Ron Paul Decries Continued U.S. Imperial Hegemony In Iraq

A Million Iraqis Asked Us to Leave. We Should Listen

You wouldn’t know it from US mainstream media reporting, but on Friday an estimated million Iraqis took to the streets to protest the continued US military presence in their country. What little mainstream media coverage the protest received all reported the number of protesters as far less than actually turned out. The Beltway elites are determined that Americans not know or understand just how much our presence in Iraq is not wanted.

The protesters were largely supporters of nationalist Shi’ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who opposes both US and Iranian presence in Iraq. Protesters held signs demanding that the US military leave Iraq and protest leaders warned of consequences unless the US listen to the Iraqi people.

After President Trump’s illegal and foolish assassination of Iranian general Soleimani on Iraqi soil early this month, the Iraqi parliament voted unanimously to cancel the agreement under which the US military remains in Iraq. But when the Iraqi prime minister called up Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to request a timetable for a US withdrawal, Pompeo laughed in his face.

The US government answered the Iraqi parliament’s vote with a statement that the US military is a “force for good” in the Middle East and that because of the continuing fight against ISIS US troops will remain, even where they are not wanted.

How many billions of dollars have we sent to Iraq to help them build their democracy? Yet as soon as a decision of Iraq’s elected parliament goes against Washington’s wishes, the US government is no longer so interested in democracy. Do they think the Iraqis don’t notice this double-dealing?

The pressure for the US to leave Iraq has been building within the country, but the US government and mainstream media is completely – and dangerously – ignoring this sentiment. It’s one thing to push the neocon propaganda that Iraqis and Iranians would be celebrating in the streets after last month’s US assassination of Iranian general Soleimani, who was the chief strategist for the anti-ISIS operation over the past five years. It’s a completely different thing to believe the propaganda, especially as more than a million Iranians mourned the popular military leader.

The Friday protesters demanded that all US bases in Iraq be closed, all security agreements with the US and with US security companies be ended, and a schedule for the exit of all US forces be announced. Sadr announced that the resistance to the US troop presence in Iraq will halt temporarily if an orderly departure is announced and implemented. Otherwise, he said, the resistance to US troops would be activated.

A million Iraqi protesters chanted “no, no to occupation.” The Iraqi parliament voted for us to leave. The Iraqi prime minister asked us to leave. Maj. Gen. Alex Grynkewich, the US deputy commander in Iraq and Syria, said last week that US troops in Iraq are more threatened by Shi’ite militias than ISIS.

So, before more US troops die for nothing in Iraq, why don’t we listen to the Iraqi people and just come home? Let the people of the Middle East solve their own problems and let’s solve our problems at home.

From LRC, here.

Torah Zionists = ‘Biryonim’?!

Anti-Zionists habitually compare their opponents to the Biryonim losing on the eve of the Churban (ignoring our vastly differing results!).

Here is a typical quote:

בענין המרידות ברומאים למה לא הזכיר את הגמ’ בגיטין כי רק הבריונים רצו להילחם ברומאים אבל ר’ יוחנן בן זכאי חשב שצריכים להכנע להם, ועי’ במהרש”א שהבריונים גרמו את החורבן והגלות כי לא רצו להכנע לרומיים, וכן הגר”א (הובא באבן שלמה) כתב שכאשר הקב”ה מוסר את ישראל ביד איזה אומה צריך להכניע לה ולקבל באהבה, וזה היה סיבת חורבן הבית וגלותינו שלא שמעו בקול ירמיה להכנע למלך בבל, וכן בית שני חרב ע”י רשעת הפריצים שלא שמעו לקול החכמים להכנע לרומיים וכו’ וכ”ש מלכי חסד שאנחנו חוסים כעת תחת צל כנפי חסדיהם אנו צריכים לקבל עולם עלינו באהבה ולהתפלל בשלומם…

But the point is, it’s all about context.

Tosefta A.Z. 1:3:

רבי שמעון בן אלעזר אומר אם יאמרו לך ילדים בנה בית המקדש אל תשמע להן ואם יאמרו לך זקנים סתור בהמ”ק שמע להן מפני שבנין ילדים סתירה וסתירת זקנים בנין וראיה לדבר רחבעם בן שלמה.

And the rebels were only the proximal cause.

