One Jew’s Path Back From Cursedianity

My Battle for the Torah

My young adulthood, between the ages of twenty and thirty was stolen from me. When I was born on the Fourteenth of Nisan, the anniversary of our Exodus from Egypt, the last thing that my poor mother and father, of blessed memory would ever imagine was that I would repeat their life cycles. They were firebrands plucked out of the Nazi holocaust, living daily terror under the Third Reich. They travelled to Australia, as far as possible from the
nightmare they had known in Europe.

“You will have sons and daughters, but they will not remain yours, since they will be taken into captivity,” says the Bible verse (Deut. 28:41).

In the Holy Land during the destruction of the Second Temple…Sure!

In Europe during the Holocaust…Sure!

But, in Australia, the ultimate refuge after the Holocaust…No! Don’t tell me!

This is the story of a long and painful journey destined to cut me off from my family, work-friends — and except for a small group of people I will call exclusive brethren — virtually everybody I would theretofore encounter.

Many years later, after I had developed the maturity to appreciate the hand of God with all its infinite chesed and hidden intricacy, those lost years would be returned to me. Today I am a happily married man living in a religious community in Eretz Yisrael, the Land of my Fathers, with a four year old son of my own. Yehudah Baruch is my first child. It took a long time for me to get to this point in my life. Emotional scars don’t heal as quickly as physical scars. For me, they didn’t take years to heal. They took decades. Now, Hashem has given me the opportunity to give my seed something that I never knew for so many years.

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Zeev Breier
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‘If I Had a Hammer…’

There were no last-names yet. So, why the name “Maccabee“?

Here’s Hebrew-language Wikipedia’s summary of mixed quality (sources within):

יש סברות אחדות למקור השם “מכבי”. המילה העברית המקורית אינה ידועה, וכל שנותר הוא המילה היוונית Μακκαβαῖος, שניתן לתעתקה לשפה העברית בחזרה כ”מכבי” או כ”מקבי”. לשתי הצורות פירושים אפשריים:

מקבי מפורש בתור כינוי ליהודה משום היותו “כמקבת (פטיש קרב) על ראשי אויבי עמו” (ככינויו של קרל מרטל – קרל הפטיש), או כמו בפסוק “פי ה’ ייקבנו” (ישעיה ס”ב, ב) ואז מקבי הוא קיצור של “מקביה” ופירושו נקיבת האל, ובלשון חז”ל הביטוי “יקוב הדין את ההר” משמש לעמידה חזקה על העיקרון…

מכבי מוסבר באופן מסורתי על פי הפירוש המובא בספר יוסיפון הטוען כי מדובר בראשי תיבות של הפסוק “מי כמוך באלים יהוה” (שמות, ט”ו יא). על פי האגדה, פסוק זה היה רשום על סמל המורדים. הצעה אחרת היא כי מדובר בראשי תיבות של שמו של ראש משפחת החשמונאים, אביו מתתיהו כהן בן יוחנן, הידוע יותר בשם מתתיהו החשמונאי.

Note: The latter paragraph on “Maccabee” with the letter Kaf is homiletic!

How Hashem Acts Through the Likes of Putin and Netanyahu…

Storytime (source: Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu):

Harav Yitzchak Volozhiner says in the name of his father, Harav Chaim Volozhiner, that a tried-and-true method to remove the hatred of one’s enemy is to work on oneself to judge him favorably… (i.e. view his behavior and his motivation from his point of view). When we do that, the other person’s attitude toward us will change to the point where his antipathy will be transformed into love.

When I hear the term MIA (Missing in Action), one of the first names that comes to mind is Zachariah Baumel, the frum soldier who disappeared 37 years ago during one of the bloodiest battles of the First Lebanon War.

For years, Israeli protesters stood with placards outside the prime minister’s residence, urging him to do something to “bring back our boys.” Zechariah’s distraught father pleaded with government officials the world over to discover the whereabouts of his missing son, eventually bringing his grief with him to the grave.

In April 2019, 89-year-old Mrs. Baumel received the long-awaited news that after all these years, there was finally a breakthrough! Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called to inform her that the Russians had located Zechariah’s remains in a Syrian refugee camp in Damascus, and that he himself would be accompanying the aron back to Eretz Yisrael.

Shortly before he was killed, Zechariah sent a note to his parents that read: “Baruch Hashem, I’m fine. But it doesn’t look like I’ll be coming home any time soon.” Who would have dreamed that it would take 37 years?

At the emotional single day of shivah, the prime minister came to pay his condolences. Zechariah’s sister Osna Haberman bared her heart. “I want you to know,” she said, “that for years, the members of our family held a grudge against you and the previous governments. We’ve always felt that you didn’t do enough to bring our brother home. We felt that if you truly cared for his plight, you would have done more.

