A Story About Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rabbi Yosef Kapach

Rabbi Yosef Kapach was the grandson and disciple of the founder of the near-dead Dor Deah movement, Rabbi Yichya Kapach.

I don’t know if this tale is reliable, but the story is told Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zatzal was honored as Mesader Kiddushin, and when he noticed Rabbi Yosef Kapach zatzal was to be one of the witnesses, he honored Rabbi Kapach, instead, because Rabbi Kapach may have denied the validity of the Zohar/Arizal tradition (I am unaware, myself, of perfect evidence for this, in spite of his general fearlessness to speak [and write] his mind), and/or maybe this renders him a heretic.

If this story is true, it only demonstrates further the absurdity of the position there are “principles” of faith in Judaism. The rabbi is knowledgeable enough to arrange the marriage, but cannot testify to it? He has enough Yir’as Shamayim to remember his learning and certainly seems to keep all observable mitzvos, but because he disagrees with someone or something revealed far later than the age of the sealing of the Talmud, he is really an imposter?!

In my view, if you keep mitzvos, you are a kosher Jew. That’s about it. The Achronim have already disagreed with the Rambam’s “13 Principles”. Only in our times has this been “forgotten”.

Read more about this here on page 10, and on for the interesting claim the Rambam’s position, too, has been grievously misread.

עוברים לבקבוקי יין ללא חילול שבת

מצו”ב מכתב שנשלח ליקב טפרברג 1870 (עם עותק נוסף ל”פיניציה”):
תודה רבה על המעבר לבקבוקים ללא חילול שבת עבור יין נינוה אדום.
יין נינוה אדום היה חלק בלתי נפרד מה”עונג שבת” שלי.
כבר הרבה מאוד זמן הוא ירד מהתפריט, בעקבות ההתעוררות לחיזוק שמירת השבת גם במעגלים הסובבים אותנו, כולל אצל ספקי התצרוכת שלנו.
אני שמח שאוכל מעכשיו להחזיר את היין לשולחן השבת שלי, ולדעת שאני גם מענג וגם מכבד את השבת, ביין טעים ומשובח שנמצא בבקבוק שהשבת לא מתביישת בו.
שתתברכו בכל ברכות השבת,

How Shiny Is Too Much?

“Bechadrei Charedim” in an article titled שלא שינו את לבושם: האדמו”ר מצאנז נגד ‘בעקיטשעס עם נצנצים’ – בחצרות חסידים quotes the Tzanzer Rebbe warning his Chassidim against wearing shiny Bekeshes:

בין הדברים והמנהגים ציין האדמו”ר כי על כל אחד לנהוג לפי אבותיו ואין לשנות שום דבר ממסורת אבות. לסימוכין הביא את אשר כתוב על בני ישראל שיצאו ממצרים כי לא שינו את לבושם, שמם ולשונם.

“לאחרונה אני רואה אנשים עם בעקיטשעס נוצצים, שטריימלך גבוהים ומשקפיים מוזרים, לא זו הייתה דרכינו. נוסעים שבע שעות בשביל לבחור בעקיטשע, לאן הגענו?”

Continue reading at Bechadrei…


Yehuda Segal on Forcible Integration by the State of Israel

Arad and Beit Shemesh: Related?

Yehuda Segal  כ”ו אלול ה’תשע”ז 17/09/17

The media warn of Arad turning into another Beit Shemesh…

Let’s understand the shared origins of the two cities.

In both cases, Charedim claim the right to settle in some city. Their opponents find some excuse to oppose this and speak longingly of the warm and soft “Status Quo” they had grown used to. Charedim remind the secular of their hypocrisy: “Democracy”, hello?!, adding accusations of antisemitism to the mix. The media fan the conflict’s flames with all their might, harming their own secular constituents worse than the hated Charedim, by causing secular flight.

Who enabled/forced the public integration in this country, anyway? Who elevated “open entry” to the real estate market above all else? The state of Israel – and not because of Charedi pressure, either.

Discrimination is positive. As Chazal say, “If there is no knowledge, how can there be separation?!” You break up communities, remove signs, fight gender separation, and on and on in the name of anti-discrimination, right?

For every separation between “Kodesh” and “Chol’ we got smeared as racists. Every acceptance committee got sued. Halachic genealogies were outlawed. When some Charedi and Dati rabbis mentioned the prohibition against renting to non-Jews in Israel, this was deemed “incitement”, and police investigations began. And the Emanuel school story, remember?

So all of a sudden you rather mild “apartheid”? You accuse the Charedim of narrow sectorial concerns?! Who invented that wheel?

And why offend rabbis personally? Even “extreme” Charedim don’t hang signs with pictures of Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky in the town square, because of red lines and Derech Eretz. We understand. The anger is not at any specific Shul or Chassidic Rebbe: they find it hard to admit the blame lies with them, so they direct the rage at us.

“But as much as they would afflict them, so did they multiply and so did they gain strength” (Shemos 1:12).

This article first appeared in Hebrew.

With Heaven’s help, Yehuda Segal


From Mehadrinews, here.