Don’t Call It Terror!
So, another murder of a Jew by a non-Jew in Israel. Ho hum. What I don’t understand is the attempt by “rightists” to get this or that murder declared as a nationalistic crime. Why? All this does, is encourage more of the same. If it’s “terror”, a prisoner exchange is all it takes for the state to free the man to murder more Jews (surprise, surprise!). Criminal murderers, on the other hand, are not exchanged. (Although, hey, perhaps the Arabs decide who they want back. I don’t know.)
The same thing occurs with “Jewish Terror“. Instead of making vandals pay the owner for the paint to cover graffiti, the state actually reads the graffiti and checks whom>who, where.
Of course, “terror” should not exist as a legal category. Murder ought to be punished the same way, regardless of uniforms or mind-reading, or electoral calculations.