End Gazan Occupation NOW! (Via Annexation…)

What Happened to Hassan

Hassan, an 8-year-old Gazan boy, could consider himself lucky. Last year, thanks to his serious illness, Israel let him in to be treated in a Tel Aviv hospital. Israel boasts of its generosity: after four decades of occupation, which has left Gaza’s hospitals on a Third World level, followed by years of siege, which has exhausted the little equipment and medicine arsenal those wretched hospitals had acquired, Israel grants treatment to a small number of mostly terminal Palestinian patients, provided the full cost is paid by the Palestinian National Authority. How very generous indeed.

Since every Arab is a terrorist until the opposite is proven, Israel lets at best just one adult, usually a woman, accompany a sick child into Israel. Hassan’s mother could go with him. But no Palestinian vehicles are allowed in. Having crossed the checkpoint into Israel, how would the ill child and his mother make the 45 miles to Tel Aviv? Public transport is unfeasible; a taxi or an ambulance is unaffordable.

A solution is offered by a small network of volunteer drivers, Israelis who take Palestinian patients to Israeli hospitals and then back to the checkpoints in Gaza or the West Bank. Many Israelis label these people “Arab lovers” or worse. That’s how friends of mine got to know Hassan and his mother, about a year ago. Hassan was diagnosed and treated in Tel Aviv on an outpatient basis and had to be driven back and forth. My friends would pick up Hassan early in the morning, take him to hospital, wait outside till he was finished, and then take him back to the checkpoint. A whole day off. But they earned new friends. Gazans, but humans.

Hassan’s illness got worse and worse. Three months ago, with the hospitals in Gaza having only painkillers to offer, Hassan was permanently hospitalized in Tel Aviv. His mother stayed day and night at his bed: first, because Palestinians seem to love their children too, second, because she had to leave her ID card at the hospital, so she could not get out anyway. She spent months around the clock in the hospital with her ill son.

The doctors recommended bone-marrow implantation. Hassan’s four brothers were allowed in for one day, to check their compatibility as donors. But where would they stay the night? My friends offered them a bed. Realizing the four teenagers had never seen anything but the Gaza Strip, my friends did their best to give them a taste of life in Tel Aviv. After 24 hours they returned to Gaza; none of them could be used as a donor.

The last hope was Hassan’s married aunt, but her husband wouldn’t let her go. When he was finally persuaded, it was too late. The war broke out.

About 80 percent of Gaza’s residents are refugee families who were driven out of Israel in and after 1948. Hassan’s family belongs to the small minority of original Gazan families. They own a house. After the first day of the war all the windows and doors were gone, thanks to Israel’s surgical bombing. Hassan’s sister was injured: a deep, bleeding cut in her leg. Her father took her to the nearby hospital, behind which dozens of corpses lay in the open air. They poked fun at her slight injury and sent her home.

A week later, the terrified father and Hassan’s five siblings were pushed into a single room. The rest of their home was ruined. Yet another surgical bombing. Their text message to my friends sounded like a farewell, and not just because they had no electricity to charge their cell phone.

Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, Hassan’s condition deteriorated. His mother, at her dying son’s bed, followed the horrors in Gaza on the phone, fearing the Israeli bombings, which targeted cellular antennas as well, would break the little communication left with her bombed family. Her favorite doctor was taken to the army. I never met Hassan or his mother, but I could see their horror and despair, on both fronts, reflected in my friend’s sleepless eyes.

In the second week of the war, Hassan, 9 years old by now, passed away. It took several hours to arrange an ambulance to take the bereaved mother and Hassan’s body back to Gaza, hoping they would not be bombed there. They entered the Strip shortly before the “humanitarian pause” was over; the ambulance refused to take them home. Hassan’s mother left her little luggage behind – including some expensive medicines for her brother, unattainable in Gaza and paid for by my friends – and walked the last mile home, carrying her dead son in her arms. Hassan was buried the same day.

Now the family could now go back to “normal.” The last room left of their house had collapsed, so they moved in with relatives. Another bombing took the life of close friends of theirs, a couple with two young children. One of Hassan’s uncles was injured, my friends failed to understand how seriously.

Ten days later a cease-fire was announced. Hassan’s family returned to what was left of their home. Like most of their belongings, the fridge too is badly damaged, but there is little electricity anyway. Hassan’s mother is physically and mentally exhausted. Her doctor tells her to rest a lot and avoid stress. Sure thing.

