I will tell you why Yom HaZikkaron is the saddest day of the year. It is the saddest day of the year’ at least in Tel-Aviv, because many of the stores, bars, restaurants, and let us not forget the nightclubs, which are closed on Yom HaZikkaron are open on Tisha b’Av, which commemorates the destruction of both the First and Second Temples, along with many other tragedies targeting the Jewish People. And, of course, there is no need to mention that many of these establishments are open on Shabbat. And what about Yom Kippur? Do you really believe that all of these businesses are closed on Yom Kippur?
There are a few other reasons why Yom HaZikkaron is the saddest day of the year:
Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] leadership allows Christian missionary soldiers to teach lessons about their avodah zarah (foreign/forbidden worship), and soldiers who refuse to participate are punished.
The IDF cares more about the life of the terrorists than their own soldiers. The former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Ronsky, did say that it is permissible to save the wounded terrorist in order to obtain information that can save Jewish lives. Rabbi Meir Kahane hy”d, said this before him, but we’re not allow to talk about him, are we?
North Tel Aviv residents can manipulate their way into receiving a psychiatric exemption from serving in the IDF, at the same time when Religious
mamlakhti (diehard State loyalist) soldiers are proud to die for the same government that expels Jews and destroys their homes. Apparently, these poor guys have been successfully
indoctrinated brainwashed.
When we remember those of our family members and neighbors who fell for the State of Israel, we must think about why they should have fallen been murdered at all.
Because the IDF does not go out of its duties and cares for the people of the State of Israel for what the thinkers think of more than the Holy One, blessed be He, thinks of us. And these people are the ones who present the orders to the IDF. (See the diagram above)
So, yeah, I guess that Yom HaZikkaron really is the saddest day of the year.