Galus Jews Are BLUFFING, Says Chananya Weissman

The Secret Behind the Galus Jew

The ability of the Jew to come up with reasons why he will not make aliya is truly incredible. It doesn’t matter if the Jew is religious or secular, conservative or liberal, rich or poor, Sefardic or Ashkenazic. It doesn’t matter what his family situation is, his education, or his background. It doesn’t even matter what’s going on where he currently lives. If there is one issue that cuts across all divides for the millions of Jews outside their homeland, it is “Anywhere but Israel!”

The sheer breadth of reasons Jews give would lead one to believe that Israel is the absolute worst place on earth to live. They make it sound as if the ever-increasing millions of Jews who do live here and don’t wish to leave are crazy (or religious idealists, which to many is the same thing). No one in his right mind would ever want to live in Israel.

At best it’s a lifestyle choice, something a Jew should consider “only if it’s right for him”.

Within the religious world we find intellectual contortions that would be comical if the implications were not tragic. After all, the religious Jew must come to grips with the fact that his daily prayers, his frequent blessings, his religious ceremonies, his holidays, and his holy texts are suffused with love for Israel and the fervent desire to return immediately.

But the religious Jew does not desire this. Not only does he not desire this, he fervently desires the very opposite. His greatest desire is to live anywhere else on earth in a religious cocoon with people who resemble him. His gentile neighbors should think well of Jews, or at least pretend not to mind them, or at the very minimum not persecute them too severely. If things get “too bad” – which is purposely not defined so that the threshold can be repeatedly adjusted as the situation deteriorates – the Jew will dutifully decide that it is time to find another home in the Diaspora.

Nothing inspires a galus Jew more than building a new community somewhere in the Diaspora, while nothing turns him off more than the idea of pioneering a new community in Israel. He wants “Moshiach Now” as much as Peace Now wants peace.

So the religious Jew must use all his hair-splitting abilities to do away with volumes of Torah sources that contradict his attachment to galus, while taking a handful of convenient sources literally and giving them disproportionate weight. He laughs at Christian missionaries who employ the same tricks to rationalize a conclusion that was pre-determined and cannot be altered.

If you call him on this, he will argue that there are many knowledgeable and pious rabbis who take this position, and he is obediently following them. Oh, the self-sacrifice this poor religious Jew makes to follow his rabbi! How it must eat away at him that he cannot move to Israel because his rabbi said so! Such loyal obedience for rabbis one will not find for any commandment other than the commandment to remain in galus.

The religious Jew will not content himself with theological arguments to remain in galus. He will supplement his opposition to living in Israel with every materialistic and practical reason you can imagine, and some that you can’t. If Israel fails the gashmiyus comparison test in any respect, then it would be unreasonable to expect the Jew to move there. Israel must not only be his national homeland and the focal point of his religious practices, but it must pass every gashmiyus comparison test. When Israel passes any such test, the galus Jew responds, “Yes, but…” and finds another.

There are two simple litmus tests to determine whether a Jew who claims he wants to live in Israel “someday” really means it. The first is how he responds when you counter his reason for not coming.

Do his eyes light up with hope that you are right, that living in Israel really IS more feasible than he might have believed? Does he become excited that his dream of living in Israel might be more realistic than he believed? Does he want to know more, explore your suggestion, and see if that kernel of hope can blossom into a new life in Israel? Or does he immediately fire back with another reason why it can’t work?

If he jumps from reason to reason why aliya isn’t for him, inventing new reasons on the spot if necessary, then clearly he has intermarried with galus and does not want to divorce his foreign wife. If he heatedly insists that he just can’t make it in Israel, and is upset when someone evens suggest otherwise, then he is a galus Jew through and through.

The second test is also quite simple. He has given his reason, or litany of reasons, why he cannot make aliya today, even though he supposedly wants nothing more. What is he doing to overcome these obstacles?

He claims he cannot find work in Israel. It’s impossible to make it in Israel! We will all starve in the streets!