This is a true story, but a very unusual one. There are virtually no contacts between Israelis and Palestinians. Israel has been doing all it can to prevent such contacts: they jeopardize the national project of dehumanizing the Palestinians. We must dehumanize them, otherwise we won’t be able to teach them a lesson they won’t forget (experts call it “deterrence”). And we must teach them a lesson they won’t forget, in order to prove that they never learn, so that yet another lesson is necessary. Someone has to keep the weapon industry running, and Israel has really tried every possible way to reach peace (except ending the occupation).

So here we are now: a bereaved family in a ruined house in Gaza and an Israeli family in Tel Aviv who have almost become one family through Hassan’s illness and death. They phone each other daily, hoping to meet again soon. Will they see each other again – not just soon, but ever? The answer is no. Not as long as Israel’s apartheid regime is in place. Israel does not allow its civilian citizens to enter Gaza, under any circumstances whatsoever. And Gazans are not allowed to enter Israel unless they are lucky enough to be dying.

From Antiwar, here.

בית הוועד לעריכה תורנית – הזמנה לכינוס

לידידי, מורי ורבותי

פנו זמנכם לכינוס השלישי של בית הוועד לעריכה תורנית ביום חמישי כ”ז בניסן בבית הכנסת ישורון רח’ המלך ג’ורג’.
כבר אמר החכם: “הלומד תורה מתוך מגמה לחפור עד הסלע, נזקק לכלי המחקר התורני וממצאיו”. ב”ה זכינו והמחקר התורני עושה חייל ובידי העורך התורני של ימינו כלים עוצמתיים להתקרב למושלמות. בכינוס יוצגו חידושים בתחום, ישקפו את הנעשה בהווה וישוחחו על העתיד. הנכם מוזמנים, מצ”ב התכניה.
טועמיה חיים זכו, ומצורף לכם בזה תעתיק מדף של פירוש רבנו חננאל שנצרף משבעה קטעי גניזה מפוזרים בעבודה משותפת של הרב אהרן אייזנבאך, הרב עדיאל ברויאר, והרב ברוך סולוביציק.

בברכה מרובה,

אליהו סולוביציק 

            מומחה להתחדשות עירונית


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הכנס השלישי של בית הוועד לעריכת כתבי רבותינו