To quote myself:

… When you are sovereign or powerful, it’s a desecration of God’s name to snivel. When you are weak and subjugated to others, the right course of action is flattery and gifts. There is no debate what Yaakov was, in fact, doing here, either. The only disagreement evident among Torah commentators is about which of these states biblical Yaacov found himself. (And no matter how militarily weak, there are times to rebel and rely on Hashem, as did the Maccabees!)

Chazal do criticize him for “acting the sheep”. But when that is what you (either personal or national) need to be doing, such as when traveling to your Caesar in Rome to defeat an evil decree, go ‘learn from the master’ of the tactic: Yaacov.

By the way, this is another thing anti-Zionists get wrong. Even if/when Jews are not a national entity, avoiding confrontation, too, has limits, and each situation must be judged anew. They never judge anything religious anew, sadly.

American Jewry UNDER SIEGE!

Recent Attacks Against Jews Call For Self-defense Measures And New Leadership

By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

The Jewish community is experiencing an explosion of anti-Jewish attacks, both physical and ideological. Jews have been gunned-down or stabbed in Pittsburgh, San Diego, Jersey City and Monsey, and are being pushed, beaten and cursed on the streets of New York, in particular Brooklyn. The attacks are happening against the community and individuals, in Jewish institutions and on subways, almost on a daily basis.
We have entered a new time. Jewish students on campuses all across America are singled out for bullying and harassment by Islamic student groups and anti-Israel professors, not only for being supporters of Israel but simply because they are Jewish. The influential New York Times and media outlets such as MSNBC have ramped up their historic anti-Israel rhetoric, as well as their distaste for Orthodox and Zionist Jews. Beyond doubt, the harsh condemnations of all things Israeli and Jewish, the demonization and pejorative labels have trickled down from the ivory towers to the neighborhoods on the ground.

Though neo-Nazis, leftist anti-Zionists and Jew-haters within the African-American and Islamic communities often disagree, they are united in their animus towards Jews. There are today powerful forces arrayed against the Jewish people—not simply from the right, but predominately and with greater cultural influence from the political left.

Thus far, those in the establishment have been unable or unwilling to stop the daily harassment of Jews on campus and on New York City streets. Aside from the trauma of what we are witnessing on the streets, many in the Jewish community now rightfully acknowledge that we have a crisis in Jewish organizational leadership. Our major organizations—be it the ADL, the JCRC or many Federations—are failing us.

Furthermore, the loyalty of these cash-laden organizations with liberal/left ideology renders them unwilling to point to and combat the pernicious negativity against Jews coming from members within certain minority groups. Similarly, they are reluctant to condemn unequivocally the anti-Jewish rhetoric coming from groups within the Democrat Party, which is dangerously filtering down across the country and into the streets. That said, we maintain that at this juncture, anti-Semitism has not gripped the American heartland.

In light of this dereliction of duty, a “Jewish Leadership Summit” of experienced activists and grassroots leadership was convened to set forth a set of serious proposals to be discussed by local Jewish communities and individual Jews who want to protect America’s Jewish institutions and people. We can no longer wait. The history of these organizations, as well as the present make-up of their staff and bureaucrats, does not give us confidence. Moreover, it is a valued American tradition for grassroots movements and individuals to energize their sphere when establishment groups have grown tired and pre-occupied elsewhere.

The following recommendations from the summit are intended as a jumping-off point for Jews, as well as our non-Jewish friends, to begin a forceful and honest discussion as to what needs to be done by Jews for self-defense and protection. Consider it a “10-Point Declaration of Action.”

Continue reading…

From Matzav, here.

חינם: קורס קל וקצר בדקדוק שפת הארמית

רוצה ללמוד גמרא? השיטה ללימוד השפה הארמית

לאנשים רבים קשה ללמוד גמרא והסיבות לכך רבות.

אחת הסיבות העיקריות היא: אי ידיעת השפה הארמית כראוי. סרטונים אלו באים לתת את המענה לקשיים בידיעת הגמרא.

על מנת ללמוד גמרא זקוק הלומד להכיר את כללי הדקדוק שבשפה הארמית, את המילים השכיחות שבשפה הארמית שבגמרא, את מונחי הגמרא הייחודיים למקצוע זה,

לימוד גמרא נראה בהתחלה כהר שקשה לעבור אותו, אך לאחר שמתמידים בלימוד הגמרא לומדים לאהוב הסגנון המאוד מיוחד של הגמרא.

למענה מושלם יותר מומלץ לרכוש את חוברת הלימוד “השיטה ללימוד השפה הארמית מתוך סיפורי גמרא”.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.