Question: Why Do They Call Their Rebbe’s Passing a ‘Histalkus’?

Answer: Since he takes money under false pretenses. This refers to the Mishna Yevamos 15:7: גזל אחד מחמשה ואין יודע מאיזה גזל, כל אחד אומר אותי גזל, מניח גזלה ביניהן ומסתלק, דברי רבי טרפון. רבי עקיבא אומר, אין זו דרך מוציאתו מידי עברה, עד שישלם גזלה לכל אחד ואחד.

Agudath Israel of America Supports Sodomy and Abortion, Of Course

Thanks to Nochem Rosenberg for the supporting evidence on Yechiel “Mark” Kalish:

Rep. Kalish Attends Gov. Pritzker’s 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Celebration

[Chicago] – Newly appointed State Rep. Rabbi Yehiel “Mark” Kalish (D-Chicago) attended the 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Celebration hosted by Governor J.B. Pritzker on Tuesday.
“Protecting access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare for women in Illinois is a priority for me because a woman’s right to choose is under assault from Washington,” said Kalish. “That’s why I think that it’s important for me to stand with Governor Pritzker and my legislative colleagues on the 45th anniversary of the Roe decision.”
Pritzker headlined the Roe celebration at Planned Parenthood’s Chicago office on January 22.
Kalish, who was sworn in on January 20 after being appointed to the Illinois House seat vacated by State Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie), was also an active advocate on winning approval for Illinois House Bill 40, sponsored by State. Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), a measure that ensures that a woman’s right to choose remains the law of the land in Illinois if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Roe.
“I’m proud to have been one of the foot soldiers in Rep. Feigenholtz’s successful effort to protect a woman’s right to choose in Illinois,” said Kalish. “It’s clear that Roe is at risk from Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointees.”
In addition to protecting reproductive health care for women, Kalish also pledges to fight any attempts to roll back or chip away at marriage equality or undermine the civil rights of the LGBT community.
“Equality for all citizens is a fundamental constitutional and moral principle,” said Kalish. “We are all equal under the eyes of the law and God, and marriage equality is no exception and that’s why I support the law.”



Israel and the ‘Palestinians’ Are FAKE Enemies

Supposedly, the Palestinians and Iran are the Jew’s worst enemy. Or to be more accurate their respective leadership is. The truth is, the Palestinian and Iranian threats are useful “for internal consumption”. To scare the children, that’s all. The US once used the Soviets the same way.

The USSR lacked food and advanced technology for many decades, so guess who kept them supplied? Their “enemy”, the United States, through the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council (USTEC) and other associations. Tony Sutton in his “National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union” (Arlington House, 1973) went into many of the details. Enemy or not, there was money to be made. He even revealed the U.S. government in 1972 authorized the export to the USSR of the unique, patented micro-ballbearing grinding tools that alone made possible MIRVed nuclear warheads.

Just like tax policy, careful to keep the wealth in the hands of the presently rich (at the given time), foreign policy is above all for the sake of big businessmen. Trade dictates the peace and trade dictates the wars (see “The United Fruit Company“).

This is why all sorts of Israeli businessmen still sell weapons to Iran (yes, indeed) with hush-hush permission. This is why Israel “technically” funds the PLO (or whatever they’re calling it these days). Did you notice how fast Israel acted to free Elchanan Tannenbaum? You and I don’t count. Government is by the rich and for the rich. Always has been, always will be.

The rightists who seek to make military wars “more consistent” are just naive. They aren’t wars at all, but games. Want an example of a real war? What the Israelis are busy prosecuting is a war against the Jews. The bogeymen are poor proxies. It’s a bit harder to see the real war, but it’s true and explains the facts far better.

The State is always at war against its own citizens; real war.