Ron Paul Against the Government Rush to Vaccination

Ron Paul: People ‘Should Be Leery About’ a Coronavirus Vaccine

Ron Paul, in a Monday interview with host Dan Dicks at Press for Truth, warns that people “should be leery about” coronavirus vaccines that may come out. Further, says Paul, a doctor and former United States House of Representatives member, “right now I wouldn’t think there is any indication for anybody to take them,” noting that “scare tactics” are being used to pressure people into thinking they should take such potential vaccines to protect against coronavirus.

Paul supports this conclusion by stressing in the interview the potential danger of a vaccine as well as the overstated threat from coronavirus.

Regarding the potential danger from a coronavirus vaccine, Paul discusses at the beginning of the interview how, in 1976 in his first week as a House member, Paul was one of only two members, both doctors, who voted against legislation that helped rush through a vaccine in response to swine flu. Paul describes the results of the push for people to take the swine flu vaccine as follows:

They rushed the vaccine through. The vaccine was not properly made. It had nothing to do with the virus that was out there, so it saved nobody’s life from it. It caused a lot of harm. More people ended up dying from the inoculation than died from the flu that year. And that sort of was a lesson, like that’s a little bit too extreme. But, that’s about what happens when governments get involved and you do things for political reasons.

There was also, because a lot of people ended up getting the vaccine, I think there were like 50 people or more who got Guillain-Barré syndrome, which is temporary total paralysis and you can die from it but most of them did get better. But, it was a very, very serious complication of a viral injection, you know, a vaccine.

Paul also discusses in the interview the overstated danger from coronavirus that is being used to scare people to take actions including to potentially take a coronavirus vaccine.

Paul notes that many of the people whose deaths have been blamed on coronavirus are elderly people, including people living in nursing homes, who have multiple other diseases. Further, explains Paul, doctors have “been instructed by [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and other politicians that, when the doctors sign the death certificate, if [patients] have four different things but they happen to have a positive test for the virus that is to be put down as the major cause of death.” “The numbers mean nothing,” concludes Paul regarding the daily tabulation of coronavirus deaths.

In addition, Paul explains that many more people than officially recorded have contracted coronavirus. Some of these individuals never became sick. Others got better without any treatment, says Paul, pointing to his son Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as an example. While Rand Paul was given a test that confirmed he had coronavirus, most people who have had coronavirus and suffered no to minor medical problems have not been tested. With “probably millions of people” having contracted coronavirus, Paul concludes that the percentage of people who have contracted coronavirus and have died as a result “is probably very, very small.”

While Paul says he would choose not to take a vaccine for the coronavirus should one appear next week even if people claim it is 99 percent effective, he says that the decision to take or not take a vaccine is one that should be made by each individual, who can discuss the vaccine alternative with a doctor. Absolutely, Paul concludes, that decision should not be made by government.

Watch here Paul’s complete interview, in which he also discusses how government actions taken in the name of fighting coronavirus are harming the economy and his support for people speaking out for ending coronavirus-justified encroachments on freedom:

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From Ron Paul Institute, here.

שו”ת עירוב בעידן הגבלות הקורונה – ויש גם קורס בעניני תחומין

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לימוד כל חישובי התחומין בזמנינו

הקורס הראשון מסוגו, מאפשר ללמוד את כל הנושאים ההלכתים בחישוב התחום, בתוך שעות ספורות, ללא מאמץ גדול.

ההלכות המסובכות, נהיו פשוטות וברורות בעזרת הסידרה הזו

כל שיעור מלווה בהמחשה של תמונה או סרטון, המסייע להבין את ההלכה.

מתאים גם למי שלא למד בספרים, מחכים מאוד למי שלמד כבר.

בכל מצב אתה תהנה, תלמד. תרכוש, ידע מקיף וברור

נשאר לך רק לבחור כעת – כן אני עושה!

לפרטים והרשמה – לחץ כאן!

How Did Nazi Germany Differ From the United States Today?

On Rogues and Rogue States

Old, New, and Improved

I have just finished reading William Shirer’s Berlin Diary. (This may not fascinate you, but I am coming to something.) I first encountered it in high school. It is of course Shirer’s account as a correspondent in Germany of the rise of the Nazis. Most of it is well known to the educated. The Nazis, who had control over the domestic press, convinced the German population that the Poles were threatening Germany, as plausible as Guatemala threatening the United States. The Poles were said to be committing atrocities against Germans.

Then the Reich, with no justification whatever, having absolute air superiority, attacked Poland, bombing undefended cities and killing huge numbers of people. It was a German pattern several times repeated. Many reporters told of the smell of rotting bodies, of refugees dying of hunger and thirst. Today the Reich is endlessly remembered as a paragon of evil. It was.

