שיר – בנה ביתך כבתחילה

והראנו I שלמה יהודה רכניץ וחברים V’hareinu I Shi”r & Baruch Levine & Moshe Mendlowitz & Shira

Published on May 29, 2017

V’hareinu – Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, Boruch Levine, Moshe Mendlowitz, Shira & Avrum Chaim Green – והראינו – ר’ שלמה יהודה רכניץ, ברוך לוין, משה מנדלוביץ, מקהלת “שירה” וילד הפלא אברהם חיים גרין

This past March (כח אדר), in honor of the 200th year anniversary of Mir Yeshiva, noted askan and composer Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz composed a new song titled “V’hareinu.” The song premiered at their dinner and was well received by the multitudes in attendance.

Before Shavuous, the song is being released with an accompanying video produced by the ever talented Yochi Briskman. The song features the beautiful voices of Baruch Levine, Moishe Mendlowitz, the harmonious Shira Choir and the angelic child soloist, Avrum Chaim Green.

The lyrics describe the day when this golus will ultimately end, and with genuine joy, we will all return to the holy Bais Hamikdash going back to the days of all of its glory. The song hums along with beautiful scenery from Yerushalayim as all of our brethren are living a “torah” life in harmony. The words of this composition are actually a tefilla, as we constantly yearn for the rebuilding of the Bayis Shlishi , the most anticipated days when the Kohanim will return to their Avodah and the Leviim will harmoniously sing their heart stirring Shira, as the rest of Klal Yisrael return to the place they all belong together, in none other than the land of our forefathers which was promised to us, Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh.

May we be zoche to see this day speedily, bimheira beyomeinu.

Composed by: Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz
Produced by: Yochi Briskman
Audio mixed by: Chaim Gottesman

Video Directed and Edited by:
Duvie Maryles | Revive Multimedia | www.revivemultimedia.com
Special Effects: Yonasan Klafter
New York: MD Neumann
Los Angeles: Yoni Oscherowitz
Israel: Aviv Vana
Additional Old City Footage:

Shimmy Socol
Yisroel Appelbaum
Yehuda Boltshauser & Co. kuvien.com

Special thanks to Zac Blau and family

מאתיים שנה לישיבת מיר:
יוחי בריסקמן מציג את הקליפ המוזיקאלי הרשמי “והראינו”
באירוע יוקרתי ורב רושם שנערך לכבודה של ישיבת מיר, ציינו ידידי הישיבה הגדולה בעולם מאתיים שנים להקמתה. באירוע בו נטלו חלק גדולי ישראל, רבנים ואישי ציבור נכבדים, הושמע לראשונה השיר שחיבר הנגיד ר’ שלמה יהודה רכניץ במיוחד למאורע: “והראינו”.

כעת, חודשיים לאחר האירוע, משחרר גדול המפיקים במוזיקה החסידית, יוחי בריסקמן את הסינגל לצד קליפ וידאו מרשים.

“והראינו” מבוצע על ידי ברוך לוין, משה מנדלוביץ’, מקהלת “שירה” וילד הפלא המרגש אברהם חיים גרין, כשאליהם מצטרף היוצר ר’ שלמה יהודה רכניץ עצמו.

מילות השיר מתארות את היום בו הגלות תסתיים ונשוב לבית המקדש בכל תפארתו. בקליפ מוצגים מראות מרהיבים של ירושלים לצד הווי עולם התורה בארץ אבותינו.
השיר הוא תפילה בה אנחנו מייחלים לבנייתו מחדש של בית המקדש, ליום בו הכהנים והלויים יחזרו לעבודתם ולשירם ושעם ישראל ישוב לירושלים עיר הקודש, ויה”ר שנזכה לראות יום זה במהרה בימינו.

לחן: שלמה יהודה רכניץ
הפקה: יוחי בריסקמן
מיקס: חיים גוטסמן
בימוי ועריכת וידאו: דובי מרליס – רבייב מולטימדיה

From YouTube, here.

Before You Make Aliyah, Acquire the Mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael!

Now You Can Do The 28 Mitzvot Of The Land Of Israel With Kinyan Eretz Yisrael.


Not everyone is zoche to be living in Eretz Yisrael. Until recently this meant some really key mitzvos were out of reach. Because the 28 Mitzvos Hatluyos B’Aretz – foremost among them Shemittah – require owning or leasing agricultural land in Israel. And that’s not easy to do from Monsey, Boro Park, Lakewood, Miami or Chicago.