Has he even tried? Was it just a casual conversation in passing, or a serious search? Is he actively and continuously trying to find something? Is he connecting with people in his field, exploring different possibilities? If someone offered him a great job in Israel right now, would he pack up and move? If he lost his job in galus and had nothing to left to lose, would he try to start over in Israel? If the answer to these questions is no, then he is not giving a reason, but making a convenient excuse.

He claims there are no schools for his children. They will have no future!

Has he even looked? When he visited Israel, did he visit schools? Has he spoken with other parents? If the answer is no, his reason is a farce.

If he is staying in galus to take care of an elderly family member, will he commit to aliya immediately after his help is no longer needed? If not, he is not staying in galus for family reasons, but for something much deeper.

The same is true for every other “reason” that he simply cannot leave galus. Actions speak louder than words, and actions that contradict the words nullify the words completely. If they are taking no actions towards furthering their ideal of making aliya, and in fact are taking concrete actions to cement their lives in galus indefinitely, then they don’t really want to live in Israel at all. The excuses they give are nothing more than cover for this blasphemous truth, which many galus Jews are still ashamed to admit.

The galus Jew will also latch onto the false piety approach. I am waiting for Moshiach! Sure you are. Do you have your suitcase packed like the Chafetz Chaim? Are you saying Tikkun Chatzos every night with tears streaming down your face begging for Moshiach to come so you can leave galus? Are you truly heartbroken and crestfallen that Israel is right there waiting for you, but you are supposedly denied entry until Moshiach holds your hand? If so, show it once in a while. You say you are too humble to do that, but you’ve already blown your cover as one of the 36 hidden tzaddikim with the line about waiting for Moshiach. Let’s see some emotion – a fraction of the emotion you show when people suggest that you should come now and prepare the land for Moshiach.

The clever galus Jew will come up with reasons not to live in Israel that they would be ashamed to apply to any other place. One woman who left Israel, and felt the obligation to defame it as much as possible to justify her decision, claimed that everyone is rude, and she only had negative experiences with the people. Really, millions of Jews of all kinds, but everyone is rude and she only had negative experiences. One can only surmise that if her interactions with literally everyone she encountered were so negative that perhaps she had something to do with it. I did just that, and she called me a sexist. You play whatever cards you can.

I can see people moving apartments because the neighbors are rude. I can see people moving to another community that might be more friendly and welcoming. People don’t leave countries over this – especially not Jews. Jews have a lot more mental fortitude when it comes to remaining in galus, after all, and the goyim will have to much more than be rude to convince them to leave any country in the Diaspora.

Galus Jews are so brave in the face of anti-Semitism – this is our home and we will fight for it! Yet when it comes to living in Israel they are afraid they will get blown up on every bus, stabbed by every Arab, and have rockets rain from the skies more than rains of blessing. Interesting, no?

They cannot live in Israel because the government is corrupt, inept, wasteful, and otherwise unsatisfactory. Yet they would never leave their galus land for the same reason, nor is satisfaction with the government a serious consideration when they move from place to place within galus. Even Hitler coming to power wasn’t enough to motivate Jews to leave Germany, and today’s Jews are no wiser. So I’m calling bluff on that one.

They are worried about their safety in Israel. Right. Because the first thing galus Jews check when they decide where to live is the crime rate. If safety were their foremost consideration, it’s hard to explain why galus Jews tend to live in cities with high crime rates, and move in groups to rundown inner cities simply because the real estate is cheap. Safety first!

One galus Jew even told me that he believes Jews should stay in galus so that if Iran nukes Israel, the Jews in galus will survive and keep the Jewish people alive. What self-sacrifice! Staying behind in galus just to restart our people when God allows Israel to be nuked! Of course, it makes one wonder why galus Jews live in large clusters in places like New York City and communities near the White House, which would be prime targets for large-scale attacks. If the name of the game is spreading out as much as possible to increase our chances of survival, we can do much better than that.

They also claim that there isn’t enough land in Israel, or food, or water, were all Jews to come home. The galus Jew is staying behind just to make it easier for God, who they seem to believe cannot sustain us all in Israel, even though He did just fine when we were in the desert. Okay, maybe God CAN, but how can we rely on that?  We have to do our hishtadlus just to be sure. When God sends the Manna from heaven they will return, so we Jews in Israel won’t have to worry about food shortages.  The religious fervor of these people, their unswerving faith and devotion, is remarkable.

