A Reminder of the Wondrous Six-Day War

[A serious graduate student at Tel Aviv University related:] He had been a non-commissioned officer in the tank regiment which took Nablus, an Arab stronghold to the north of Jerusalem. As the regiment rolled into the city, guns swiveling the turrets, treads chewing up the stones, the entire Arab population came out cheering and waving flags. The Nablusians had been listening to the Arab radio which had just announced that Tel Aviv was in flames, its streets red with flowing blood. What also deceived these people was that the Israeli tanks did not invade (כצ”ל) Nablus from the east but from the west, the rear of the city. The Nablusians thought these tanks belonged to an Iraqi expeditionary force.

They kept cheering[…] until they saw the Mogen David. Then they stopped cheering and went home.

The Israelis – Portrait of a People, NY 1972, by Harry Golden, p. 85-86

זמן תפילת שחרית

שלחן ערוך אורח חיים סימן פ”ט:

זמן תפלת השחר, מצוותה שיתחיל עם הנץ החמה, כדכתיב: ייראוך עם שמש. ואם התפלל משעלה עמוד השחר והאיר פני המזרח, יצא. ונמשך זמנה עד סוף ד’ שעות שהוא שליש היום. ואם טעה, או עבר, והתפלל אחר ד’ שעות עד חצות, אע”פ שאין לו שכר כתפלה בזמנה, שכר תפלה מיהא איכא. הגה: ואחר חצות אסור להתפלל תפלת שחרית (ב”י בשם הרשב”א פרק תפלת השחר), וע”ל ריש סי’ ק”ח.

ועיין משנה ברורה.

Feiglin on Breitbart

EXCLUSIVE – Israeli Leader Moshe Feiglin: Time for Israel to Annex West Bank, Gaza Strip

It is time for Israel to formally abandon the so-called two-state solution as well as the concept of a Palestinian state and instead push for the complete Israeli annexation of the West Bank and retaking of the Gaza Strip, Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin contended.

Feiglin is chairman of Israel’s Zehut Party and a former Likud Knesset Member.

In a wide-ranging interview, broadcast Sunday on this reporter’s weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Feiglin outlined a three point plan for Israel to “annex the total territory between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river.”

He was referring to Israel asserting full sovereignty over Judea and Samaria – territories commonly called the West Bank – as well as the annexation of the Gaza Strip.

There have been attempts within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party to pass legislation calling for Israeli annexation. According to reports, however, Netanyahu asked lawmakers to put those plans on hold until the Trump administration unveils its forthcoming blueprint for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

Feiglin blamed Netanyahu and the right-wing in Israel for “failing” to propose a viable alternative to the two-state solution.

“The only reason that the Trump government will go to that concept of a two-state solution is because of Israel,” Feiglin posited.

“Not because of Trump. Trump, even before he got into office, he said the two-state solution is not the only solution. He was open to any other solution that the Israelis will bring. You cannot ask Trump to be more Catholic than the Pope. So, I have no complaints with Trump about it. The only problem is that the Israeli right never offered a real solution.”

Feiglin contended that the foundations for the creation of a Palestinian state rest on wrongful information that claims Israel is occupying Palestinian land. “This is our land,” he exclaimed. “We are talking about justice and not just realpolitik or pragmatism. … This is our land more than 3,000 years already.”

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From Breitbart, here.