יסווג בהתאם בעז”ה בתוך יום עסקים.
שים לב – במידה ואתר דורש כניסה עם שם משתמש וסיסמא לא ייבדק כיוון שאין באפשרותנו לצפות בתוכן הנמצא בתוכו, לשם כך תצטרך לפנות למוקד בטלפון *8900.
בנוסף – כדאי גם שתוודא שהקישור תקין או אולי טעית בהקלדת הכתובת.אנא נסה שוב בעוד כמה שעות.המשך יום טוב!

Of course, Hyehudi was open right before that…

May the verse speedily be fulfilled (Malachi 3:5):

“וקרבתי אליכם למשפט והייתי עד ממהר במכשפים [מוטה פראנק] ובמנאפים [תלמידי ברלנד] ובנשבעים לשקר [משה ברנסדורפר] ובעשקי שכר שכיר אלמנה ויתום ומטי גר [ברלנד, בין היתר] ולא יראוני אמר ד’ צבאות.”

As you can see, I’m wholly uncowed…

P.S. Shalom Arush refuses to abide by the ruling of Beis Din. He knows better than us who Berland really is, yet still insists on referring to him until today as “My Master and teacher, Rabbi… etc. on his “Kol Ha’emuna” hotline.

Shalom Arush plays a calculating two-faced game. When speaking with victims of Berland and those courageous warriors working to set up a “Ma’akeh” against that awful stumbling block, he often pretends to understand the problems with his ex-rabbi. And then he goes right back to visiting gravesites and publicly praying for Berland’s welfare.

Chafetz Chaim Lashon Hara chapter 4:8

כשבית דין (לג) אומרים לאדם דין אחד במה שהוא (לד) בקום ועשה, בין שהוא דברים שבין אדם למקום או דברים שבין אדם לחברו, ואינו רוצה לקים בשום אפן, ואין לו תשובה במה שאינו מקים, מתר לספר גנותו ואף לרשם את גנותו בספר הזכרונות לדור דורים. ואם השיב תשובה באמתלאות, שתלוי לפי דבר המסור ללב, דינו כך, אם אנו מבינים שהתשובה זו איננה אמת רק להוציא מדעתנו, אין אנו צריכין להאמינו (לה) ומתר לספר בגנותו ואף לרשם כנ”ל, אבל אם הדבר ספק, אסור לספר בגנותו.

See the following horrifying video:

הרב ארוש מתפלל לטובת ברלנד ימש

(I highly recommend this previous article on the true scandal of this whole parsha.)

Update: “Etrog” backed down, and unblocked Hyehudi.org (six weeks later!) after too many of their customers complained.

‘Social Justice’ Jews Reap What They Sow – Happy Now?!

The Suffering of the “Progressive” Jew

For all the different categories and stripes of Jews that exist and have existed throughout history, there are really only two that matter when you boil it all down: those who accept the divine origin of the Torah, the divine wisdom of the Sages, and the binding authority of both; and those who don’t. The rest is commentary,

The measure of our commitment to something is what we are willing to sacrifice for its sake. Throughout Jewish history those who belong to the first camp have made every sacrifice imaginable for the sake of Torah-true Judaism. It is their commitment that made it possible not only for the Jewish people to survive, but to flourish throughout thousands of years of exile and persecution.

The primary reason for the existence of the second camp is an unwillingness to commit to life as a Jew. By this I refer not to heroic commitment under the pain of persecution – those who falter under such trials should not be judged – but those who find even the most basic demands of life as a Jew too onerous to accept.

Very few people have studied the Torah thoroughly, compared it to other religions and ways of life, and decided that Judaism is inferior to any of them. It is virtually impossible for someone to study the Torah thoroughly and need any further convincing that God exists and the Torah is His handiwork. Those who draw other conclusions do so almost entirely out of ignorance and personal convenience, often camouflaged by intellectualism.

They want to be free. They want to be up to date. They want to fit in with society’s norms and expectations. They want to “think for themselves”.

They say the Torah is primitive, outdated, no longer relevant. They say the rabbis were power-hungry conspirators who made things up, or at the very least were simply “interpreting” the Torah as they saw fit, with no divine knowledge or authority. We know better now, they say. We have a better way.

Oh, how these people must be suffering right now! Their world is crashing down around them.

They thought that by casting off the Torah they would find freedom, but they have become prisoners of a cruel society that demands more from them with each passing day. They thought they would find acceptance and love, but they are being rejected by their own comrades. They thought they would be safe, but they face the threat of merciless persecution for any word they say, or don’t say, or said decades ago. They cast off religion and mocked believers, but traded it in for a new religion that demands unswerving obedience, unfailing allegiance, and truly perfect faith.

It is true that the Torah is demanding. It holds everyone to high standards and holds us accountable for our actions – no excuses. You traded it in for an ideology in which anything goes and the most barbaric behaviors can always be excused. Now you are reaping what you have sown. Is it better?

You say the Torah has too many laws; it is too burdensome and intrusive. You traded it in for a society that is lawless, yet invents new, mostly unwritten laws so quickly that no one can keep up.

