Hyehudi: What Like-Minded Jews Don’t Seem to Mind Recently

  1. Abandoning the Priestly Blessing in the Diaspora – Why Do You Look So GUILTY?!
  2. יהדות בריטניה: הדג מסריח מהראש
  3. Science Must Become the Handmaiden of Religion!
  4. תיקוני תשובת המשקל לפגם הברית ועוד – חלק שני
  5. Did You Know Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s ‘Living Torah’ Is Online?
  6. ארגון ‘שומרי שבת’ מעדכנים על מוצרים חדשים
  7. Subscribe to Daily Email
  8. במקום הסכמה… הרב יוסף ליברמן נגד הקונטרס בענין כיסוי השיער
  9. Are You Allowed to Say ‘Today Is Wednesday’?
  10. Partial Purim Post Compilation
  11. חדש: קונטרס דייני הכזב

Hop aboard!

The Shameful ‘Tzuk Eitan’ Defeat

These days we are commemorating a year after Operation “Tzuk Eitan” (Protective Edge) and there is still a public debate about the outcome of the war. Some say we won and others say that even if we didn’t lose, we didn’t win either.

In this context, let us recall lines written last year at the height of the Operation, and see them in the perspective of the year that has passed since.

In our parsha we read about the mitzvah of inheriting the land and the need for decisive victory in the war for the land (Bamidbar 33:55): “And if you don’t drive out the natives of the land from before you, then those who you allow to remain will be barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides.” Yehoshua also commands the nation regarding this before his death. (Yehoshua 23:12) We see in the books of the prophets that Israel paid a heavy price for not winning a decisive victory when inheriting the land. The exception was the tribe of Issachar, about which is said (Bereshith 49:15): “He lowered his shoulder to bear a burden and he was a worker paying tribute.” Rashi explains this according to the Targum: “To bear the burden of wars and to conquer the regions where they live on the border. And the enemy was defeated under him and served him by paying a tribute.” Only the one who wasn’t negligent in achieving decisive victory and conquest of his inheritance created the conditions to dwell in his region securely.”

The Torah explicitly commands us to conclude the war for the land decisively (Devarim 20:19): “When you besiege a city many days to conquer it…lay siege on the city that battles with you until it falls.” The siege has to reach the point of decisive victory “until it falls,” meaning breaching its walls “until its walls fall.” (Rashbam) However this will only be complete with the absolute conquest of the city (Onkeles). And this gain is not wholly realized until it is translated into complete rule and sovereignty, that it will be subservient to you. (Rashi) The battle cannot be considered a success until it ends with decisive victory even if we wear down the enemy and hit him hard. In war, there is no “victory by points”, only by a kind of “knockout”, a clear and unambiguous victory which will yield gains over the long term. From these verses the Sages learned that the need to complete the victory allows the Jews to continue the war on Shabbat (Talmud Shabbat 19a): “A city of heathens shouldn’t be besieged less than three days before Shabbat, but if the siege was commenced, it isn’t stopped. And thus said Shammai: “Until it falls-even on Shabbat.”

King David said (in Tehillim 18:38): “I will pursue my enemies until I reach them, and I will not return until I have destroyed them. I will crush them and they won’t be able to rise, they will fall under my feet.” We learned from him a few principles about war! The first: The pursuit after the enemies must continue until the mission is accomplished. Until then, “I will not return until I have destroyed them.” The second: Even if accomplishing the mission involves much hardship and even danger, “I will not return” – the mission has to be completed entirely – “until I have destroyed them.” The third – we have to act determinedly and unhesitatingly and with full force and strive for clear victory – “I will crush them and they won’t be able to rise.” The fourth – we need to ensure that the gains of the victory will be secure for a long time, so the nation’s stamina won’t get worn down by a drawn-out war which we will have to repeat again and again. This will give the nation the peace necessary to concentrate its national resources in creative and constructive ways.

The Natziv elaborates in HaEmek Davar (on Bamidbar 24:8) “About King Shaul, it is written ‘he prevailed in all that he did’, and about King David, it is written ‘and David was wise in all his ways’. But the difference between them is that one prevails in battle but doesn’t conquer his enemy under him, only fells them and weakens them. The result is that he doesn’t bring success to his nation. And one prevails and conquers under him. And this is the success of the nation…” Shaul only weakened his enemies and prevailed upon them. David conquered and stationed his guards from Edom to Moav and all the nations he conquered… because the one who prevails over his enemies only weakens them temporarily, until they become stronger few years later. Therefore decisive victory has to remain secure.” (See also on Devarim 33:11)

This principle also guided the Hasmoneans in their war. The Natziv (Emek Davar on Devarim 33:11) explains Moshe’s blessing to the Tribe of Levi: “And he gave them two blessings: ‘He will pound the thighs of his enemies’ ….’and his enemies won’t be able to rise’ which is greater than the first (blessing) which is only pounding and striking during the battle, but they (the enemies) are always liable to rise and overpower in a subsequent war. But this blessing is that the pounding will be such that they will not rise again, like in the Hasmonean war against the Greek empire.

Today there is an academic debate over the subject of decisive victory and how this materializes in a conflict like “Tzuk Eitan” – whether the current relative quiet is the sign of decisive victory or a quiet “time-out” for reorganization for the future. Our opinion is that the second statement is closer to the truth, and we try to utilize the interim to learn lessons and prepare for the future. At the same time, we should closely examine the subject of the Torah’s requirement to strive for a decisive victory.