“Two years ago,” she continued, “our family got together and decided that we need to let go of our grievances. We agreed that as frum Jews, we are obligated to judge you favorably. We tried to put ourselves in your shoes and to better understand that as the prime minister of a tiny country constantly in a precarious state, you have major security concerns to deal with, and Zechariah Baumel can’t possibly be at the forefront of your mind at all times. At that time, we finally let go of our negative feelings.”

When Mr. Netanyahu heard this, his face paled and he began to visibly tremble. “Let me tell you the background to the story of Zechariah’s sudden return,” he shared.

“Two years ago, our intelligence uncovered a large-scale terrorist attack being planned against Russia. We shared the classified information with Vladimir Putin and the attack was averted.

“We knew that sooner or later would be payback time, so our Security Cabinet sat to discuss what to request of Mr. Putin. We drew up a list of 50 items. We succeeded in narrowing down the list to the three most important items, which dealt with Israel’s greatest security concerns. Zechariah Baumel was not even on the first list.

“As I met with Mr. Putin,” continued Mr. Netanyahu, “Zechariah’s name suddenly popped into my head. I told myself that it must be from Shamayim. Ignoring the list on the paper in front of me, I asked Mr. Putin to help me locate he remains of your brother and the other two boys who went missing with him.

“Mr. Putin was surprised by my request and asked me, ‘When was he killed?’ When I told him it was 35 years earlier, he was incredulous and wanted to know why I cared so much.

“I explained to him that as Jews, we take care of our people – both dead and alive, and I explained to him the importance of a body receiving a proper Jewish burial.

“Mr. Putin was so moved by my concern for a fellow Jew that he said, ‘If it’s so important to you, then I’ll take care of it. I’ll get it done.’

“Immediately after making this request,” admitted Netanyahu, “I began to regret what I had done. After all, how could I have squandered the opportunity to secure the pressing needs of my country in exchange for a soldier’s body? How would I explain this to my Cabinet?

“But then Mr. Putin surprised me and said, ‘I’ll give you Zechariah Baumel’s remains gratis – it’s not part of what I owe you.’ And then he allowed me to make my other requests.

“Now it is clear to me why your brother’s name suddenly popped into my head out of nowhere,” concluded Netanyahu emotionally. “It must be in the zechus of your family choosing to judge me in a positive light.”

(Excerpted from an article on Parashas Vayishlach by Genendel Krohn)

למה האתר שלכם מבזה ת”ח?! – ניסיון לבאר את השיטה לאחד הקוראים

הערה: קוצר, ונוספו לינקים.
שלום עליכם!
לפעמים אני רואה דברים תמוהים בכותרות שלך באתר, אבל אין הכי נמי כתבת שאתה הולך על הקצה, אבל נראה לי שהכותרת הבאה מהיום היא כבר ביזוי תלמידי חכמים: “How Maharitz Dushinsky’s Cowardly Anti-Zionism NEARLY KILLED Jerusalem’s Jews
האין זה זלזול כלפי הרב דושינסקי, על אף אמיתות עצם התוכן של המאמר?

אי משום הא תורה היא וללמוד אנו צריכין, כמו “ענוותנותו של רבי זכריה בן אבקולס החריבה כו'”, אבל רבים כעי”ז, ואי”ה אוסיפה כהנה וכהנה. רק לע”ד כדי לעקור אלהים אחרים של “מנהגים” ורבנים ש”לא טועים” חייבים להרבות דוגמאות להיפך אין קץ, וזה לה”ר לתועלת. (ויש אצלנו גם “כזה ראה וקדש”.) אני יודע שזה חידוש.

אכן, אמנם ביזוי ת”ח זה לא דבר קל.
וגם, מה הקשר בין “ענוותנותו של הרב דושינסקי” לבין לקרוא לו “פחדן” ו”אנטי ציוני”? שני אלה הם תארים לא עניינים לענ”ד, כי הרב דושינסקי לא “םחדן” אלא “ענוותן” יותר מדי, וכן גם “אנטי ציוני” זה נראה לי משונה, אלא אם כן תאמר לי שהוא באמת היה מוצהר “אנטי ציוני” דייקא, אבל גם אז נותן רושם כאילו ציונות זה קודש, כשזה מסיט מעצם הדיון על הסתכלות גאולתית וגדלות תורנית וכו’.
אפשר לומר שטעה, אבל משם לגינויים האלה זה תמוה לי ולא באמת נראה לי יעבור ויעשה רושם טוב.