The Torah’s wisdom is infinite, yet its commandments are finite: 613 to be exact. There are many laws that stem from these 613, but they are all clearly derived through a divine process that has held true for thousands of years. In fact, it is explicitly forbidden for anyone, even a prophet, to create a 614th commandment; this is one of the 613. We have the same 613 commandments our ancestors had from the day they were given. We know there won’t be any new ones. We have a system in place to settle doubts and guide us in all situations, even when we cannot conclusively settle a doubt.

Compare to your new religion. Every day you have new commandments, all of which demand an upheaval of your thinking and lifestyle. What you watched on Netflix today will be declared racist tomorrow, and you will be retroactively guilty. All who came before you are guilty and you must denounce them. You must be ashamed of your ancestors and abhor your elders for being unenlightened.

Your children – if you burden yourself with any and don’t kill them before they are born – will feel the same about you. You will be compelled to teach them that nothing is sacred, that whatever is old is outdated, that they must figure it all out for themselves. Then you are shocked and heartbroken when they scorn you, reject you, rebel against you. If you live long enough to become elderly they will see you as a burden and, if your “quality of life” is not deemed sufficient, facilitate your premature death. You reap what you sow.

In order to appease everyone, you adopted the belief that everything is true, that nothing is true, that people make up their own truths, which much always be respected. This is nothing but a clever way to deny the existence of God, whose seal is Truth, and whose existence mandates objective truth. You thought this would absolve you of the responsibility of seeking objective truth and adhering to it. Instead you must seek endless appeasement of those who make up subjective truths, even when they contradict one another.

You didn’t want rabbis – those supposedly evil, self-centered, power-hungry, racist, sexist, elitist rabbis – telling you what to do. Instead you have truly evil, self-centered, power-hungry, racist, sexist, elitist atheists telling you what to do. Unlike the rabbis, these people have no objective Torah sources on which to base their beliefs. Unlike the rabbis, you cannot question or challenge the legitimacy of their opinions, for there is no basis on which to debate them. Unlike the rabbis, you have no recourse but to blindly accept their authority and obey. Rabbis can teach you, their goal is to make you wiser. The leaders of your new religion have nothing to teach; they can only make demands.

Rabbis consult other scholars and analyze clear legal precedents before issuing rulings. This knowledge is available to everyone, and specious rulings will quickly be challenged by the community. What process did you trade this for in your religion of progress? Activists and social engineers make the rules, in conjunction with the media. There is no debate, no questioning, no analysis of the pros and cons, no comparisons to precedents – and no dissenting opinions. You see which way the wind is blowing, and you follow. Or else.

How open-minded and progressive.

The most devout among us are quiet, private, unassuming, humble, and sacrifice for others. The most devout among your “progressive” religion are loud, brash, arrogant, self-righteous, and only make demands of others.

You must align yourself with extremely bad and scary people if your religion of progress demands it. You must always look the other way and submit in the name of progress.

This just in. It’s not just that Netflix show that now renders you a racist. It’s the Lego set, the joke you told in high school, the children’s show, the movie you watched as a child with your grandparents, the doll you bought for your child, the costume you wore. You protested too much when you were called a racist, or you didn’t protest enough, or you protested too loudly when it was not your place, or you didn’t say anything at all. You thought you understood how someone else felt, or you didn’t try hard enough to understand. Guilty!

You claimed that the Torah is primitive because it has sacrifices, but your new religion has sacrifices, too. Human ones. Constantly. Your mob of moral police hungers for new sacrifices, hoping their frenzied rituals of destroying someone and his family will protect them and their own.

You are horrified by the concept of a death penalty, yet you execute people in so many ways, without even a trial. Do you have trouble sleeping?

You know deep down that one day they will come for you. You are bound to slip eventually, or be turned in by someone seeking approval for finding a villain, or be found retroactively guilty for a sin that has yet to be invented. You must even pay for the crimes of others as if you committed them yourself. You are guilty, always guilty, if not today then tomorrow.

There is no concept of repentance in your “progressive” religion. You will cry, and grovel, and plead for another chance. You will disgrace yourself. No one will have pity on you and no one will come to your defense – the accused stands alone, for he spreads guilt like a virus to all who come near.

The religion you abandoned reaches out to the lowest sinner, embraces him, and raises him up with love. The religion you abandoned does not expect perfect results, only a sincere effort. Look around at your tolerant, loving, slogan-chanting friends, as they look for something and someone to destroy in the name of progress. Will they respect your sincere effort if you stumble? Will they love you when you unwittingly, inevitably sin?

You reap what you sow.

The religion you abandoned will accept you back even now, with true love, despite all the sins you have committed. Your people will embrace you and admire your efforts. They will encourage you when you falter, as inevitably you will, because they have faltered as well in their own way and it’s okay not to be perfect. They will expect great things from you, not because you are fighting for the cause of the day, but because you are fighting for your own greatness.

Your elders know a lot more than you gave them credit for. They have what you need. Knowledge. Wisdom. Character. Morals. Peace. Godliness. Truth. A link to the past and a guide for the future.

Maybe it’s time you humbled yourself, truly opened your mind, listened, and learned.

When you stumble, your repentance will be personal and private. Your dignity is precious to you and to others. What a truly progressive idea.

We won’t get you fired and we won’t boycott your business.

The way of life you embraced has shown you how empty and sinister it is. The religion you abandoned is what you were seeking all along.

It’s time to come home.




The author can be contacted at endthemadness@gmail.com