Have Israelis Actually Shifted on the Arab Question? Shmuel Sackett Has Bad News…

Is Everyone Really Kahane Today?

This Thursday – the 18th of MarCheshvan – marks the 33rd yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Kahane. I am proud to have been a student and follower of his from my early teens. I continue to quote him extensively, teach his Torah wisdom, and publicly call him “Rebbi U’Mori” – my rabbi and my teacher. Over the years, countless people have advised me to drop “the Rabbi Kahane thing” – as it would label me an extremist and prevent my success, but I never listened to them. I have spoken in over 500 Jewish communities across America and Canada and in every one, I say it loud and say it proud: “Rabbi Meir Kahane was – and still is – my guide, my mentor, and my rav. I agree with every word he wrote and spoke.” But it wasn’t just his words that excited me – he was the greatest rabbi of action that I ever met. He did not sit in an office while sending others to do his work. He was the first to fight the anti-Semites, the first to protest Jewish suffering, and the first to be arrested battling evil and injustice.Today, after the unspeakable acts of terror by Hamas on October 7 – supported by the “innocent” population of Gaza who celebrated their actions – hundreds of people have told me that they are now “more Kahane than me!” I have heard people say that there are no more leftists in Israel and that Ben-Gvir is not rightwing enough. “The IDF should carpet-bomb Gaza” and “Wipe those people off the face of the earth!” These are all great suggestions (no argument from me!), but there’s just one problem with most of the people making these statements: I don’t believe a word they say, and this article will prove it.

A person I know well – who has been a proud leftist from the day we met – recently said to me that Kahane was right. I innocently asked him what changed his mind, and he looked at me like I was weird. “What changed my mind,” he asked? “Look what they did to us – the slaughter, the horrific acts of mutilation, and the kidnapping of children. Kahane was right – no Arab can be trusted, and every one of them needs to be permanently removed from this land.” Then came my turn to talk. “Have you fired your cleaning lady yet?” Once again, he looked at me as though I were an alien. “My cleaning lady? The one who has worked for me these last 20 years? Why should I fire her?” My answer was clear: “Because she’s an Arab and you just told me that no Arab can be trusted.” Radio silence. My friend simply had nothing to say.

This is just one tiny example of what I mean, but I can make things even clearer. For all people who claim that they are now “more Kahane than Sackett,” have them take this simple five-question test.

Define the term “Palestinian.”

Name the differences between Arabs in Gaza, Ramallah, Taibe, and Jerusalem.

Should Israeli Arabs be allowed to vote in Knesset elections, as they do now?

How does one answer the claim that Israel is an apartheid state?

Should Israel continue to accept financial aid from the United States?

I can actually make this test much longer, but these five questions are more than enough to prove my point. The ideology of Rabbi Meir Kahane, which is based exclusively on genuine Torah sources – without being watered down by Western concepts – has not yet been accepted by the masses. Yes, people are angry, and the tragic events of October 7 have indeed changed people’s outlook on Gaza, but I am afraid that this will be short-lived. Furthermore, the overwhelming majority still maintains that there are differences between the various Arabs in the country, there are people called “Palestinians,” and that Israel still needs to “play nice.”

Oh, how I wish my brothers and sisters would have learned a lesson, but I fear they haven’t. The students of Rabbi Kahane still have much work to do to teach what our Rav called “The Jewish Idea.” This is a Judaism that completes a Yid – the personal side with strict adherence to uncompromising halachah, and the national side of establishing Israel according to the leadership of King David. When that day comes – and I pray it will be soon – our Rav will become the Kohen Gadol in the third and final Beis HaMikdash!

Am Yisrael Chai!

From Queens Jewish Link, here.

