Jews Keeping Hamas Weapons?! Gezel Hagoy!

The “authorities” disarmed their Jews very thoroughly in preparation for the Shmini Atzeres massacre. Now these valiant guardians of the “law” must tirelessly ensure Jews can’t defend themselves, so the police threaten sitting-duck Jews against keeping any weapons left behind by the Arab marauders. (Even now, arms restrictions and controls against innocent Jews have barely been relaxed.)

See more here (Hebrew)…

What do the coppers need the weapons for? To put into the Lost and Found for the owners (with crazy hours like 14:00-15:00, Wednesdays only)? Surely the Arab losers will go around putting up Hashavas Aveida signs on bus stops with cellotape, like normal people! Or maybe the cops will hand them directly to the organization itself (as long as Azans promise to call themselves something else (“Hamas+“, or “Hamas 2.0“).

But wait! Didn’t Peres explicitly say we could take the guns back?!

(It makes me ill, so I didn’t read the article itself.)

Biblical Satire?

WORLD — Immediately after murdering his brother Abel in cold blood, Cain reportedly called for a total ceasefire.

“It’s time to put a stop to the senseless violence,” said Cain as he checked Abel’s pulse to make sure he was dead. “Everyone can lay down their weapons now!”

According to sources, Cain had lured Abel out into a field and then initiated a surprise attack on the unarmed man. Cain then declared a ceasefire after mistakenly believing Abel to be dead. However, upon seeing Abel’s legs still moving, Cain called off the ceasefire to bludgeon Abel a few more times, then announced the ceasefire was back on.

When the Lord came to question Cain about Abel’s murder, Cain explained that he was simply decolonizing his family’s land. “What did you think decolonizing meant?” said Cain, waving to his brother’s body. “This was my land before Abel showed up! For years now, I have been kept in this open-air prison, tilling the land while my brother got to travel around with the flocks. I have done nothing but throw off the shackles of the oppressor!”

At publishing time, the Lord had gently informed Cain that neo-Marxist propaganda wouldn’t work on anyone for thousands of years, so he better start running.

From Babylon Bee, here.