There is only one explanation for the galus Jew. He has been overcome by the yetzer hara.

Chazal teach that a person does not sin unless a spirit of insanity overcomes him. Indeed, no rational person can learn the Torah, witness the rebirth of Israel, and conclude that God wants him to stay in galus. No rational person can see the situation in galus declining day after day and resist the idea of leaving as if his life depended on it, when the very opposite is likely true. No rational person will fight for the honor of his foreign stepmother, who at best is only mildly abusive, while he disgraces the birth mother that is yearning for him.

It is the yetzer hara. The yetzer hara will do anything to get us to commit a sin. He will manipulate us and have our minds play tricks on us to justify wrongdoing. Living in Israel is a transcendent mitzva, and the entire Torah is centered around Israel. Do you think for one moment the yetzer hara would not devote every possible effort to convince Jews not to live there? Convincing a Jew to choose galus over Israel is the greatest coup for the yetzer hara. It is the most logical strategy for the yetzer hara to employ, and the only logical explanation for the twisted logic of the galus Jew.

I daresay the evil temptation to choose galus over Israel is the greatest challenge of our generation. It is irrational, it runs counter to the very essence of the Torah, it requires distorting or ignoring clear divine messages, and it is the greatest impediment to the redemption that is so tantalizingly close. The yetzer hara is fighting desperately to keep us with a galus mentality, and thereby to prolong the galus – a galus that has already ended if only we allowed it to be over.

Enough with the excuses. Come home, help us reclaim our land – all of it! – and end the galus once and for all.


‘For The Childrens’ Sake!’ – End Corona Restrictions

Ending the Lockdowns Isn’t about Saving Money. It’s about Saving Lives.

Gary Galles

“Saving lives versus saving money” comparisons confuse ends with means. The end of saving the economy is not to have more money. The end is to have resources necessary to preserve the lives and health of countless human beings.

How COVID Accelerated the Spread of Legalized ‘Mercy Killings’

Esav’s Merits Run Out

I do not claim to have met Moshiach in person or to know when he will reveal himself. God has not spoken to me. Angels have not revealed the future to me. The dead have not come to me in dreams with messages. I have no Kabbalah-inspired insights or powers. I can open a Chumash to a random page and point to a pasuk, but I will not declare it a message from heaven.

All that said, I have enough seichel to put two and two together. The Torah is meant to be learned and understood. We are supposed to learn, understand, and make decisions in real life accordingly. I have learned the words of Chazal, I see what is going on in the world, and it doesn’t take prophecy or special powers to connect the dots.

There are numerous indications that the nations of the world are in the process of an epic downfall, which will usher in the redemption of Israel and the Jewish people. In the last few days, I believe a critical line has been crossed, with only mild attention, that spells the doom of Esav.

We have a tradition that Yaakov and Esav have a see-saw relationship. When one is up, the other is down. For thousands of years the descendants of Esav have, for the most part, ruled the world, while the Jewish people were like the dust of the earth. Since the return to Israel our stock has slowly but continuously risen, while Esav has begun to decline.

There are several impediments that have slowed the process of our rise. The main impediment is the utter blindness of the Galus Jews, their stiff-necked unwillingness to recognize the divine call for them to return home en masse. I have written about this extensively, and will continue to do so, but this essay is not the place for it.

One of the other main impediments is Esav’s rightful hold on power. The time must be right not only for our redemption to occur, but for Esav to lose his position on the see-saw. Chazal teach that our initial entry into Israel was delayed in part for the occupying nations to fill their measure of sins until they deserved to be kicked out.

Chazal also teach that Esav excelled at one mitzva for which he merited world domination until this day. Just as we remain exiled until our sins are expiated, Esav stays in power until his merits run out. The mitzva that is the source of Esav’s power is kibbud av v’em, honoring his parents, and I daresay, albeit without any inside information, that his merits are just about finished.

For last few decades, Western society, which comes from Esav, has increasingly been waging war on traditional family values. It began with “women’s liberation”, which has morphed into a feminist movement whose true aim is to demolish God’s definition of Woman as Man’s helpmate and the mother of all life. It continued with the “sexual revolution”, which glorified promiscuity and attacked the very notion of shame.