יתקיים בעזהי”ת בכ”ז ניסן תשע”ט בין השעות 15:30-21:00

בירושלים עיה”ק בבית כנסת ‘ישורון’ רח’ המלך ג’ורג’ 44

ההשתתפות ללא תשלום

15:30 מושב ראשון: הטכנולוגיה בשירות הספרות התורנית יו”ר הרב יואל קטן

‘ויאמר לקוצרים ה’ עמכם’ – על כתיבה, ההדרה ותוכנות מחשב בדורנו – הרב אחיקם קַשָת

פרויקט פרידברג לכתבי יד יהודיים: סקירה כללית – אלן קרסנה

על האתרים ‘הכי גרסינן’ ו’מהדורא’ והשימוש בהם – הלל גרשוני; הרב ישראל פריזנד

כלים חדשים להשבחת טקסטים תורניים – הרב יעקב לויפר; פרופ’ משה קופל

מחידושיה של גניזת אירופה – פרופ’ שמחה עמנואל

שער למהדיר לגניזת קהיר – עדיאל ברויאר

הפסקה וכיבוד קל

18:30 מושב שני: ישן וחדש בבית המדרש יו”ר הרב אליהו סולוביצ’יק

ההדרה בין עיון למדני למחקר תורני – הרב אביאל סליי

אסכולות פרשניות של הראשונים – הרב אהרן גבאי

תולדות דפוסי הרמב”ם – הרב פרופ’ שלמה זלמן הבלין

ישן וחדש בהדפסת ספרי רבני צפון אפריקה – הרב פרופ’ משה עמאר

המהפכה התורנית – הספרות המבוארת – הרב מנחם מנדל פומרנץ

כתבי העת התורניים, מטרות והישגים – הרב שלמה הופמן

עבר, הווה ועתיד באנציקלופדיה התלמודית – הרב פרופ’ אברהם שטינברג

מכון שלמה אומן                       יד הרב הרצוג

בית הוועד לעריכת כתבי רבותינו


במקום להתעלם מהיהדות, מעתה המדינה תסלף אותה

קרבן פסח מול העבודה זרה החדשה

בזמננו נולדה סוג עבודה זרה חדשה, שאפשר לקרותה “דת ההומניזם” או “דת השוויון”, ובתוכו כלול שרוצים לעקור כל מושג של הבדלה ● במצוות קרבן פסח, באה התורה ללמדינו, שלא מספיק לבער את כח הרע, אלא יש להתעסק בדבר חשוב וזה קרבן פסח, ודרך זה ניתן ללחום נגד החדרת כח הרע ● דברי הרב אלעד צדיקוב והרב מיכאל זלבה בנושא זה, איך התפשט עבודה זרה זו בא”י, וממשיך לעשות שמות בכל חלקי חינוך הממלכתי, ומנסים להחדיר זה גם בחינוך הדתי והחרדי

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב יצחק ברנד שליט”א, כאן.

Rabbi Meir Kahane: ‘The Righteous Man REJOICES When He Sees Vengeance’

Rabbi Meir Kahane- Parshat BeShalach REJOICE WHEN THE WICKED DIE

“Then Moses and the Children of Israel sang this song…”–Exodus 15:1

Avraham Tirosh, a member of the Mafdal party (מפד”ל- מפלגת פועלים דתי לאומי) or the NRP (National Religious Party), recently wrote an article whose basic theme is love of all people, even enemies; equality of all people; and the sin of rejoicing over the death of our enemies. He begins, of course, with the usual partial quote from the Talmud (Megillah 10b) that when the angels sought to sing a song of praise as the Egyptians were drowning in the Red Sea, G-d said: “The work of My hands is drowning in the sea and you want to sing?”

Says Tirosh: “All who are created in the image of G-d, even the Egyptian, are G-d’s work and thus we must relate to them. When a disaster occurs to ANYONE, EVEN if he is your ENEMY, EVEN if he seeks to DESTROY YOU–do not sing praise. Or, in the words of King Solomon (Proverbs 24:17), ‘When your enemy falls, do not rejoice, and when he stumbles, let your heart not be glad.'”

As always, the Tiroshes of the world selectively and very partially quote the Talmud. The selection he cites really begins with R. Yehoshua Ben Levi starting his lecture on Megillat Esther with the verse, “As the L-rd rejoiced over you to do you good, so the L-rd will rejoice over you to cause you to perish” (Deuteronomy 28:63). And the Talmud asks: Does the Almighty then rejoice over the fall of the wicked? And to prove that He does not rejoice, the story of the angels asking to sing praise is cited. And this is where Tirosh stops. BUT THERE IS MORE!

The Talmud continues as follows: “Rabbi Elazar said: It is true that HE does not rejoice, but He causes OTHERS TO REJOICE.”

Ah, WHAT A DIFFERENCE! And a clear answer to the obvious question: If G-d does not want us to rejoice and praise Him when our enemy falls, why in the world does it say: “Then Moses and the Children of Israel sang this song to the L-rd…”? And a clear answer to why the Rabbis say (Mechilta, Beshalach 2:6): “Moses asked Israel: Will you stand and do NOTHING while the L-rd performs miracles and glories for you? Said Israel to Moses: What should we do? Said he to them: You will glorify and praise and give song and glory and greatness to the One to whom wars belong.”

Of course, the Almighty, the totality of compassion, the father of all, grieves for His children–all of them. HE does not sing. His angels, who are not of this world, do not sing. but the JEWS DO! Not only are they ALLOWED TO, THEY ARE COMMANDED TO…Why? For the very same reason that the Almighty, though He does not sing, DOES destroy the work of His hands when it turns evil.

Yes, of course, He grieves. He grieves at those who were made in His image have so perverted and destroyed the greatness of that image. But in His grief, He does not have pity. He destroys. He knows that evil and He cannot share the same world, as our Rabbis say: “As long as the wicked rule in the world, the Holy One Blessed Be He, so to speak, cannot sit on His throne” (Yalkut, Tehillim 47).

