The Creation of Gravity Operates in Sweden; Economic Laws Against Socialism Work Too!

The Sweden Myth

08/07/2006 Stefan Karlsson

Recently, the so-called Swedish model — that is, the Swedish economic system with high taxes and a big welfare state — has been celebrated again in the press.

The alleged recent success of the Swedish economy has allowed welfare statists both inside and outside of Sweden to argue that high taxes and an extensive welfare state are good for the economy. To fully understand this fallacy, we should review Sweden’s economic history.

Until the second half of the 19th century, Sweden was fairly poor. But far-reaching free market reforms in the 1860s allowed Sweden to benefit from the spreading Industrial Revolution.

And so, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Sweden saw its economy rapidly industrializing, driven by the many Swedish inventors and entrepreneurs.

During that time, Sweden produced extraordinarily many inventions, given its small population, including: dynamite, invented by Alfred Nobel (who established the Nobel Prize); the self-aligning ball bearing, invented by Sven Wingquist (who used this to create the SKF company); the sun-valve, invented by Gustav Dahlén (who used it to found industrial gas company AGA); the gas absorption refrigerator, invented by Baltzar von Platen (which was later used by Electrolux).

In addition, there were countless non-inventing entrepreneurs during that period: car manufacturers Volvo and Saab, and telecommunications company Ericsson. Indeed, with just a few exceptions, nearly all large Swedish companies were started during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which was not only a period of strong growth, but also the time when the foundation for later economic growth was laid.

Another factor which continued Swedish prosperity was the fact that Sweden was able to stay out of both World Wars, and indeed all other wars as well. Sweden is, in fact, the country with the longest consecutive period of peace, having fought no war since 1809, when Sweden was invaded by Russia, losing Finland to the invader.

Sweden has thus enjoyed 5 more years of peace than Switzerland, which participated in the Napoleonic wars in 1814. As a result of its free market policies, the resourcefulness of its people, and its successful avoidance of war, Sweden had the highest per-capita income growth in the world between 1870 and 1950, by which time Sweden had become one of the world’s richest countries, behind only the United States and Switzerland, and Denmark (who have since also fallen behind because of high taxes).

But the foundation for future trouble had already been created. In 1932, the Social Democrats rose to power in the face of the Great Depression. And like FDR in America and Adolf Hitler in Germany, they started to expand government power over the economy. Until 1932, government spending had been kept below 10% of GDP in Sweden, but the Social Democrats, under their leader Per Albin Hansson, wanted to change this and remake Sweden into a “folkhem” (“people’s home”), a term Swedish Social Democrats adopted from the Fascists in Italy.

Even in the early 1950s, Sweden was still one of the freest economies in the world, and government spending relative to GDP was in fact below the American level.

But between 1950 and 1976, Sweden experienced an expansion in government spending unprecedented during a period of peace, with government spending to GDP rising from about 20% in 1950 to more than 50% in 1975. Virtually every year, taxes were increased while the welfare state expanded relentlessly, both in the form of a sharp increase in the number of government employees and ever more transfer payment benefits.

During the first 20 years, this relentless government expansion took place seemingly without ill effect, as Sweden benefited from rapid global growth — although Sweden’s growth had already started to slip in relative terms, from well above average to just average. This changed in the 1970s after Olof Palme, from the left wing of the Social Democratic party became Prime Minister. Palme stepped up the socialist transformation in Sweden, rapidly increasing anti-business regulations and sharply increased payroll taxes.

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From, here.

חילוני מתגעגע ל’היתרים’ עליהם כבר התחרטנו

ציטוט מתוך כתבה של אבישי בן חיים, “מאבקי החרדים והחתולה של בלומה“:

לפי מה הרבנים מחליטים להקל או להחמיר, או להעלים עין בפסיקות הלכה בעלות השלכה כלכלית על הציבור? לאורך רוב ההיסטוריה היהודית ההלכה התחשבה במצוקה הכלכלית של ההמון היהודי הקורס ונמצאו הרבנים שהקלו על הציבור בשלל נושאים. גוי של שבת, הקלה בדיני ריבית, ביטול האיסור לסחור עם גויים שלושה ימים לפני ימי חגיהם, יציאה להפלגה בספינה סמוך לשבת, חליבה, אפילו גידול חזירים.