The next battle was against babies. Contraception became the norm; procreation became an inconvenient byproduct of sex to be “controlled” and “prevented”. The murder of unwanted children received the sanitized term “abortion” to mask the true horror of the act. “Planned Parenthood” is an organization devoted to the planning of un-parenthood, facilitating the death of that which makes one a parent.

Amalek, the grandson of Esav, specializes in euphemisms and clever use of language to promote the abhorrent as sacred in polite company. The most unmotherly act imaginable is celebrated as “a woman’s right to choose”. What decent person could possibly be against a woman having a right to make choices, after all? So yes, a mother may choose to murder her child before birth, or even slightly after, if it comes down to it. In fact, she should be applauded for making this “empowering” choice.

According to the CDC, more than 46 million unborn children were killed by their mothers in the United States as of 2016. This is progress.

The war on tradition and children did not stop even there. Next to fall was the notion of marriage as a holy union specifically between a man and a woman. Esav embraced all manner of “alternative lifestyles” in favor of this lone option mandated by God on Day One of the human race. There is the “single lifestyle”, in which marriage is rejected as a shackle that interferes with one’s “self-actualization”. Becoming a “single mom” is an ideal for many “liberated” women, who may choose to have a child, though the child cannot choose to have a father.

There is the “open relationship”, in which married people commit adultery, but it’s not immoral because they decided that together.

There is “polyamory”, in which adultery is committed with numerous people, but it’s fine because they love each other.

And of course, there is gay marriage, where procreation is biologically impossible, aside from pesky biblical comments. Gay marriage is celebrated by Esav as the new holy of holies, the yardstick by which “moral” societies are now to be judged. Whoever allows gay people to push the envelope the farthest takes the moral lead, those who lag behind are condemned, and the game of “progress” continues from there with no end. Needless to say, those who choose to enter relationships where procreation is biologically impossible must be permitted to obtain children some other way, even renting a woman’s womb for that purpose. The only thing morally superior to a woman’s right to kill a child is the right to sell it.

Now the war has reached what may be its final stage. Not content to kill those who would come after them in the name of progress, now they are killing those who came before them in the name of “mercy”. Europe is increasingly embracing euthanasia of the sick and elderly, and the covid pandemic has accelerated the spread of this court-sanctioned murder of the weak and defenseless. If sick old people will voluntary forfeit their lives, that is most ideal. If not, society and medical practitioners may encourage them. If that fails, and they stubbornly wish to continue living, a termination of their life can be imposed upon them. Mercifully, of course, painlessly if possible, though they may struggle and thrash should they realize what is happening.

We cannot blame elderly people with sickness or dementia for not understanding that their lives are no longer worth living.

Presumably, this mercy is reserved primarily for those without great wealth or high connections. It is hard to imagine, say, the Pope being put to eternal rest should he contract covid. But grandma in the nursing home is no longer needed. She lived her life, she isn’t productive anymore, she isn’t paying taxes, and in fact she is only drawing money out of the system. She can go now.

Really, grandma, it’s about you having mercy on the rest of us, say the Europeans, those enlightened descendants of Esav who are never too busy to lecture Israel on morality.

Whatever starts in Europe eventually finds its way to America, and “physician-assisted death” is gradually catching on there too. Only Amalek could conjure up such a term, as physicians used to exist specifically to assist people in continuing to live. Nowadays, if a person is not murdered by his mother before being born, his own child might give the death sentence.

This brings us back to Esav’s hold on power. His sole merit was kibud av v’em. Now the descendants of Esav are increasingly killing their parents, deciding on their behalf that their lives are no longer worth living or fighting for. It is inconceivable that they will continue to enjoy reward for the kibud av v’em of their forefather when they have completely severed themselves from his example.

Esav’s father, Yitzchak, was blind. Esav served him and provided for him with the greatest of respect. Today, his descendants might simply have whacked him. For his own sake, of course, to put him out of his suffering. Clean and relatively swift, of course, by cutting off his oxygen or injecting him with poison. But a whacking all the same.