כל ‘איזם’ שאינו חלק מיהדות קרובה לעבודה זרה

בימינו אלה בחרו להם היהודים בשתי עבודות זרות אשר להן יקריבו את קרבנותיהם, הרי הם: הסוציאליזם והנציונליזם. את תורת הנציונליזם החדש אפשר להגדיר בקצור נמרץ: “נהיה ככל הגויים”. אין דורשים מיהודי אלא את ההרגשה הלאומית. השוקל את השקל והמזמר את “התקוה”, פטור מכל מצוות שבתורה.

ברור, כי שיטה זו נחשבת כעבודה זרה לפי דעת התורה. שתי עבודות זרות אלה הרעילו את המוחות ואת הלבבות של הנוער העברי, לכל אחת מטה ראשי של נביאי שקר, בצורת סופרים ונואמים, העושים את מלאכתם בשלימות.

קרה מעשה נסים: בשמים הרכיבו את שתי העבודות הזרות לאחת – נציונל-סוציאליזם, יצרו מהן מטה זעם איום, החובל ביהודים בכל קצוות ארץ. הטומאות להן סגדנו, הן החובלות בנו. “תיסרך רעתך” (ירמיה ב’, י”ט).

מקור: הרב אלחנן וסרמן, ס’ עקבתא דמשיחא פרק “הרועים”, עמ’ 35-36 (סעיף כ”א), הוצאת נצח (ב”ב תשמ”ט).

אגב, זכורני שהחזו”א ביקש מהרב משה שנפלד לתרגם ולהוציא לאור את ספר “עקבתא דמשיחא”.

‘Oh, Just Something Interesting I Saw in Josephus the Other Day. No Special Reason…’

Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews — Book XIII (Containing the Interval of 82 Years. From the death of Judas Maccabeus to the Death of Queen Alexandra), end of chapter 13 [bolding added]:

5. [An. 91.] As to Alexander, his own people were seditious against him. For at a festival which was then celebrated, when he stood upon the altar, and was going to sacrifice, the nation rose upon him, and pelted him with citrons. [Which they then had in their hands, because] the law of the Jews required, that at the feast of tabernacles every one should have branches of the palm tree and citron tree: which thing we have elsewhere related. They also reviled him, as derived from a captive, and so unworthy of his dignity, and of sacrificing. At this he was in a rage, and slew of them about six thousand. He also built a partition wall of wood round the altar; and the temple; as far as that partition; within which it was only lawful for the priests to enter. And by this means he obstructed the multitude from coming at him. He also maintained foreigners of Pisidiæ and Cilicia. For as to the Syrians, he was at war with them, and so made no use of them. He also overcame the Arabians; such as the Moabites, and Gileadites, and made them bring tribute. Moreover he demolished Amathus: while Theodorus durst not fight with him. But as he had joined battel with Obedas, King of the Arabians, and fell into an ambush, in places that were rugged and difficult to be travelled over, he was thrown down into a deep valley, by the multitude of the camels, at Gadara, a village of Gilead, and hardly escaped with his life. From thence he fled to Jerusalem. Where, besides his other ill success, the nation insulted him, and he fought against them for six years, and slew no fewer than fifty thousand of them. And when he desired that they would desist from their ill will to him, they hated him so much the more, on account of what had already happened. And when he had asked them what he ought to do? They all cryed out, that “he ought to kill himself.” They also sent to Demetrius Eucerus, and desired him to make a league of mutual defence with them.

Disclaimer: Nothing in the above is intended in any seasonable, practical manner, of course.

לחן חדש ומרגש מאת נפתלי קמפה: אני מאמין

אני מאמין – נפתלי קמפה בלחן חדש למילים שמלוות את כולנו בימים אלו

״לקח לי זמן להבין אלו מילים אנסה להלחין״, מספר נפתלי, ״כמו כולנו היה קשה לחשוב, מן מסך עשן שסגר את המוח ורק הלב הביט בדומיה אל השמים בתפילה ללא מילים.

עם הזמן התחלתי לחפש מילים שיתנו נחמה ותקווה, כי הסברים אנחנו לא מחפשים ויודעים שהקב״ה בעל הרחמים מסתיר לפעמים את הנהגתו,