ש”ע או”ח שכ”ט ו’ לא תלוי ב”ציונות”, אבל עפ”ר האנטי-ציונים מעמידים “ענוותנות” בדיוק כאן, ואכן, אינני “ציוני” בדיוק, אלא אנטי-אנטי ציוני.
שוב, בנפל אויבך אל תשמח, לכן בגיטין נ”ו הצביעו על שרש הטעות, וה”ה הכא, בדרך משל רש”י ויקרא רפט”ז “זה זרזו יותר מן הראשון”, ועדיין מרקד בינן!

אני לא חושב שיש בינינו מחלוקת אלא אני רק מזהיר מפני כותרות שתכלס מזלזלים בתלמידי חכמים ללא הצדקה, כי יש ביטויים חריפים. אולי אני טועה, אבל אני חושב שלכנות ככה בזלזול את הרב דושינסקי ובלי להגיד מילה אחת טובה עליו וללמד עליו קצת זכות שאיננו עוכר ישראל וכדומה חלילה – זה בעייתי מאוד, ולא משנה איזו מטרה רוצים להשיג.


Los Angeles Is for Standing Still, Israel Is for Growing

Growing In Ruchniyus? There’s No Better Place.

Haaretz Hatovah

Real Life Stories and Experiences of Yidden Settling in Eretz Yisroel.

Rabbi Yosef Younger’s story

It was fifteen years ago when I was finishing 4th-year beis medrash. I had spent a wonderful 5 years in Yeshivas Ohr Hameir of Peekskill, and it was time to move on. Most bochurim were going to Eretz Yisroel, and that was my destination as well. The only thing that was out of the ordinary in my situation was that my parents and seven of my younger siblings were planning to move from Los Angeles to Eretz Yisroel at the same time! This was something they had been planning and talking about for a while; most of us did not think it would ever really happen. But as the years passed, and three older siblings were already living in EY, they decided to join them. So instead of leaving everyone behind, which is what happens with most bochurim, I actually joined my family when I came to the Brisker Kollel in Yerushalayim.

Although my year of learning in Eretz Yisroel coincided with my parents Aliyah, I was not planning to stay. I thought I would learn for one year and then go to Lakewood and settle there; that was the normal pattern. The first thing that happened that set me rethinking was the psak I received. We came to Eretz Yisroel after Pesach, and soon it would be Shavuos. I called my Rav with my predictable shaila: Do I keep one day or two? He told me that since my family was in Eretz Yisroel, I should keep one day. I was surprised and explained again that I was most likely heading back to the USA, but he repeated, your family is there, keep one day. It is said that a Talmid Chochom is better than a Navi, he was right. Although I did not think I was going to stay here, I did.

When an excellent shidduch was redt, an American Israeli girl from a wonderful home, although I was interested I had to be honest. I told them I was not committing to staying here at all, if I need to go back to the USA, I will. They accepted this condition, as they already had two sons living there. Being under no pressure, I married and began Israeli Kollel life. I very much appreciated the Torah and kedusha here; B”H, my learning went well, my wife ran a successful Gan program and our family grew. Transportation, shopping and other such minor adjustments didn’t bother me; I found them quite doable, challenging in an entertaining way.

The longer we lived here, the less interest I had in leaving. Certainly, the fact that my parents, in-laws and most of our siblings (I also have 2 in America) were here made it most pleasant and helpful. I also knew that if I moved to the USA, there would be a lot of adjustment for my children, and they were doing well here in school. And most importantly, I was not attracted to the ‘American Dream’.

Overall, I did not have any big adjustments, although even until today I’m not sure how to do homework with my children. Math in Hebrew? I was actually quite good at math, but the Hebrew terms and the system in general, I don’t get.

After learning in Kollel for 13 years, I saw I was among the oldest there – I was outgrowing that environment and wanted to do more. I was very fortunate to get a position as a Shoel Meishiv in Imrei Binah in Har Nof, initially half a day, then after a year a full day. It’s a wonderful place to learn and teach, guiding American bochurim. Recently, as there was a need for greater parnassah, I found my place in writing/translating/transcribing. With a computer – no internet access needed – an American can find such work here, locally and from chutz laaretz. There are many jobs available; of course, the ability to be able to work in English is a big plus.

An interesting conversation I once had on the bus sums up my feelings. I was reviewing the Parsha while traveling, and the fellow sitting near me, without a head covering, asked if I could learn with him. I happily obliged, but soon enough we were shmoozing; really, he wanted to talk. He was quite shocked to hear that I had chosen to move here from Los Angeles. That’s where he and his chevra are dying to go! I easily explained my hashkafa to him – LA is great for pursuing materialism, but for growing in Ruchniyus, there’s no place like Eretz Yisroel!

This article is part of our Haaretz Hatovah series featuring Yidden living in, settling, and building up Eretz Yisroel. For more info please contact or visit

From Naava Kodesh, here.