Why Do We Have To Believe in the Redemption Long Before It Arrives?

Posted on December 23, 2021 (5782) By Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein | Series:  | Level: 

Go and assemble the elders of Israel, and say to them, “…I have surely remembered you, and what is being done to you in Egypt.”[2]

Welcome news, to be sure. But perhaps a bit dramatic, and more than a bit premature? Given the state of mind of the people, why did this message come now, while the nation was still in the full grip of the shibud, before Moshe could provide any indication at all that anything had changed?

You could argue, with justification, that a show of emunah by the Bnei Yisrael was a necessary precursor to thegeulah. (Chazal[3] point specifically to the verses, “And they will hearken to your voice,”[4] and “The people believed”[5] as important contributions towards their redemption.) Yet, that confidence in Hashem could have awaited the beginning of the long process of the makos. Why was it necessary to tell them about ageulahthat was still many months away?

Here is the explanation. The Torah makes it quite clear that the exodus from Egypt played an outsize role in forging the emunah of our people. This is the reason why Hashem began the Aseres HaDibros with a reference to His redeeming us from slavery. It is the reason why remembering yetzias Mitzrayim returns again and again as an explicit element in so many of the mitzvos of the Torah. It is the reason why so many miracles and signs attended the redemption.

It is also a truism that Hashem does not grant anything to us without some kind of preparatory action on our part. To ready ourselves for an infusion of emunah, we had to act on its imminent arrival. It was necessary for us to hear about Hashem’s pending intervention on our behalf, and for us to anticipate it, dwell on it, savor it in advance. The Yalkut mentioned above does not mean that we had to accept the news rather than scoff at it. It means that we had to delight in that news. We had to picture different scenarios of redemption in our minds in advance of any display on Hashem’s part. We had to believe with intensity before we had anything to show for it.

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From Torah.org – Project Genesis, here.

Rabbi Asher Weiss Tells [R’ Bunim Shreiber?]: YOU’RE FIRED!

Quoting VIN News (with a recording):

PASSAIC (VINnews) — Rav Asher Weiss shlit”a, one of the Gedolei Eretz Yisrael, spoke in Passaic on Monday. One fundamental and timely topic he addressed was Charedi yeshivos and others in the yeshiva community davening for soldiers. The Rav, not surprisingly, was extremely in favor, and seemed to feel that it’s not even a question, as it is a basic expression of Ahavas Yisrael.

In regards to the fact that Rabbi Weiss’ own Kollel prays for the names of soldiers, he was asked about certain Roshei Yeshiva who are worried that bochurim will think they are “glorifying” Israeli soldiers and be motivated to join the army.

Rabbi Weiss was steadfast and firmly against that mindset, and completely dismissed it.

He said, “That is a very sad state of affairs if we are afraid that if boys daven for soldiers, they may join the army.”

He continued, “[If that is the case], the Roshei Yeshiva should go home and pass the mantle to others. I totally disagree [with it].

Rabbi Weiss went further. “Rav Chaim Shmulevitz and Rav Chatzkel Levenstein were yeshivishe guys… I was very close with Rav Shach. Officers used to come on a steady basis to visit Ponevezh, Rav Shach used to always invite them to his office. Every time, he said ‘We have hakaras hatov, you are safeguarding the country and we are learning Torah in your merit.

Read \ listen to the rest here…

חזרה משנת ה’טפטופים’ – העושה עצמו עז הזאבים אוכלים אותו

עדיין מדברים בסגנון אנטי-ציוני הכופר בישועת השם, על אף כל הנסים בדורנו, על “טפטוף”, ירי “מדוד וסמלי” של חיזבאללה לכיוון ישראל, כהבעת הזדהות מסוימת עם עזה, מבלי להיגרר למערכה גדולה. תחילת נפילה ניסה (סוטה מ”ד ב’).

שוב, “הכלת\ניהול הסכסוך”. שוב, “הם מורתעים”. שוב, “א”א בלי עזרת מצרים [קרי: אמריקה]”. המשך המלחמה בכל מי שבא לנצח או אפי’ להגן על יהודים.

הברברים הללו “לא למדו דבר ולא שכחו דבר”!

והרי יש אנשים ב”הנהגה” של מדינת היהודים המעימידם פנים כמאמינים ובוטחים בהשם ובישועתו. איזה חילול השם!

What Is the Talmud? Best Definition Ever!

From “My Year Inside Radical Islam: A Memoir” p. 182-183 (the story of an assimilated Jew who became a radical Mohamedan for a while):

Let’s ignore soccer, Kissinger, and the mitzva of taking interest from non-Jews.

As I recall from the Chazon Ish (16:8), men may uncover their calves but not their thighs. With women, there is added the modesty obligation of covering calves, as well: שוק באשה ערוה. The constant distortion of halacha by the liars of “Beis Din Mishmar Hatorah”, on the other hand, is definitely a plot to ruin everything.

By the way, isn’t it funny how anti-Jewish claims usually boil down to some accusation of us being too influenced by them? Self-defeating!

שאלה: מה יהיה ‘פרק התהלים של הרבי’ בעוד שלושים שנה? – צ”ע

חסידי חב”ד-ליובאוויטש נוהגים לומר פרק תהלים מיוחד כנגד מספר שני חיי הרבי שלהם (ש”לא מת” כידוע). כעת אוחזים בפרק קכ”ב.

נו, ומה יאמרו עוד כשלושים שנה?

ואולי יצרפו כמה פרקים ביחד? וצ”ע.