PERSONAL Divine Providence – Even During the Holocaust

The Little Baby Girl Found in A Coat During the Holocaust

The Most Amazing Story…

When a train filled with a large transport of Jewish prisoners arrived at one of the Nazi killing centers, many Polish gentiles came out to watch the latest group as they were taken away. As the disoriented Jews were gathering their possessions to take with them into the camp, a Nazi officer in charge called out to the villagers standing nearby, “Anything these Jews leave behind you may take for yourselves, because for sure they will not be coming back to collect them!”

Two Polish women who were standing nearby saw a woman towards the back of the group, wearing a large, heavy, expensive coat. Not waiting for someone else to take the coat before them, they ran to the Jewish woman and knocked her to the ground, grabbed her coat and scurried away.

Moving out of sight of the others, they quickly laid the coat down on the ground to divide the spoils of what was hiding inside. Rummaging through the pockets, they giddily discovered gold jewelry, silver candlesticks and other heirlooms. They were thrilled with their find, but as they lifted the coat again, it still seemed heavier than it should. Upon further inspection, they found a secret pocket, and hidden inside the coat was …. a tiny baby girl!

Shocked at their discovery, one woman took pity and insisted to the other, “I don’t have any children, and I’m too old to give birth now. You take the gold and silver and let me have the baby.” The Polish woman took her new “daughter” home to her delighted husband.

They raised the Jewish girl as their own, treating her very well, but never telling her anything about her history. The girl excelled in her studies and even became a doctor, working as a pediatrician in a hospital in Poland.

When her “Mother” passed away many years later, a visitor came to pay her respects. An old woman invited herself in and said to the daughter, “I want you to know that the woman that passed away last week was not your real mother …” and she proceeded to tell her the whole story. She did not believe her at first, but the old woman insisted.

“When we found you, you were wearing a beautiful gold pendant with strange writing on it, which must be Hebrew
I am sure that your mother kept the necklace. Go and see for yourself” Indeed, the woman went into her deceased mother’s jewelry box and found the necklace just as the elderly lady had described. She was shocked. It was hard to fathom that she had been of Jewish descent, but the proof was right there in her hand. As this was her only link to a previous life, she cherished the necklace. She had it enlarged to fit her neck and wore it every day, although she thought nothing more of her Jewish roots.

Some time later, she went on holiday abroad and came across two Jewish boys standing on a main street, trying to interest Jewish passersby to wrap Tefillin on their arms (for males) or accept Shabbos candles to light on Friday afternoon (for females). Seizing the opportunity, she told them her entire story and showed them the necklace. The boys confirmed that a Jewish name was inscribed on the necklace but did not know about her status. They recommended that she write a letter to their mentor, the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L, explaining everything. If anyone would know what to do, it would be him.

She took their advice and sent off a letter that very same day. She received a speedy reply saying that it is clear from the facts that she is a Jewish girl and perhaps she would consider using her medical skills in Israel where talented pediatricians were needed. Her curiosity was piqued and she traveled to Israel where she consulted a Rabbinical Court (Beis Din) who declared her Jewish. Soon she was accepted into a hospital to work, and eventually met her husband and raised a family.

In August 2001, a terrorist blew up the Sbarro cafe in the center of Jerusalem. The injured were rushed to the hospital where this woman worked. One patient was brought in, an elderly man in a state of shock. He was searching everywhere for his granddaughter who had become separated from him.

Asking how she could recognize her, the frantic grandfather gave a description of a gold necklace that she was wearing.

Eventually, they finally found her among the injured patients. At the sight of this necklace, the pediatrician froze. She turned to the old man and said, “Where did you buy this necklace?”

“You can’t buy such a necklace,” he responded, “I am a goldsmith and I made this necklace. Actually I made two identical pieces for each of my daughters. This is my granddaughter from one of them, and my other daughter did not survive the war.”

And this is the story of how a Jewish girl, brutally torn away from her Mother on a Nazi camp platform almost sixty years ago, was reunited with her Father.

Source Yad Vashem.
Adapted from the book “Heroes of Faith”

From Dus Iz Nies, here.

Don’t We Trust Private Doctors on Whether to Eat on Yom Kippur?!

STOP THE MINYANIM: Respected Frum Doctor In Queens Writes Open Letter

(Dr Bennett is a Board Certified Emergency Room Physician, NY Hospital of Queens, and also private practice in Queens)

This is Ellie Bennett.

You all know who I am and where I work. I just feel that I have to go on record.

It is my medical opinion, and the same of all the infectious disease experts, that these minyamin are going to kill people. I know it is very difficult for you all to understand it because it seems like an innocuous gathering of 15 to 20 people. I will happily take any of you on a 5-minute tour of what is going on in my hospital right now.

As of this past Thursday we had seven patients sick enough to be admitted. As of yesterday it was 30 and as of today it’s 50. Elderly people from our neighborhood are on ventilators in the ICU because of these minyanim.

There’s a 6:00AM minyan, followed by 7:00AM followed by 8:00AM followed by 9:00AM Minyan. Even if only 25 people come to each, that’s a hundred people in the same room in the same morning.

