The New Campus of Israel’s State Library

A Visit to the National Library of Israel

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

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Many were anticipating the gala, grand opening of the new campus of the National Library of Israel, but with the current “matsav” (situation), it’s been kind of a “soft” opening, with a limit on how many people can be in the library for security reasons. We joined one of the daily tours of the facility, and the word “cool” came to mind throughout the tour.

As you can see from the photograph, the building is supposed to look like an open book. You don’t really get that close up, but it’s still an interesting shape. It is also a “green” building, so several aspects are mindful of the environment, including the landscaping. Our tour guide pointed out that while across the street (to the right in the photo), the Knesset building is heavily fenced, the library has no gate or fence, so everyone has access.

To preserve the quiet of the library, the tour guide had a microphone, and all the tour participants had head sets connected to the tour guide’s output, so she could speak quietly and everyone could hear what she was saying. The building is built from Jerusalem Stone, a light-colored limestone. Even though it is called “Jerusalem Stone,” the limestone for the building was quarried in Mitzpe Ramon, about 115 miles south in the Negev.

As part of the green concept, there is a huge skylight above the main reading rooms:

Besides the main reading room, there are several rooms for special collections and exhibits. There are offices, a synagogue and a prayer room.

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From Life Is Like a Library, here.

How To Organize Your Day

I read that Rabbi Nosson Libermensh (“mashpia” in Berslov) said one should organize one’s day such that one can daven well.

Instead of planning the day to ensure chavrusos or meetings or parnassa or health, one should first ensure the right sort of minyan, enough time to get there, time to prepare, earlier schedule, and then find a way to fit everything else into the day.

I don’t know what his source is, but it sounds like it’s worth a try.