The War Against the Jews ‘Corrupting’ Mohamedanism, Too (So To Speak)

Gaza Imam Vaguely Recalls Mosque Used For Something Other Than Hamas Tunnel Access, Arms Storage, Can’t Remember What

“I know it sounds bizarre.”

Gaza City, January 10 – The spiritual leader of a congregation in this embattled coastal territory confided today that his mind still contains a wisp of recognition that once, an unclear time ago, his house of worship served as a center for something that was not a weapons depot, military position, logistical materiel hub, or entry point to underground passages, but the specifics remain fuzzy.

Imam Nimr Issa of the Al-Kalb Mosque in the center of Gaza City shared with others in the mosque that he recalls a time, and it feels like a lifetime ago but was probably just a matter of months or maybe a couple of years, when non-military activities took place in the building. So much has happened in the interim, however, that he has trouble determining whether those murky memories are in fact real.

“Was it prayer?” he wondered. “Is that what I’m thinking of? I have this amorphous recollection that a mosque has, historically, served some purpose other than a base for killing Jews. Not that I oppose killing Jews! Just that I have this flash of something in the distant past, a time when we did other things here. It might explain those books and mats all over the place. But I can’t be too sure.”

Imam Issa also mentioned a cloudy sense of having preached values of self-discipline, kindness, community, and humility, but that might as well have been someone else. “Perhaps it was a badly-remembered dream,” he allowed. “Certainly in reality, the only appropriate subjects for sermons are the wickedness of the Jews, the glory of dying for Palestine, the perfidy of the Jews, the money one gets to die for Palestine, the corruption of the Jews, the pleasure one gets in Heaven after dying for Palestine, and the cruelty of the Jews.”

The imam’s colleagues at other mosques echoed the haunting sense of things having been different at some point, but none have achieved clarity on when that was, or on what, precisely, distinguished that occluded past from the universe humanity inhabits now.

“Wasn’t there something about a big rock in Arabia?” suggested Issa’s old madrassa classmate Subhi Masri. “I’m pretty sure we learned about that, about walking around it and ‘stoning the devil’ – and there are no Jews in Mecca, so we know that couldn’t be literal. I’m struggling with this, like there’s this previous incarnation we all had, in which mosques are houses of worship? I know it sounds bizarre.”

From PreOccupied Territory, here.

מוצ”ש פרשת בא: כנס עם צאצאי בעל אם הבנים שמחה

אגודת ‘קדושת ציון’, שמטרתה הנחלת אהבת ארץ ישראל בקרב הציבור החרדי, עורכת כנס ראשון בעיר אותו יכבדו בהשתתפותם הגרי”ד אלתר שליט”א, וכן נכדי ה’משנה שכיר’: המשפיעים הרב ברייער והרב ברנדסדורפר שליט”א

השבוע, במוצאי השבת הקרובה פרשת בא,  יתקיים בע”ה בעיר כנס ייחודי מסוגו, בו יעסקו באהת ארץ ישראל ובהשלכות המעשיות שיש למצווה זו. הכנס, הנערך ביוזמת ארגון ‘קדושת ציון’ הפועל להנחלת אהבת ישראל בקרב הציבור החרדי, יערך במעמד הגרי”ד אלתר שליט”א בנו של האדמו”ר ה’פני מנחם’ זי”ע, וכן במעמד נכדיו של בעל ה’משנה שכיר’ – המשפיעים האשדודיים הנודעים הגה”ח רבי יוסף צבי ברייער שליט”א והגה”ח רבי ידידיה ברדנדסדורפר שליט”א.

מתוך אתר אשדודס: הזירה החרדית, כאן.

והנה ההזמנה הרשמית, כקובץ:

Rabbi Kook Was Right: Anti-Torah Zionism Contains the Seeds of Its Own Destruction!

Excerpts (I assume) from a decade-old article in Haaretz (the link has since been removed by Haaretz) written by the notorious Gideon Levy:

Israel: Not what you thought, not what the world thought, not what Israelis imagine themselves to think. Israeli society isn’t secular, it isn’t liberal and it isn’t enlightened.