How did Nazi Germany differ from the United States today? There is the same lying. Washington insisted that Iraq was about to get nuclear weapons, biological agents, that it had poisonous gas. None of this was true. The government, unimpeded by the media, persuaded over half of the American population that Iraq was responsible for Nine-Eleven. Now it says that Iran works to get nuclear weapons, and of course that the Russians are coming. The American press, informally but strictly controlled, carefully doesn’t challenge any of this.

Having prepped the American public as the Nazis prepped theirs, Washington unleashed a savage attack against Iraq, deliberately destroying infrastructure, leaving the country without power or purified water. The slaughter was godawful. But, said America, the war was to rid the Iraqi people of an evil dictator, to bring them democracy, freedom, and human rights. (The oil was entirely incidental. The oil is always incidental.)

Washington never sleeps in its campaigns to improve the lives of people whose most fervent wish is that America stop improving their lives. To give the Afghans democracy, human rights, and American values, the US has for eighteen years been bombing, bombing, bombing a largely illiterate population in a nation where America has no business. It is a coward’s war with warplanes butchering peasants who have no defenses. The pilots and drone operators who do this deserve contempt, as does the country that sends them. How many more years? For what purpose? And how were the German Nazis different?

The German Gestapo perpetrated sickening torture in hidden basements. America does the same, maintaining torture prisons around the world. In these, men, and no doubt women, are hung by their wrists for days, naked in very cold rooms, kept awake and periodically beaten (exactly as described by survivors of Soviet torture. Nazis, whether American, Russian, or German, are Nazis.)

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From Unz, here.

YOUR CALLING: Start a Jewish Blog! (Audio)

136. Gary North: Making a Difference in the World

More from Gary North:

Gary North’s Specific Answers

He has an archive of articles.

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Burt Blumert’s archive of articles.

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ממש עכשיו: לימוד סוד העיבור דרך זום

בימים טרופים אלו כאשר אנו בני התורה בשפיפות קומה כאשר בית מדרשינו התורני לא הצטיין (בחלקו) בחשיבה מקצועית ובקליטת מציאות אנשי תורה שהורגלו להכריע בהבל פיהם ובסברת כריסם בשאלות של מציאות בטוחים היו שהמציאות פועלת על פי שיקול דעתם חישבו להפעיל שיקול הדעת במציאות קשה ואכזרית שלא נענתה לקרייתם.
מה משמח להפנות את הזרקור אל עבר התחום המסורתי והאולטרה מקצועי שלא נס חלקומפי תלמידי חכמים שמונחים מחשיבה מאומצת, מקצועית מתודולוגית ומגיעים לידע מובנה.
הנכם מוזמנים לקחת חלק בכינוס המקצועי דרך הזום ביום ראשון הקרוב, ראה פרטים להלן:
אליהו סולוביציק

הכנס העשרים לענייני קידוש החודש, זמנים בהלכה ואסטרונומיה יהודית

מייסד רעיון הכנסים (החל מניסן תשנ”ד): ר’ שמחה ולנר ז”ל, נלב”ע בט”ז בשבט תשע”א

הכנס לע”נ רחל ואלטר ע”ה בת צבי ז”ל, נלב”ע בד’ בניסן תשע”ג

ציבור הלומדים הרחב מוזמן לכנס המקוון שייערך בעז”ה ביום ראשון, כ”ה בניסן ה’תש”פ (19 באפר.)

באמצעות כתובת הזום הבאה:

סדר היום:

10:45  התחברות

11:00  ראש המכון שי ואלטר, דברי פתיחה קצרים, מיד אחר כך:

הרב יואל שילה, המיל הרומי, ושיעור המיל בדברי חז”ל

12:00  הרב אחיקם קשת, שיטות מיפוי העולם במהלך הדורות

13:00  מר אהוד בר סיני, כלי האצטרולב ושימושו טרם המצאת הטלסקופ

14:00  הפסקה

15:00  הרב יהודה זייבלד, חישוב אורך צל השמש והקשרים בין רבי דוד הנגיד למלומד המוסלמי אבן טיבוגא

16:00  ד”ר ערן רביב, עיגול דרב נחשון גאון בסקירה היסטורית

17:00  ד”ר שי ואלטר, הפסוקים שאמרו האסטרונאוטים במבצעי החלל (50 שנה לנחיתת האדם על הירח).

תכנית הכנס המעודכנת ביותר, וכן קישור/ים מתעדכנים יופיע בעז”ה באתר:

בשל המצב ייתכנו שינויים בסדר היום ובכתובת הכניסה לזום.

חובה לעקוב אחרי עדכונים באתר הנ”ל.

בשל מגבלות צפייה אפשריות, תיתכן דרישה להרשמה מראש בדוא”ל

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