Statistically, you guys are going to kill at least one old person every time you guys meet.

You all trust me to treat you like family when you come to my office, so I’m speaking to you like family. Stop the minyan. Stop the gatherings. Stay home and pray by yourself. Have in mind the EMTs and paramedics and doctors and nurses working in the hospitals who are working under ridiculous conditions trying to save as many people as we can. I admit, there will not be thousands of deaths in Kew Gardens Hills (Queens). But are we really willing to accept that 1 out of 100 people in our neighborhood will die? I am not.

We trust doctors whether or not to eat on Yom Kippur or when to make a bris.

Why all of a sudden do you think it’s appropriate to ignore us?

Have a good day and good luck to us all.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

From Yeshiva World News, here.

Where Is the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ Today? – Tvi Fishman

Where Is The Aron Today? Three Experts Weigh In

Every year around Purim, we read about the aron kodesh on Shabbat. But where is the aron today? To learn the answer to this question, The Jewish Press recently spoke to three experts.

Rabbi Chaim Richmond is co-director of the Temple Institute and recently started a project, “Jerusalem Lights,” whose goal is to bring the light of Torah to the wider world.

The Jewish Press: Do we know where the aron is today?         

Rabbi Richman: There many opinions, but the Rambam writes that when Shlomo HaMelech oversaw the construction of the first Temple, he perceived through ruach hakodesh that it would be destroyed, so he had a maze of underground tunnels and chambers built to hide its vessels and thus prevent them from being captured.

The second book of Chronicles records that King Josiah had a premonition that the Temple would be destroyed due to the corruption of his era, so he had the ark hidden in a specially-constructed maze of underground tunnels and chambers.

The Rambam accepts this as fact, and indicates that the Ark of the Covenant has been there ever since, which means that the legend of the “Lost Ark” is a non-Jewish invention, an intriguing basis for exciting movies and novels, but nothing more than that.

We basically know where the ark is located. The problem lies in reaching it.

If its location is known, why didn’t the Jews who built the second Temple restore it to its place in the Holy of Holies?

That’s a good question, which has never been clearly answered. Perhaps they knew the Second Temple would be destroyed as well and therefore decided to leave it in its hiding place. Perhaps the special segulos of the aron functioned as before even though it remained hidden. Or perhaps they couldn’t find it.

You have stated that finding the aron is important. Why do you think so?

The discovery of the ark, with the Tablets of Law inside, along with the broken Tablets, will trigger a wave of world teshuvah. Mankind will return to G-d. They will realize that all of their gods and doctrines are false, and that the Torah, and the covenant between Hashem and the nation of Israel are true.

In addition to teaching at several high-school yeshivot, Rabbi David Samson is a tour guide and lecturer on Tanach and the history of Eretz Yisrael.

The Jewish Press: What attempts have been made to locate the ark’s hiding place under the Temple Mount?

Rabbi Samson: There are scattered records throughout the ages of excavations that were conducted without success. One of the most recent and documented was conducted in 1909 by Montague Brownlow Parker from England.

He actually began his digging in the City of David, basing his undertaking on research gathered by a Finnish explorer, Henrik Valter Juvelius, who theorized that a system of underground tunnels led from the area of Silwan (the City of David) to the Temple Mount and the hiding place of the Temple vessels from the time of King Solomon.

The excavations uncovered an ancient system of tunnels, and many artifacts valuable in archeological research, but no treasures from the Temple. In the spring of 1912, Parker began to dig under the Temple Mount itself. The excavation coincided with the Passover, Easter, and Nabi Musa Festival of the Muslims, who claimed that Parker was trying to undermine the foundations of the Dome of the Rock shrine.

Due to incitement by the Arab Wakf, Arab rioting broke out in the city, and Parker had to pack up whatever equipment he could salvage and flee. Some of the items he left behind during his hasty escape are on display in the City of David National Park.

The most ambitious attempt to discover the hidden cavern chamber holding the ark under the Temple took place in July 1981, led by Rabbi Yehuda Meir Getz, who served as rabbi of the Kotel for 27 years before his death in 1995. The Jewish Press recently spoke with his grandson, Rabbi Adiel Getz.

The Jewish Press: What can you tell us about that excavation?

Rabbi Getz: My grandfather’s most inner being was connected to the Beit HaMikdash. In addition to his official duties as Rabbi of the Kotel, he headed the Bet-El Yeshiva for the Study of Kabbalah in the Old City.

Long before the Western Wall Tunnels were renovated and made available to the public, he would spend his nights, learning Torah and reciting Tikkun Chatzot with students in a narrow passageway he had discovered, facing what is now called, “Warren’s Gate,” after the engineer Charles Warren who was sent by the British to map underground Jerusalem in 1867.

In the time of the Second Temple, the gateway led to a tunnel and staircase to the Temple Mount, adjacent to the site of the Mikdash. After the Byzantine conquest of Jerusalem collapsed, the Jews were allowed to pray in a synagogue they built in the tunnel until it was destroyed in 1099 in the First Crusade. The tunnel became a water cistern, which Wilson named Cistern 30. My grandfather believed it could lead to the chamber where the ark was concealed, and above it, on ground level, to the place of the Altar.

