שיר אודות תקרובת ע”ז בפאה נכרית

פאות מהודו – תקרובת עבודה זרה

חרוזים אודות הפאות מהודו ● רֵאשִׁית גֵּז, עַד הַכְרִית! ● מאת: א. להט ● תקרובת עבודה זרה ● ולא תביא תועבה אל ביתך ● אפשרות לבישת פאה

05:37 (26/09/19) מכון בריתי יצחק ● הרב יצחק ברנד

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב ברנד שליט”א, כאן.

Mohammedanism Appeasement: The ‘Paradox of Tolerance’ IN ACTION…

The genius of the ‘Islam is right about women’ stunt

Posters bearing that message have appeared in a town in Massachusetts. No one knows how to react.


Trolling the woke left has become a popular pastime. It can be clever and funny, but it can just as often be a crude attempt to elicit outrage for its own sake. Rarely, however, does something show up that is easily dismissed as ‘trolling’, but which is so remarkably incisive and apt that it rises not only to the level of satire, but borders on civil disobedience.

Think of Posie Parker’s billboards quoting the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The power of such acts comes from two things. First, they acknowledge – usually with irreducible simplicity – that something that went without saying a moment ago has suddenly become unsayable. Secondly, the outrage they provoke does not come from any epithet, caricature or insult, but rather from having the nerve to draw the viewer’s attention to an act of cognitive dissonance that we are all engaging in, but would rather not acknowledge.

The result is that those who attempt to explain why the act is offensive end up simply tying themselves in knots, while revealing that they have never given a moment’s thought to the position they find themselves defending. This seems to generate even more anger, with the inevitable online mob quickly joined by politicians, journalists and other public figures, eager to see that the heretic is made an example of.

At their best, these acts of public disobedience are examples of real-life Winston Smiths pointing out to the rest of us that ‘Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four’. Their persecutors, like his, are those who know and fear the truth of Smith’s next sentence: ‘If that is granted, all else follows.’

The example of perfectly crafted dissent that I’d like to submit here appears in this video from Massachusetts local TV news, showing some reactions to the fly-posting of white sheets of paper bearing the statement ‘Islam is right about women’. The reactions are deeply revealing. Nobody can clearly point out why they object to the statement – indeed, nobody seems to object to the statement at all on its face. Yet most seem to express offence at it – if a little unconvincingly.

The reason for their dilemma is obvious enough to anyone who has been paying attention. Western society has managed to convince itself (at least in public) that any statement criticising any aspect of Islam is, by definition, bigotry. As a result, Western societies have effectively decided to enforce Islamic restrictions on blasphemy, and called it ‘tolerance’.

Continue reading…

From Spiked, here.

גם לך מגיע להיות מאושרת וקרובה להשם! – ראש השנה


אז איזה ראש יהיה לך השנה?

טהור ומכוסה במטפחת צנועה

כמו שרה רבקה רחל ולאה,

או מוקף בשער ממקור הטומאה

קרבן לאליל, תקרובת עבודה זרה?


התזכי לראש מוגן ושמור מכל נזק ופגע

משכן לשכינה על ראשך בכל רגע,

או משודרג מהמם מנקר ומושך

השטן וחילותיו אחוזים בראשך?


התזכי השנה שברכת שמים תלווך

בצאתך מביתך כי מלאכיו יצווך לשומרך בדרכך

ובעת תפילותיך יעמדו לצידך

מליצי טוב רבים שנבראו בזכותך,

 או מבטים ומחשבות הרהורים ונסיגות

צער הבריות ורבבות נסיונות?


הכנת ראש של כבש או ראש של דג,

אך מה עם הראש שלך?


הצטרפי גם את לגבורות החיל שעשו את הצעד – למעלה מ-800 נשים החליפו למטפחת בשנת תשע”ט.

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