Netanyahu Destroyed by His Own Injustice System

Father Of Arrested Minor Speaks Out

A dear friend of mine of 35 years lives in my Jerusalem neighborhood. He taught several of my sons; my children and his children are the same age, and they learned together in the same classroom for years.

Almost two weeks ago, my friend’s youngest son was arrested and imprisoned. For a week, he and four of his friends – all minors studying at a yeshiva in the Shomron – were interrogated by the Shabak without the privilege of speaking with a lawyer. My friend still has not been allowed to communicate with his son.

The lawyers who eventually met with the youths were outraged at how harshly the young suspects were treated – tied to chairs throughout the day, denied sleep at night, yelled and spit at, and threatened with cruel punishments if they refused to admit they threw rocks at a car three months ago that killed the Arab woman driving it.

My friend’s son is being charged with murder and four other terror-related activities. Because he is a minor, his name cannot be disclosed according to Israeli law. But I know his father and spoke with him. Here is what he told me:

“Naturally, as parents, my wife and I are extremely distressed. We believe our son is innocent, and the lawyer who spoke with him assured us that the investigators have no concrete proof against him. From what the lawyer told us, our son has been deeply traumatized by his treatment in prison and being charged with murder.

“I don’t know why he and his friends were arrested. Just because his yeshiva is located in the vicinity of the rock throwing doesn’t mean anything. The perpetrators could have been Arabs who believed that Jews were traveling inside the car. Arabs throwing rocks at cars throughout Judea and Samaria is a regular occurrence.

“I’d like to say that my wife and I both understand and value the work of Israel’s Security Forces and the Shabak. Day and night, in life-threatening actions, they carry out missions to ensure the security of our people…. Therefore, we are against blanket condemnations of their work and the name-calling that has surrounded the arrest of the five boys and their persistent illegal actions against what the media labels ‘hilltop-youth.’

“Nonetheless, it appears to us that the so-called Jewish Division of the General Security Services has stepped out of line in the case of my son and his friends and in many similar cases. It seems that they carry out false and damaging arrests in order to justify their salaries and the existence of their department. Or else they do it to placate the Arabs or due to orders from someone on high….

“It may very well be that a handful of Jews sometimes take the law into their own hands, committing acts of revenge – we know of such cases. However, acting in an illegal manner, arresting innocent minors and forcing confessions from them through physical and psychological torture while ignoring their basic rights, is a practice that must be uprooted and banned.

“The prime minister is the official head of the GSS [General Security Services]. He cannot, on the one hand, complain about his own personal unfair treatment by Israel’s law establishment, claiming they are hounding him without cause while he condones illegal actions against minors and other citizens of the country.

“Responsibility for the illegal and immoral actions of the Shabak’s Jewish Division lies with the prime minister. If G-d forbid, an innocent youth suffering from the trauma of torture and long incarceration commits suicide in prison, the prime minister cannot hold up his hands and claim he did not shed his blood. We call upon Bibi Netanyahu to shut down the anti-Jewish Division of the GSS and put an end to its barbaric and illegal behavior – now.”

Reprinted from The Jewish Press.

Tzvi Fishman is a recipient of the Israel Ministry of Education Award for Creativity and Jewish Culture. His many novels and books on a variety of Jewish themes are available at Amazon Books, including four commentaries on the teachings of Rabbi Kook. Recently, he has published “Arise and Shine!” and “The Lion’s Roar” – 2 sequels to his popular novel, “Tevye in the Promised Land.” In Israel, the Tevye trilogy is distributed by Sifriyat Bet-El Publishing. He is also the director and producer of the feature film, “Stories of Rebbe Nachman,” starring Israel’s popular actor, Yehuda Barkan. He can be contacted via his website:

Gearing Up for PURIM…

Ten Purim Facts

1) Although there are 5 Megilos, Chazal (Bavli & Yerushalmi) refer to, only Megillas Esther as a Megillah. They never refer to the other 4 as a Megillah.

2) There is a Machlokes if banging at Haman is for children only (Maharil) or for adults as well (Chacham Tzvi)

3) Minhag Lita is to bang only where Haman and his father are mentioned. (Haman ben Hamdasa)

4) According to Kabbalah, you should bang only with your feet.

5) According to the Targum Sheini, The 50 Amos pole, they hung Haman on,  came from Noach’s Teivah.

6) The name of the horse Mordechai rode on, was שפרגז “spare gas” (Targum Sheini)

7) The Mateh Moishe writes the reason Chazal said Chayav -L’Besuma because drunk people are loose with their money and will give more to the poor.

8) According to the Tur  a Chosson should not attend Shul for Megillah. He should have ten people come to the house to Lein Megillah.

9) The Seder Hadoros writes: When R. Yehudah Halevi wrote the Piyut “Adon Chasdecha” ** the Ibn Ezra added a Stanza at the letter Reish. R.Y.Halevi was so impressed, he gave him his daughter for marriage. Hence two stanzas for the letter Reish.

10) The Shu”t Dvar Shmuel (193) criticizes strongly the printers of Meseches Purim***. He claims it is Chilul Hatorah to imitate the Gemoro and turn it into a song and comedy.

**Sefardim say it on Parshas Zachor

*** written 700 years ago and printed  in the year 1513

From Toras Aba, here.

Minhagim Which Lead to Mitzvos

Some have the custom to cover up the unplastered square (Zecher Lachurban) during Adar. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I figure, better have a Zecher Lachurban for 11/12 (or 12/13) months, than zero…

Likewise, some have the custom to give Machtzis Hashekel for the unborn. Yes, it’s a Chumrah. But perhaps this will slow down the Heterim for abortion.

And so on.

Are ANY of the Political Parties Running a Descendant of King David?!

Excerpted here from Rabbi Avi Grossman:

Concerning the upcoming Israeli elections, you have heard that various rabbanim claim that to vote is forbidden, as one should not have a hand in the establishment of a government that will inevitably violate the Torah. I hear that. Other rabbanim have claimed that voting and participating in the formation of a new Knesset, which will, in turn, lead to the formation of a new government, is a form of the fulfillment of the commandment to appoint a king. They quote Deuteronomy 17:15, “You shall surely set a king over yourself.”

I believe that the truth is somewhere in between. The verse is indeed a positive and binding commandment, and one that, God willing, is to lead us to fulfill the subsequent commandments of wiping out Amalek (i.e. securing national security even if it entails preemptive action) and building the Temple (the physical manifestation of a national sense of unity and purpose).

The full verse also says that the king should be one “whom the Lord your God shall choose.” Who is such a candidate? Well, only a prophet could tell you, but we also know that the Davidians (the worthy ones among them) have already been chosen and anointed. Therefore, it is proper that one vote for the party that intends to put a qualified and worthy Davidian in charge. Voting for anyone else is not a fulfillment of the commandment. I am surprised that I have not seen this point made elsewhere, but it is reflected in our ancient history. After Samuel anointed Saul, the Israelite majority did not accept him as king. It was only after he led a successful military campaign against the Ammonites that the people accepted him. David as well was not immediately accepted as king, and neither was Solomon, even though both had received divine approval. As with most of history, there is nothing really new.

Nahmanides, as you may recall, wrote this concerning the Hasmonean dynasty. They should have been replaced by Davidians, and Nahmanides would be right to similarly criticize our generation. Maimonides, to be fair, would countenance non-Davidians ruling Israel, if they also received a temporary prophetic endorsement, so unless a prophet arises and endorses the Jewish Home or whoever, they do not have my vote.

Found here.