Reprinted with permission.
(גליון חודש אדר א’ ניתן למצוא כאן.)
Rabbi Nosson Kopshitz shlita is a great Talmid Chacham, especially considered an expert in the laws of Ribbis, and the pride of his city, Beit Shemesh (just listen to scholars who know him!).
A certain rabbi told me he would give a regular halacha shiur (class) to sefardi Avreichim up until the listeners complained he would never so much as mention Rabbi Ovadya Yosef. “Even if you happen to disagree or follow other opinions”, they claimed, “at least mention Rabbi Ovadya’s view among others”.
So, he went and asked Rabbi Kopshitz if he could do so. The answer was clear: No. Even mentioning Rabbi Ovadya’s words, Rabbi Kopshitz felt, would cause Jews to violate halacha.
The shiur ceased.
הראו לי מה שכתב הרב יחיאל שולמן שליט”א, מהנהגות אביו הרב נתן שולמן זצ”ל, וז”ל:
שאל את החזו”א כיצד עושים עירוב עירוני והרי יש בין התושבים שאינם מודים בעירוב ר”ל. וענה לו החזו”א שמבקשים רשות ממפקד המשטרה (ומסתמכים דדמי לשר העיר שבכחו בשעת מלחמה לשכן חיילים בבתי העיר), וכשהחזו”א הסביר לו זאת חייך. (א.ה. והבין ממנו שיש לו איזשהו [צד] פקפוק אם מהני. (בערך)).
דרישת ציון על טהרת הקודש ◆ דעת תורה בנושאי ארץ הקודש ת”ו
Reprinted with permission.
(גליון חודש אדר א’ ניתן למצוא כאן.)
Another murder.
“He is very awake,” I said to myself.
But out of respect for the (apolitical) gathering, I did not say that in my speech.
He is very awake and aware of the fact that all those shouting there, with the exception of the ZEHUT voters, are all deep inside his pocket.
He is very aware of the fact that after he embraced Arafat, was willing to surrender the Golan Heights, gave Hebron to the PLO, released thousands of terrorists, supported the Expulsion from Gush Katif, was defeated at the Marmara, surrendered to the Iranians, destroyed Amona, destroyed Netiv Ha’avot, destroyed the Ulpana neighborhood, destroyed homes in Ofra, destroyed outposts, froze construction, surrendered on the Temple Mount, was defeated in Operation Protective Edge, pays protection money to the Hamas and is preparing the division of Jerusalem with Trump – he is very aware that just this morning, the head of the New Right party committed to endorsing him – and only him – for the premiership after the elections.
There has never been a leader like him, who is so beloved by his constituents even after he repeatedly slaps them in the face.
So why should he make a change to what is working so well?
He is very aware that the Land of Israel is very important to his electoral support base. But that tribalism and defeating the Left is even more important to them.
Our Prime Minister is actually very awake. And for that reason, the murders – and the privileges afforded the murderers – will continue.
“How can you say that the rightist bloc doesn’t interest you at all?” a childhood friend who was expelled from Gush Katif asked me yesterday.
“Have you forgotten what party expelled you from your home?” I answered.
Our prime minister is wide awake.
For the sake of the Land of Israel and the security of its people – it would be best if he went home to get some sleep.
Someone once came to the Chazon Ish on Shabbos from Tel Aviv. The Chazon Ish asked how he came from outside Techum Shabbos? The visitor answered, “people say” new buildings have already been built in the gap. Upon which the Chazon Ish asked the visitor to refrain from touching the wine…
Rule: If you don’t know that an action is permitted, then for you it isn’t.
Have you ever used a business located in a residential building (kindergarten, Kippah store, barber, etc.)?
Was the establishment several floors up?
What gives you the right to use the elevator on your way there?
Perhaps you assume the business pays a larger share in elevator expenses (ha!). Well, what gives you the right to “assume”?
Were you then asked to serve as a witness at a wedding?
Did you say yes?