Esav’s two-millennium hold on power has been hanging by a single thread. That thread has frayed and may well have finally snapped.

Israel’s side of the see-saw has been steadily rising. The other side may be about to finally crash.

הרב גדליהו אקסלרוד בענין מטריית ‘מגן השבת’ ו’רבנים’ ליברלים

איסור מוחלט להשתמש במטריה בשבת גם באופן שמעליו יש מבנה קבוע של טפח על טפח, והרבנים שרוצים להתיר זאת הם פורצים והורסים את גדרי ההלכה ומהווים סכנה לעם ישראל רחמנא ליצלן ובדרך כזו יבואו להתיר כל איסורי תורה ה”י

ז”ל הביאור הלכה של בעל המשנה ברורה בסי’ שט”ו ס”ח בד”ה טפח: והנה על דבר נשיאת אמבריל”ו [הוא הגגות הנושאין על ראשן מפני החמה והגשמים…] ובדרך כלל יש הרבה והרבה שמחמירין ואוסרין שלא לפורסן בשבת מטעם אהל [הלא המה בספר מכתם לדוד ובס’ מאמר מרדכי ובחיי אדם ובראשם הגאון בעל נודע ביהודה כמו שמובא בשערי תשובה בסי’ ש”א סעי’ מ’ עיי”ש], וכמו שכתבו הפוסקים דכל היכא דמתכוין לשם אהל דהיינו להגן מפני החמה והגשמים אפילו בשביל הגג לבד בלא מחיצות ג”כ יש איסור ובזה הפאראס”ל נמי הלא מתכוין להגין מפני החמה והגשמים… וכן כתב ג”כ מצדד הפמ”ג בא”א סק”ח עיי”ש… ובפרט לפי מה שכתב הרמב”ם בפכ”ב הלכה כ”ח וז”ל ומותר להניח מטה וכסא וטרסקל ואע”פ שיעשה תחתיהן אהל שאין זה דרך עשיית אהל לא קבע ולא עראי… דיש ראיה לאיסורא מדכתב במטה וכסא מפני שאין זה דרך אהל וכו’ בזה הפאראס”ל שפריסתו דרך אהל הוא אסור, עכ”ל הביאו”ה, ולהלן נביא שכן נפסק בשו”ע.

ויעויין בקיצושו”ע סי’ פ’ סעיף ב’ דלשאת מטריה אסור משום דעושה אהל. וכן החיי אדם הל’ שבת כלל מ”ב ס”ו אוסר שהרי עושה אהל בתחלה. וכ”כ בערוך השלחן סי’ שט”ו סי”ב ז”ל וגם הפערעסא”ל… אהל גמור הוא ואסור לישא אותו בשבת אפילו בחצר כיון שהוא נעשה רק להגן ולהאהיל מפני החמה או הגשמים.

ובשש”כ פכ”ד סט”ו כתב גדר גדול גדרו גדולי הדורות לאסור להשתמש המטריה בשבת וכו’ עיי”ש [ויש ליישב תמיהת הגרשז”א שהביא שם ולחלק בין גגון הקבוע וזז שנחשב לחלק מהאהל הקבוע לבין עשיית אהל שאינו קבוע לאף מקום דאסור, וכן מטעם זה אסור לקפלו, ודבריו צ”ע].

הרמב”ם פכ”ב סעיף ל”א ז”ל כובע שעושין על הראש שהיא עושה צל כמו אהל… והיה מהודק על ראשו והיה השפה שהוציאה קשה ביותר כמו גג אסור מפני שהוא עושה אהל עראי עכ”ל. ובהגהות מיימוניות שם ז”ל והנה פירש כפירוש ר”ח וכן פירש בערוך… אבל רש”י פירש הא דמיהדק… דמיהדק שרי פירוש שקשור במשיחה.. ואין לירא שמא יפול ולא איירי מטעם אהל כלל עכ”ל, והביא שם בשם ס’ התרומה והא”ז שסוברים כרש”י.

