Reprinted with permission.
The State Is a Bad Guest
I say the state is but a predatory parasite. But some disagree, such as Zehut chairman Moshe Feiglin. He thinks the state itself is akin to a guest in a private home, not an armed robber. It’s neutral because it’s mystically “voluntary”. Therefore it only needs to be “limited”.
That’s false as diagnosis and Utopian as treatment. But if the state is an invited guest, semi-authoritarians must at least agree the state attitude has always been that of the “Bad Guest”…
Brachos 58a:
הוא היה אומר אורח טוב מהו אומר כמה טרחות טרח בעל הבית בשבילי כמה בשר הביא לפני כמה יין הביא לפני כמה גלוסקאות הביא לפני וכל מה שטרח לא טרח אלא בשבילי, אבל אורח רע מהו אומר מה טורח טרח בעל הבית זה פת אחת אכלתי חתיכה אחת אכלתי כוס אחד שתיתי כל טורח שטרח בעל הבית זה לא טרח אלא בשביל אשתו ובניו על אורח טוב מהו אומר זכור כי תשגיא פעלו אשר שוררו אנשים על אורח רע כתיב לכן יראוהו אנשים וגו’.
Has any ruler anywhere ever thrown a “Dinner” for its “donors” (from the ruler’s personal, justly acquired wealth)? Not that I can recall.
For anarchists, these things hardly register, because they are illustrations of the central fact of the case: The state is an armed robber, a בא במחתרת.
ספר “בגדי תפארתך” אודות מקום השוק באשה
Shock and Surprise: Government Policies Harm Small Businesses!
Excerpts from an article in
No fewer than 95 percent of business owners believe that the government does nothing to help them — and most believe that government policies actually harm businesses. The data comes from a poll of more than 50,000 members of the Israel Small Business Association, mostly small-business owners, a report in Yisrael Hayom said.
Issues that slow productivity include complicated reporting requirements to tax agencies, the large number of forms and processes required to get a business license, and inefficiencies caused by excessive regulations. Laws that are supposed to benefit employees turn out to involve excessive bureaucratic rules, business owners said; for example, the Pensions Law, which requires all employers to provide a funded pension plan for full-time employees, is “a media-oriented production which does nothing to protect workers but increases the burden on employers,” 86 percent of employers said.
More than 70 percent of employers said that they had or will in the future fire employees because of the burdensome costs imposed by the bureaucracy, while 68 percent blamed a lack of growth on excessive regulations, which prevent them from reaching out to new markets. Ninety-seven percent said that if they had a choice, they would not remain in business for themselves, but would rather go work for someone else.
We explained why over here…