Did he confer with anyone about his theory?

In 1976, he wrote to the Lubavitcher Rebbe about the matter, as he did with many issues, and asked if he could conduct excavations to investigate his conjectures. The Rebbe answered in the negative, saying it was a matter of Kodeshim. For the next five years, Rabbi Getz left things at that.

At the time, he was in charge of all Kotel affairs, from security to public ceremonies and archeological studies. The Ministry of Religion, and other government agencies, had authority on paper, but they left my grandfather alone to watch over the Kotel and its immediate surroundings.

In 1981, prompted by an inner compulsion, he ordered Jewish workers to break through the wall of Wilson’s Gate. The other ancient, sealed gates of Har HaBayit are composed of thick barricades of mud and stone, but the five-meter-high Wilson’s Gate crumpled into dust after a few hours of ardent sledgehammering. Suddenly, the ancient cistern appeared before the eyes of the workers who immediately summoned my grandfather.

How did your grandfather react?

During all of the work, he kept a diary. That day, he wrote, “I sat motionless for a long time, with hot tears pouring out of my eyes. I was seized with joy and trembling, and I felt deep inside that the next stage after discovering the tunnel would be the coming of the Mashiach and the redemption of Am Yisrael.”

He took the disappearance of the wall as a Heavenly sign that the time had arrived to carry out the exploration.

What did the opened gateway lead to?

It exposed a cistern 8 meters wide, 10 meters high, and 30 meters long, filled with water, mud, and sewage. First with shovels and buckets, then with a generator and pump, the water was removed from the cistern, which became a broad tunnel when empty.

My grandfather was sure it would lead them to the aron ha’brit. Holding to his calculation, which was shared by Rav Goren, that the Foundation Stone supported the altar outside the Sanctuary – not the Ark of the Covenant in the Kodesh HaKodeshim – and considering a Gemara that related how a kohen saw the hidden ark in a tunnel near the Chamber of Wood in the Woman’s Court, then died before he could approach it, Rav Getz first set out to reach the Foundation Stone. He planned to take chemical samples of the rock to determine if they contained traces of the materials used in the construction of the Altar.

When the diggers reached the end of the tunnel and banged on the wall in front of them, they heard hollow sounds indicating that the tunnel continued beyond the wall.

All of this was conducted in secret?

My grandfather first informed Rav Goren and Rav Ovadia Yosef. Then he told the heads of the Ministry of Religion about the project; also Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, Mossad Chief Rafael Eitan, and Deputy Prime Minister Yigael Yadin, the famous archeologist.

They all told him to continue the excavation, but not to tell Prime Minister Menachem Begin. In retrospect, my grandfather said that if he had told Begin, he would have consented along with the others, but that after the story became public, Begin had to stop it to prevent a war.

Some people maintain that Arabs heard the digging and informed the Muslim Wakf. My grandfather attributes the news leak to a reporter for Kol Yisrael who broke the headline story. The Wakf authorities sent Arabs down the scaffold shaft that the Ministry of Religion had erected, and a fight broke out in the tunnel between them and the Jewish workers and yeshiva students that my grandfather rallied to defend the site.

The project was terminated by Begin, and Warren’s Gate was once again sealed with enough layers of concrete to stop a division of tanks.

How did Rabbi Getz react?

He was heartbroken. He collapsed from exhaustion and was rushed to a hospital. In his diary entry for September 3, 1981, he writes: “My feeling when I recited Tikkun Chatzot today was close to that of my forefathers when they saw the House of our God go up in flames when it was destroyed…but I must persevere and not let the disappointment shatter my spirit.”

Reprinted from The Jewish Press.

Tzvi Fishman is a recipient of the Israel Ministry of Education Award for Creativity and Jewish Culture. His many novels and books on a variety of Jewish themes are available at Amazon Books, including four commentaries on the teachings of Rabbi Kook. Recently, he has published “Arise and Shine!” and “The Lion’s Roar” – 2 sequels to his popular novel, “Tevye in the Promised Land.” In Israel, the Tevye trilogy is distributed by Sifriyat Bet-El Publishing. He is also the director and producer of the feature film, “Stories of Rebbe Nachman,” starring Israel’s popular actor, Yehuda Barkan.

He can be contacted via his website:

The JEWISH Lesson from the Cessation of Government Transportation on Weekends

So, public transportation will now no longer operate on weekends, stopping Thursday eve and beginning again on Sunday morning (read details here).

Forget the nonobservant public transportation on Shabbos.

If we are to learn anything about ultimate causes, Mussar (in the original sense) must always be about us, not them. Let us rethink the actions of nominally observant Jews who travel so close to Shabbos, both before and after, directly causing the non-observant Jewish drivers to desecrate Shabbos, or at least, not accept it properly.

If anything, religious Jews should have long ago campaigned to decriminalize private transportation altogether (and correspondingly cease government-subsidized transport), so this governmental Chillul Shabbos is our fault, too.

On our puny imputations of Divine Providence, read this.

(Thanks to a dear reader who helped in preparing this article!)