אך אפילו המתירים לחבוש כובע שמסביבו רוחב טפח גם יסכימו לאסור לשאת מטריה מכיון שבכובע הם סוברים שהטפח שמסביבו אינו נעשה לכיסוי אלא לנוי או לחוזק הכובע, משא”כ במטריה כל תכליתו הוא להאהיל, ובזה יודו לדעת הרמב”ם ודעימיה דאסור לשאתו בשבת.

ומדין כובע עם טפח מוכח שהגם שהטפח קבוע בכובע גם כשאין לובשים אותו אין נקרא שיש בו טפח פרוס כמו אהל שכאשר פרוס בו רוחב טפח מותר להרחיבו באהל עראי, שהרי הראשונים האוסרים ללבשו אין סוברים דהוי אהל פרוס טפח מלפני שבת, והסברא פשוטה מכיון שכאשר אין לובשים אותו אינו נקרא פרוס והלבישה בשבת אסורה מכיון שמעשה הלבישה נחשבת לפריסת אהל. ולכן במטריה, אפילו פתוחה היא מלפני שבת, אך היא מונחת, כאשר מגביהים אותה מעל הראש להגן על ידה דהוי מעשה ההגבהה דין עשיית אהל בשבת ועל זה לא חולק אף אחד מהראשונים הנ”ל.

ותימה על הנוב”ת סי’ ל’ שכתב שאם המטריה היתה פתוחה מלפני שבת לא הוי נשיאתה מעל ראשו בגדר עשיית אהל, ואוסר רק מטעם שלא ידעו הרואים שהמטריה היתה פתוחה מלפני שבת. והרי מהגמרא הנ”ל מפורש בכובע עם טפח מסביבו שאסור ללבשו בשבת הגם שמוקף טפח מלפני השבת. וא”כ גם בנידוננו במטריה שהיתה פתוחה מלפני שבת, אין נחשבת כאהל בעת שמונחת ואינה משמשת לאהל.

והמגיד משנה שם כתב דר”ח סובר כהרמב”ם לאסור משום אהל. והרשב”א בגמ’ שבת פירש כהרמב”ם, ובמס’ עירובין פירש כרש”י, ומסיק המגיד משנה דהעיקר כהרמב”ם. ומחלוקת הפוסקים הוא בפירוש הגמרא שבת (קל”ח ע”ב) סיאנא אסור, ויעויין שם בתוד”ה הא.

וז”ל השו”ע סי’ ש”א סעיף מ’, כובע שהוא מתפשט להלן מראשו טפח אסור להניח בראשו אפילו בבית משום אהל עכ”ל. הרי שפוסק כדעת הרמב”ם הנ”ל. ובשו”ע הרב שם  סעיף מ”ט … ובמקומות שנהגו להקל בכל ענין אף אם הוא מתכוין לאהל אין למחות בידם כי יש להם מה שיסמכו שיש מתירין בכל ענין  שסוברים שלא גזרו כאן משום עשיית אהל הואיל ונעשה דרך לבישה עכ”ל, ויעויי”ש שמדבר בענין לבישת כובע שמסביבו יש רוחב טפח, וכונתו על דעת רש”י ודעימיה המקילים בזה, אך מדבריו אנו לומדים שכאשר נושא מטריה שהוא לא לבוש ונעשה אך ורק במטרה להגן מפני החמה והגשמים בזה לדעת כל הפוסקים יש איסור אהל, וכבר כתבנו לעיל סברא זו. עוד יעויין בברכי יוסף שם בשו”ע שהביא בשם המכתם לדוד לאסור משום אהל כפסיקת השו”ע.

וז”ל הנודע ביהודה תניינא או”ח סי’ ל’, …והתוס’ ודאי שפירשו משום אהל והוא גירסת ר”ח שכל דבריו דברי קבלה… וכן הרמב”ם… והרשב”א אף שבמס’ שבת העלה כרש”י הלא בעירובין הכריע כר”ח כמ”ש הרב המגיד שם בשמו… ועכ”פ לדינא מודה לדברי ר”ח וכן הטור בסי’ ש”א הביא דעת התוס’ באחרונה… והשו”ע שם ס”מ ג”כ החליט הטעם משום אוהל… וגם רש”י מודה… אם כונתו לאוהל שייך בו איסור אוהל. ומה שכתב (המשיב שם לשואל) כיון שהולך מקום למקום אינו נחשב אוהל, מלבד שכל דבריו בטלים מדין סיאנא הנ”ל, שהרי ג”כ הולך בו ממקום למקום, והרי כל הני רבוותא אסרוהו משום אוהל, עכ”ל הנוב”ת.