By Gideon Levy

God exists. Eighty percent of Israeli Jews can’t be wrong. And it is precisely for that reason we must say: God protect us from the results of the poll (conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute’s Guttman Center for Surveys and the Avi Chai Foundation ). While it is conceivably possible to deal with that burning, wholesale belief in the divine, what do we do with the “You chose us” part? Seventy percent of respondents said they also believed Jews are the Chosen People – and that frightening parameter is only on the rise.

…Even the religious character of the state, which is much less secular than we tend to think – no buses or El Al flights during Shabbat, no civil marriage, no unkosher hotels, a mezuzah on the doorjamb of nearly every home and a rising number of people who kiss it each time they enter or exit – all this can be explained by the survey data.

… From now on, it can no longer be claimed that the secular majority has acquiesced to the religious minority; there is no secular majority, only a negligible minority.

…We should admit the truth, which is that we are an almost religious society and a state that is almost based on religious law. There’s no need to keep counting the number of people wearing kippot, headscarves or shtreimels. Bareheaded people are in the same camp: They accept the character of their state, where the religion is the state and the state is the religion, all mixed together. There’s no need to keep being shocked by religious extremism – being religious, whether moderate or extreme, is all the same, and it’s the majority here.

…From Bnei Brak to Mea She’arim, these Haredim are, to a large extent, us, just with different dress and languages – more extreme versions of the same belief.

…Perhaps it was inevitable. A state that arose on a certain territory and conquered another territory and has remained there nearly forever, all on the basis of Bible stories; a population that never decided whether it was a nation or a religion; and a state that purports to be a “Jewish state,” even if no one has any idea what that means. All these cannot exist with no foundation – a chosen people that believes in its God. That is Israel, circa 2012. God have mercy on us.


If Only America Had Stayed Out of WWI…

Why Stalin and Hitler Should Never Have Happened

Herewith is a capsulized dissection which attempts to explain why Stalin and Hitler should have never happened. Accordingly, the hot, cold and Forever Wars wars that followed thereafter condemn the case for the American Empire, not make it; and they show that Trump’s America First is a far more appropriate lodestone for national security policy than Imperial Washington’s specious claim that America is the Indispensable Nation.

The Great War had been destined to end in 1917 by mutual exhaustion, bankruptcy and withdrawal from the utterly stalemated trenches of the Western Front. In the end, upwards of 3.3 million combatants had been killed and 8.3 million wounded over four years for movement along blood-drenched front-lines that could be measured in mere miles and yards.

Still, had America stayed on its side of the great Atlantic moat, the ultimate outcomes everywhere would have been far different. Foremostly, the infant democracy that came to power in February 1917 in Russia would not have been so easily smothered in its crib.Tom, AllisonBest Price: $3.74Buy New $6.43(as of 03:17 UTC – Details)

There surely would have been no disastrous summer offensive by the Kerensky government to rollback Germany on the eastern front where the czarist armies had earlier been humiliated and dismembered. In turn, an early end to Russia’s bloody and bankrupting impalement on the eastern front would also likely have precluded the return of Lenin to Russia in a German boxcar and the subsequent armed insurrection in Petrograd in November 1917. The flukish seizure of power by Lenin and his small band of fanatical Bolsheviks, in turn, would most certainly never have happened.

That is, the 20th century would not have been saddled with what inexorably morphed into the Stalinist nightmare. Nor would a garrisoned Soviet state have poisoned the peace of nations for 74 years thereafter, while causing the nuclear sword of Damocles to hang precariously over the planet.

Likewise, there would have been no abomination known as the Versailles peace treaty because it was a toxic peace of victors. But without America’s billions of aid and munitions and two million fresh dough-boys there would have been no Allied victors, as we demonstrate below.

Without Versailles, in turn, there would have been no “stab in the back” legends owing to the Weimar government’s forced signing of the “war guilt” clause; no continuance of England’s brutal post-armistice blockade that delivered hundreds of thousands of Germany’s women and children into starvation and death; and no demobilized 3-million man German army left humiliated, destitute, bitter and on a permanent political rampage of vengeance.

So, too, there would have been no acquiescence in the dismemberment of Germany at the Versailles “peace” table.

As it happened nearly one-fifth of Germany’s pre-war territory and population was spread in parts and pieces to Poland (the Danzig Corridor and Upper Silesia), Czechoslovakia (the Sudetenland), Denmark (Schleswig), France (the Saar, Alsace-Lorraine and the neutralized Rhineland) and Belgium (Eupen and Malmedy).

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.