Now there is no longer any excuse.

Thanks to a wonderful initiative called Kinyan Eretz Yisrael any Jew, anywhere, can own dalet amos (four cubits) of agricultural land on which either grapes or grains are grown and harvested on their behalf in meticulous accordance with all the halachos. What’s more, the owners of each parcel have the option of partaking in the actual harvesting of their very own grapes or grains.

There’s no better time to start keeping these mitzvos than right now before Rosh Hashanah. Because owning land through Kinyan Eretz Yisrael is a 100% valid halachic transaction (sanctioned by leading poskim of our generation). And the schar from these mitzvos keep accruing season after season, year after year, generation after generation.

Both simple and affordable

The process of leasing one’s very own dalet amos of field or vineyard – and entrusting a group of dedicated rabbonim to follow through on one’s behalf – is both simple and affordable. For example, a plot of grapes costs only US$ 180 per year, while one of grain only US$ 98 per year. There’s a big discount for those that buy both or for 3 years.

In order to get your plot of land, simply access https://www.kinyaneretzyisrael.com

Then, choose between purchasing a plot of grapes, grains or both (the farms are separate.) Once the transaction is finalized, they own their dalet amos of land in accordance with Halacha and the Laws of the State of Israel.

Each new owner receives an offical certificate and regisration number detailing the precise location – row and line – of their plot. During harvest week they or their children are welcome to perform the mitzvos in the field alongside their shluchim of Kinyan Eretz Yisrael’s team.

It all started with the Vilna Gaon

The idea is hardly new. Some 250 years ago the Vilna Gaon purchased a plot in Eretz Yisrael for this very purpose. His talmid Rav Yisrael of Shklov mentions this in his sefer Hilchos Eretz Yisrael and, much later, the Chazon Ish also encouraged Jews regarding this idea.

In our times Kinyan Eretz Yisrael has the brachos and haskomos of leading Gedolim in Israel and America including HaRav Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman zt”lRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”lRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, the Bostoner Rebbe, the Novominsker Rebbe and Rav Yisroel Belsky zt”l.

         “Rav Avdimi the son of Rav Yosef said: “From here you learn that whoever properly gives to the poor leket, shikhchah and pe’ah is considered as if he built the Beis Hamikdash and brought korbonos there” (see Rashi, Vayikra 23:22)

The story behind Kinyan Eretz Yisrael

Kinyan Eretz Yisrael was the idea of a choshuve rosh kolel in Yerushalayim, Rav Meir Leibovich, who planted the seeds of the organization 14 years ago. To make it all possible, two farms were acquired one in Moshav Mazkeret Batya, where they grow grains, and one in Zichron Yaakov, for the cultivation of grapes. These farms were then subdivided into plots of dalet amos so that all of Klal Israel could have the opportunity to keep the 28 mitzvos that had been missing from their lives.

Continue reading…

From Matzav, here.

Economic Morality and Jewish Law

Can Judaism Save Capitalism?


Eric Cohen’s impressive argument for a uniquely Jewish conservatism includes a long section on economics. Quoting R. Jonathan Sacks and Dr. Isaac Lifshitz, Cohen makes a case that emerges from Jewish sources for Free Market Capitalism. However, as Yuval Levin points out in his response to Cohen, Judaism is consistent with capitalism but does not necessarily advocate for it. Yes, the Torah protects property rights and advocates productive labor, but there is more to capitalism than earning a salary and keeping it.1 What role, then, can Judaism play in economic ideology?

Levin seems to think that Judaism has little to teach the world about capitalism. I suggest that while Judaism may not advocate a specific economic theory that developed a dozen centuries after the close of the Talmud, it can teach the world how to properly implement it. This is a particularly timely task because recents events emphasize how desperately capitalism needs direction.

It is one thing to wax passionately about free markets in theory. Getting down to the nitty-gritty implementation is quite another. Free markets require regulation to prevent abuse, such as monopolies and corruption. As we have seen multiple times over the past century, such as in Russia over the past two decades, free markets without sufficient protection will not remain free for very long. The rich and powerful grab control and become richer and more powerful. Some argue that, to a lesser degree, this has happened throughout the free world as income inequality grows and the wealthiest few keep awarding themselves higher salaries and oversized bonuses while under- and unemployment stubbornly persist.