ויש לי להעיר על דבריו שכתב דלשטת הרי”ף יש איסור להשתמש במטריה מדאורייתא, ולומד כן מדברי הרי”ף בשבת קל”ח לגבי טלית כפולה שפושט בגגה טפח, וצע”ג דבריו, דשם מדובר שלטלית יש מחיצות, משא”כ במטריה שאין לה מחיצות, ורק גג יש לה. ומדברי הנו”ב נראה שסבר שגם מטריה יש לה מחיצות, ופלא בדבריו, מכיון שמסתמא גם בזמנו היו המטריות רק גג ללא מחיצות י’ טפחים.

הגיעו לידי כמה עמודים בהם מובא שהרב משה חזן (איני מכירו ולא יודעו) חיבר קונטרס “מגן שבת” העוסק במטריה מיוחדת לשבת שבראשה מבנה בשטח טפח על טפח שאינו נסגר גם בזמן שאין משתמשים במטריה, ומתחת להנ”ל בנויה מטריה רגילה ונקב בה חור ברדיוס של 5 סנטימטר מתחת למרכז של המבנה של טפח על טפח, והחליט שבאופן כזה מותר לפתוח את המטריה בשבת ולהשתמש בה מכיון שהמטריה היא תוספת לאהל עראי ומותר להוסיף על טפח של אהל עראי. ופנה לרבנים ממגזר מסויים ואסף אצלם כו”כ חתימות שמסכימים עמו.

עוד כתב שגם במקום שאין ערוב יש להתיר כאשר מתקינים חוט שמחבר בין המטריה הנ”ל ללולאה במעיל גשם, ומכיון שהתפקיד של המטריה ומעיל הגשם הוא אחד דהיינו להגן על האדם מן הגשם הרי נעשה המטריה לחלק מהמעיל ומותר לטלטלו ברשות הרבים דאורייתא. ומביא ראיה להמצאה זו מהנהגת העולם שמחברים מפתח לחגורה שאדם חוגר בו את מכנסיו, עכ”ד.

והריני להתייחס ראשית להיתר הטלטול בשבת ברה”ר מחמת חיבור המטריה למעיל הגשם ע”י חוט, שדברים אלו אינם נשמעים גם למי שלא שנה ולא קרא אפילו אות אחת בתורה. מכיון שהשימוש במפתח הוא באופן שמחברים אותו כדי שיהיה חוליה בחגורה ולכן מותר באופן זה לטלטלו מחמת שיש עליו דין של חגורה ולבוש לנושאו, משא”כ החיבור של מעיל הגשם למטריה אין כאן עי”ז חיבור ביניהם, דהיינו שאין למטריה שום תועלת מכך וכן אין למעיל הגשם שום תועלת מכך. ויש כאן סגנון של רבנים רפורמים שהתירו את כל איסורי התורה.

ועתה נתייחס ל”המצאה” שלמטריה יש בראשה מבנה של טפח על טפח והוא נמצא במרכז גג המטריה ואינו מחובר לגג המטריה, ומתחתיו יש חור בגג המטריה בקוטר של 10 ס”מ, וכנראה הכונה שמכיון שיש חור משמש המתקן הנ”ל כאהל על ה10 ס”מ.

איני רואה כאן שום צד לקרוא למבנה אהל טפח ולמטרייה תוספת לאהל.

כיון שהרי לאו באהל עסקינן כאן, כי המבנה הנ”ל אינו נמצא על גג, אינו משמש כהתחלת אהל, אלא הוא מותקן בראש המטריה באופן שכאשר תיפתח המטריה יתחבר מבנה זה למטרייה שמתחברת מתחתיו ויכסה את החור הנ”ל, הרי שלפנינו מטריה העשויה משני חלקים, חלק אחד בקוטר טפח, ומתחבר עמו עוד חלק, שהוא שאר המטריה. פשיטא דאסור לעשות בשבת אהל המורכב משני חלקים, ואין כאן תוספת אהל, אלא עשיית אהל בשבת משני חלקים.