במקרים אחרים הופעלה השיטה של העלמת עין תחת ההנחיות הסלוגניות והחכמות להפליא של רבותינו “כשם שמצווה לומר דבר הנשמע, כך מצווה שלא לומר דבר שאינו נשמע” ו”הנח להם לישראל – מוטב יהיו שוגגין ולא יהיו מזידין”. לעתים נדמה שפעם, כשהאחריות על כלכלת הציבור ופרנסתו הייתה מוטלת על כתפי ההנהגה הרבנית, המגמה הייתה לנסות להקל. ואילו היום, כשהאחריות הזו מוטלת על כתפי ההנהגה החילונית – המגמה היא להשתדל להחמיר.

את שאר הכתבה ניתן לראות כאן.

Rabbi Hershel Schachter (et al.): FRAUDULENT ‘International Beit Din’ Consists of Ignoramuses!

Download (PDF, 736KB)

An English approximation can be found below, from Jewish Link NJ, here:

To my Honorable Colleagues, Students, and Rabbis in every city,

A few months ago, the International Beit Din for Agunot was established. Approximately two months ago, I reviewed a 23-page responsum in Hebrew written by a member of this beit din, on the subject of agency to write a divorce against a husband’s will, that is mistaken from beginning to end. Another four-page English responsum was shown to me, permitting an agunah to remarry due to invalid witnesses, based on the Ritva’s famous view. This is not the right path and not even the right city. The prohibition against adultery is not like the laws of mourning, for which we would say that the law follows the lenient opinion, and it is always possible to be lenient based on a tiny doubt. The Sages taught us that wherever there is a Chillul Hashem, we set aside respect for a rabbi. I feel an obligation to object because otherwise the public will assume that rabbinic silence implies agreement, and the students would see and establish this new approach permanently.

It is tremendous chutzpah that these three rabbis joined this beit din. Questions of this most serious nature—permitting a woman to remarry without a divorce—were brought to Rav Yitzchak Elchanan, after him to Rav Chaim Ozer and in our time to Rav Moshe Feinstein, all of whom were recognized as the greatest of their generations. It is forbidden for average rabbis to involve themselves in these matters because whoever does not understand the nature of marriages and divorces cannot be involved with them. In our generation, we present these questions to the few Torah scholars who have specialized in these laws and apprenticed under greats, and who therefore have a tradition about where to be lenient and where strict.

I encourage my colleagues and students not to rely on any ruling from this beit din because they have no standing. I heard that one of the judges resigned and I asked the other two to also remove themselves in the future from this bad activity and to inform the public not to rely on the lenient rulings they already issued since their entire approach is not according to the law.

(Rav) Tzvi (Hershel) Schachter, Tammuz 5775

I also agree to this objection with full force:

(Rav) Gedaliah Dov Schwartz, 21 Tammuz 5775

It is superfluous to add that there is no ruling and no judge but the nonsense of fools who have appointed themselves authorities:

(Rav) Nota Tzvi Greenblatt, Memphis, 22 Tammuz 5775

The words of the above giants are clear in law and in practice, and I also join in their objection:

(Rav) Avrohom Michael Union, 26 Tammuz 5775

I also join in objecting to this brazen breach:

(Rav) Menachem Mendel Senderovitz, 3 Av 5775

The laughable response from the “International Beit Din” can be found here.

How Environmental Damages Should and SHOULD NOT Be Prosecuted

Free Download from “Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution” by Murray N. Rothbard


Modern variants of positive legal theory state that the law should be what the legislators say it is. But what principles are to guide the legislators? And if we say that the legislators should be the spokesmen for their constituents, then we simply push the problem one step back, and ask: What principles are supposed to guide the voters?

Again, find the full article here.

Israel: From Mere ‘Kesubah Lezachar’ to Discouraging Marriage?

I hear the IDF has now substituted the “hateful”, exclusionary, etc. etc. language of “Father’s name:__”, “Mother’s name:__” with “Parent 1#:__”, “Parent 2#:__”.

Do you think even one less Jew will go to the IDF because of this?

Me neither.

Do you think this new custom will remain only in the IDF?

Me neither.