And thus do the Rabbis declare (Shemot Rabba 23:1): “This is the meaning of the verse ‘Your throne was firm from then (az אז)’ (Psalms 93:2). Although You exist from time immemorial, Your throne was not made firm and You were not renowned in Your world until Your children sang… [W]hen we sang before You ‘Az Yashir,’ then (az אז ) Your kingdom and throne were made firm.”

And that is why King David sings (Psalms 58:11-12): “The righteous one shall rejoice when he sees vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.” Why? Because only when we see the wicked punished, only when we see vengeance for their sins, do we have proof that G-d really exists and rules. And David continues by saying: “So that people shall say: There is, indeed, a reward for the righteous; there is, indeed, a G-d who judges on the earth.”

And that is why the Rabbis tell us that “Moses yearned to see vengeance against the Midianites” (Bamidbar Rabba 22:5). Moses. Yearned. To see vengeance on the wicked. What shall we do with the fanatic Moses…?

The incredible perversion of Judaism by confused and guilt-ridden Jews, ignoramuses and learned alike! Our Rabbis tell us (Yalkut, Beshalach 241): “‘And Israel saw the great hand of G-d’ (Exodus 14:31). When the Almighty wished to drown the Egyptians, the Archangel of Egypt (Uza) said, ‘Sovereign of the Universe! You are called just and righteous…why do You wish to drown the Egyptians?’…At that moment Gabriel rose, took a brick, and said, ‘Sovereign of the Universe! These who enslaved Your children in such a terrible slavery as this, shall You have mercy on them?’ Immediately, the Almighty drowned them.”

And allow me to introduce two other Talmudic sayings: “The generation was one of tiny faith, saying, ‘Just as we rose from the sea on this side, perhaps the Egyptians rose from the other side.’ The Almighty ordered that the bodies be washed up and Israel saw them” (Pesachim 118b). And Midrash Tehillim (22:1) adds, “Each Jew took his dog and put his foot on the throat of a dead Egyptian and said to his dog, ‘Eat of the hand that slaved me, eat of the heart that showed me no pity.'”

Poor Tirosh

As for the tiresome perversion of the verse, “When your enemy falls, do not rejoice” (Proverbs 24:17), it is time that Tirosh went beyond a Biblical verse and learned that G-d gave us an Oral Law, a Talmud, that explains verses. Let him open the Talmud (Megillah 16a) which tells of Mordechai kicking Haman as the latter bent over to help him climb on his horse. Haman, too, in a startling echo of Tirosh, wails: “Does it not say in your Torah, ‘When your enemy falls…’?” And Mordechai answers Haman, and Tirosh: “That applies to a Jew but concerning you the Torah states: ‘And you shall trample upon their high places’ (Deuteronomy 33:29).”

The Jewish Press, 1986

From The Kahane Bookshelf, here.

Krugman/Keynes ‘Broken Window Fallacy’ FLOODS Iran

TEHRAN — Following spring downpours, leading to a devastating flood in western, southwestern, and northern Iran, the country suffered the loss of 300 trillion rials (approximately $7 billion), however, the benefits of the flooding cannot be ignored.

Issa Kalantari, chief of the Department of Environment (DOE), told Khabar online that rainfalls have economic benefits for the country twice as much as the agriculture sector. While DOE chief regretted the casualties caused by the flooding he highlighted that the benefits of the floods are 10 times more than the losses they inflicted upon the country.

The flood waters would bring back wetlands and rivers to life and revive Zagros forests, and also recharge surface and groundwater resources, Kalantari added.

The head of Technology Development Council of Water, Drought, Erosion, and Environment at Science and Technology vice Presidency Naderqoli Ebrahimi said that during wet spells recharging groundwater resources must become a priority.

Directing floodwaters to aquifers and plains and proper watershed and aquifer management would help in compensating decreases in groundwater resources, Ebrahimi noted.

In regions where proper watershed and aquifer management plans were conducted flood has slight loss and water has entered groundwater resources naturally, he highlighted.

Mohammad Fazeli, an official with Energy Ministry, also said that floodwater can play a role in dissolving chemicals in farming lands.

The increase in the amount of water after floods will promote industries and tourism in flood-hit regions, he added.

Fazeli went on to explain that while floods have destructed infrastructure, and damaged houses, farming lands, crops, and livestock in the short-term, its long-term benefits outweigh the losses.

Found here on the Tehran Times.