תבנא לדינא שאסור להשתמש במטריה הנ”ל בשבת ויו”ט באיסור מוחלט. וחובה גדולה על הרבנים המפורסמים לצאת במחאה כנגד “היתרים” כאלו. וידוע שעולם הרבנות עומד בסכנה גדולה מרבנים “ליברלים” הפועלים רח”ל לפרוץ לגמרי את הלכות גרים שבשו”ע ועוד ועוד, וליצור “סגנון” מודרני של רבנים, ה’ ישמרנו מהם ומהמונם.

             הכו”ח ביום י”ט אייר ה’ תש”פ

                  מצפה להתעוררות הרבנים האמיתיים

             הרב גדליהו אקסלרוד, אב”ד חיפה

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Reprinted with permission.

Corona: The Numbers Lie

The CDC Confirms Remarkably Low Coronavirus Death Rate. Where Is The Media?

By Daniel Horowitz, The Blaze

Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19.

The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.

Until now, we have been ridiculed for thinking the death rate was that low, as opposed to the 3.4% estimate of the World Health Organization, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns. Now the CDC is agreeing to the lower rate in plain ink.

Plus, ultimately we might find out that the IFR is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50% asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2% – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.

More importantly, as I mentioned before, the overall death rate is meaningless because the numbers are so lopsided. Given that at least half of the deaths were in nursing homes, a back-of-the-envelope estimate would show that the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents would only be 0.1% or 1 in 1,000. And that includes people of all ages and all health statuses outside of nursing homes. Since nearly all of the deaths are those with comorbidities.

The CDC estimates the death rate from COVID-19 for those under 50 is 1 in 5,000 for those with symptoms, which would be 1 in 6,725 overall, but again, almost all those who die have specific comorbidities or underlying conditions. Those without them are more likely to die in a car accident. And schoolchildren, whose lives, mental health, and education we are destroying, are more likely to get struck by lightning.

To put this in perspective, one Twitter commentator juxtaposed the age-separated infection fatality rates in Spain to the average yearly probability of dying of anything for the same age groups, based on data from the Social Security Administration. He used Spain because we don’t have a detailed infection fatality rate estimate for each age group from any survey in the U.S. However, we know that Spain fared worse than almost every other country. This data is actually working with a top-line IFR of 1%, roughly four times what the CDC estimates for the U.S., so if anything, the corresponding numbers for the U.S. will be lower.

As you can see, even in Spain, the death rates from COVID-19 for younger people are very low and are well below the annual death rate for any age group in a given year. For children, despite their young age, they are 10-30 times more likely to die from other causes in any given year.

While obviously yearly death rates factor in myriad of causes of death and COVID-19 is just one virus, it still provides much-needed perspective to a public policy response that is completely divorced from the risk for all but the oldest and sickest people in the country.

Also, keep in mind, these numbers represent your chance of dying once you have already contracted the virus, aka the infection fatality rate. Once you couple the chance of contracting the virus in the first place together with the chance of dying from it, many younger people have a higher chance of dying from a lightning strike.

Four infectious disease doctors in Canada estimate that the individual rate of death from COVID-19 for people under 65 years of age is six per million people, or 0.0006 per cent – 1 in 166,666, which is “roughly equivalent to the risk of dying from a motor vehicle accident during the same time period.” These numbers are for Canada, which did have fewer deaths per capita than the U.S.; however, if you take New York City and its surrounding counties out of the equation, the two countries are pretty much the same. Also, remember, so much of the death is associated with the suicidal political decisions of certain states and countries to place COVID-19 patients in nursing homes. An astounding 62 percent of all COVID-19 deaths were in the six states confirmed to have done this, even though they only compose 18 percent of the national population.

We destroyed our entire country and suspended democracy all for a lie, and these people perpetrated the unscientific degree of panic. Will they ever admit the grave consequences of their error?

The Blaze


From Matzav, here.