The 2008 Economic Downturn nearly destroyed Capitalism. While financial watchdogs propped up the global economy at exorbitant cost, the vast majority of people suffered unemployment, loss and financial uncertainty. Mistrust of Capitalism grew to catastrophic proportions. If not for the comical ineptitude of the Occupy Wall Street movement, the financial system as we know it may have been overthrown. Despite this revolutionary failure, a new generation is rising that fears Capitalism and distrusts free markets. What could not be accomplished through revolution may yet be achieved through legislation. The inherent unfairness of Capitalism, the growing visibility of income inequality, may spark angry legislation disturbing the free markets.

The salvation of Capitalism lies in redeeming it through morality. The proponents of free markets need to claim the language of morality to define Capitalism’s scope and limitations. Everyone agrees that a free market needs adequate regulation to protect it from the inevitable would-be abusers. We can save Capitalism by defining it through its regulation in terms of morality, of right and wrong.

Economists make policy recommendations, which if approved become required by law, based on the expected social and economic impact. One main approach is called Welfare Economics, which measures the benefit to the public of proposed regulations (it has no connection to the Welfare System). This is a purely pragmatic evaluation emanating from a consequentialist view of right and wrong. If a policy has positive economic consequences, it should be implemented.

Judaism rejects this entire approach to governance. Free markets should not be ruled by cost-benefit analyses but by objective rules of right and wrong, good and bad. Rabbi Aaron Levine dedicated his career as an economist to arguing this point, which he most clearly expressed in the introduction to his posthumously published Economic Morality and Jewish Law. Welfare Economics can lead to absurd results, such as the argument that toxic waste should be dumped freely in less-developed countries. The world needs a deontogical approach, an ethical system with which to evaluate policy proposals based on their merit, not just their consequences. For R. Levine, this basis is Halakhah, Jewish law.

It might seem odd to argue that an ancient ethical system, sometimes accused by critics of being immoral (although usually from a superficial analysis), to lead the way. But we are talking about much more than a PR strategy. We need a systemic overhaul of the way we think and speak of economic issues. Free Markets must become a moral issue and its policy decisions made based on what is right and wrong. For its part, Halakhah can only guide modern economies if it is taken out of the pre-modern world. Decisions must be made based not only on a deep familiarity with the rules and concepts of Jewish tradition but also expertise in contemporary economics. When the two fields are married, as a number of outstanding scholars have accomplished, we find a remarkable union that offers insight into the fine details of economic policy, the small decisions that cumulatively grease the wheels of free markets.

R. Levine compares Welfare Economics and Halakhah in many cases. For example, deceptive advertising damages customers and is therefore subject to regulation. However, when an advertiser lies about prices, it is rarely penalized because regulators believe that a focus on price ultimately leads to lower prices, i.e. it has a positive consequence for customers. In contrast, Halakhah forbids falsehood and therefore, if implemented in regulation, would ban ads that provide incorrect price information. Judaism teaches that the rule of honesty should prevail in the marketplace, not just an economically or socially useful honesty.

Similarly, insider trading can be debated based on the impact to stock market participants. Does it improve market efficiency by providing incentive to insiders to manage better or does it allow for quick gain that leads to poorer management? For R. Levine, this consequentialist thinking is beside the point. The inside information belongs to the company and Halakhah forbids profiting from someone else’s property. Economic policy should be determined by rules governing what is right, not predictions of likely outcomes and their corresponding benefits. Being right means doing right, not doing whatever it takes to reach a useful end.

In his response to Cohen, Levin writes that he can see Judaism playing a role of moralism in a Jewish conservatism but what can the religion offer in the economic realm? While he was looking for a Jewish theology of entrepreneurship, he already had his answer. Capitalism desperately needs a strong dose of economic morality. Regulation based on morality would prevent some of the immoral incentives that led to the recent economic downturn, many of which still exist. It would demand incentives that foster responsibility and long-term thinking, regulate executive compensation packages to serve shareholders and demand responsibility from corporate boards that cannot be quickly passed on to insurers.

An implementation of Capitalism based on economic morality would not engage in the class warfare that is rampant among social policy advocates, nor accept dubious predictions common among consequentialists. Competing notions of social engineering are beside the point. The focus on effective regulation is the morality of a given action–is it inherently proper?

Jews should be morally invested in the implementation of meaningful economic regulation that requires proper behavior of all parties. Capitalism can only survive if it continues to inspire hope. To do this effectively, it must adhere to basic rules of fairness and right and wrong.

  1. I disagree that Judaism encourages competition. Torah teachers are a unique exception to the regulations of hasagas gevul that prevent ruinous competition

From Torah Musings, here.