From Yeshivat Machon Harel, here.

The Mishna Berurah Joint-Authorship Claim the Chazon Ish Hated

Who wrote the משנה ברורה?

The משנה ברורה שי”ח ס”ק י”ד writes:

         ” Food that was cooked for a sick person on Shabbos, even healthy people may eat it immediately on Motzei Shabbos. (Since it was cooked בהיתר  there is no problem of בישול עכו”ם & no need of בכדי שיעשו) “

The Dirshu Mishna Berurah quotes from the (שביתת השבת & שונה הלכות (ר’ חיים קניבסקי שליט”א who ask from the מ”ב שכ”ח ס”ק סג

“Food cooked for a חולה on Shabbos may not be eaten on Motzei Shabbos even for the חולה, since you can cook for him fresh food on Motzei Shabbos.”

The שביתת השבת & שונה הלכות answer various answers to solve the contradiction in the מ”ב.

In the ספר כל ספרי החפץ חיים ח”ג There is a chapter written by the son of the Chofetz Chaim הרב אריה לייב הכהן זצ”ל.

He writes that the Chofetz Chaim paid him a monthly salary of 20 Rubles so that he will help him with writing the מ”ב.

The first volume of the מ”ב and most of volume 3 was written entirely by the Chofetz Chaim.

The rest of the מ”ב R. Aryeh used to send to the Chofetz Chaim his pieces of Mishna Berurah & Biur Halacha. The Chofetz Chaim reviewed (edited) and entered them in the Sefer.

When the Chofetz Chaim wasn’t satisfied he rejected it and entered his own.

There were times when a Halacha somehow slipped through and was entered even though the Chofetz Chaim was not in agreement with it.

Therefore you will find at times contradictions in the מ”ב.

Continue reading…

From Toras Aba, here.

תחילת נפילה ניסה: כיצד התייחס הרב יוסף צבי דושינסקיא זצ”ל לארגון האצ”ל

לא הצלחתי לאמת, אך לאחרונה סיפר לי חבר טוב, מתנגד חריף ל”יד ישראל תקיפה” והמסתעף (קרי: ציונות), שהגאב”ד הרב דושינסקיא… (מה?! אמרתי משהו מוזר?) התנגד לחלוטין לארגון המרד בבריטים, והתנגד אפילו לתרום להם שקי חול, אך מכיון שהתחילו, התנגד גם להפסקת המאבק, וק”ל.

Made Aliyah? Yoel Berman Has 4 Requests (From Kedushas Tzion Convention Speech)

For the past few years, I have been working on various aspects of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel. Those projects are now under the name “Naava Kodesh”, you can see them online at naavakodesh.org.

There are four projects I would like to share with you –

First, the housing crisis. While it affects also Israeli Chareidim, they are here in Eretz Yisroel to stay, regardless. There are many chutznikim, though, who would be interested in settling here permanently and might consider staying only if they found suitable and more-affordable communities. While Kiryat Sefer, Beitar, Bet Shemesh and the like were an option, rising prices have made those irrelevant for many. I am currently working to promote the more-affordable communities as an option, including in what the Israelis call “Peripheria”, the peripheral communities of the north and south of Eretz Yisroel, where there are beautiful kehillos with several Anglo-Chareidim already integrated. (When I say “Anglo”, I mean coming from any English-speaking country, such as the U.S., Canada, England, etc.).

Second project is a database of Anglo-Chareidi volunteers who are willing to offer information and advice to others of similar mentality that are interested in settling here in Eretz Yisroel. If you have availability to be contacted by phone or email by pre-screened families from your hometown abroad, or from a similar profession, or by others, that have questions about your community, schools, shuls, or parnassah opportunities, please join this effort by filling out the form, available at naavakodesh.org. Even a few minutes of your time can be critical in giving an Anglo-Chareidi family the advice, support, and guidance they need to make Eretz Yisroel their permanent home.

Third – It is not a secret that living in, and building up, Eretz Yisroel – neither the mitzvah aspect nor the personal or technical aspects – are much a matter of discussion in Yeshiva and Chareidi circles, neither here in Eretz Yisroel nor abroad. This runs counter to the fact that Eretz Yisroel has always been of immense value to many of our great Torah personalities, including many who have had the zechus to come and settle here themselves.

In order to convey the message that Yishuv Eretz Yisroel really is of current value to the Chareidi and Yeshiva worlds – and is also something that can feasibly be done today – we are putting together a weekly sheet showcasing efforts of individual Chareidi immigrants from English-speaking countries to live in, settle and build up Eretz Yisroel. To this end, we ask that you agree to also include your efforts, whether large or small, in this publication.

The exposure to fellow Chareidim and Yeshivaleit, like you and me, who, living in Eretz Yisroel, have made a positive impact on themselves or also others, including in the fields of learning and teaching Torah, chinuch, parnossah, self-growth, kiruv and community-building, can have the effect of putting Eretz Yisroel back into our focus, as it has been throughout almost all of the history of the chareidim l’dvar HaShem.

By taking a few moments to share your story with us, we can together make a positive impact on the chutznik Chareidi and Yeshiva world.

Fourth project – As there are many who would be interested to help in these and other endeavors of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel, we thought of creating a forum for those interested in working together to advance all of these issues, and to exchange relevant ideas. If you hold Eretz Yisroel dear, please sign up to join the forum.

How to reach us:



072 298 6213 (voicemail)
