Economic Ignorance – a Vicious Circle

The Incredible Bread Machine p. 57 – 59:

In 1795 James Madison commented on an interesting phenomenon which he described as “the old trick of turning every contingency into a resource for accumulating force in the government.” Madison knew what he was talking about.

Years ago the federal government undertook to subsidize cotton farmers. But then it was discovered that the persistently high price of American cotton was hurting cotton exports. So the government subsidized exporters. But then American mill owners pointed out that foreign mills were getting American cotton cheaper than American mills could get it. So now the American mills are being subsidized. And so the growers, the exporters, and the mills are now all indebted to the State for assistance. And what the State subsidizes, to an appreciable extent it controls. “The old trick is to turn every contingency . . . ”

The bureaucrat will force rates higher and then demand greater power in order to force them down again. Or, he will seek to “protect” the farmer and as a result generate a mountain of rotting surpluses; then he will demand still greater control over agriculture in order to cure the problem he himself has created. Or, he will regulate the railroads nearly into bankruptcy and then urge a program of government loans to “help” them. Or the State, through various pieces of labor legislation, will all but eliminate employer resistance to unending union demands. Then, when union power grows to ominous dimensions, labor disputes will be settled by presidential fiat rather than by free market bargaining. “Turn every contingency … “

Politicians Are Never Punished

You may think you know what I am going to say. If so, you are wrong. (Note: I write the word “never” advisedly.)

There lies danger in encouraging incipient authoritarians by revealing the following, but the danger is small. So I continue.

It is commonly said some politicians pay for some of their crimes/errors. Examples are given of “blowback” to the nation, even the man himself. Many history books try to show “Haman hanged on his own gallows“. This is taken to be the meaning of בקדרה שבשל בה נתבשל and ראיתי עבדים על סוסים ושרים הלכים כעבדים על הארץ, חפר גומץ בו יפול ופרץ גדר ישכנו נחש.

They are all wrong.

Why are they wrong?

Hold on. I first wish to bring one example of this common claim (boldface added):

Since mala prohibita are not wrongful in any traditional moral sense, people tend to take them less seriously. This poses a problem for legislators, politicians, and judges, who are offended their handiwork may not be taken seriously enough by the citizens whom such laws purportedly benefit. And since things like drugs laws, or prohibitions of gambling, are commonly and even generally ignored, the only solution these worthies can imagine is to increase the penalties until people take the laws seriously enough.
Thus, a recent offender was threatened with life imprisonment for the possession of some brownies baked with marijuana, while persons convicted of murder historically may serve five years or less in prison. The grotesque injustice of this is usually evident to all — except for the legislators, politicians, and judges who are responsible for such a legal regime. They seem to like it just fine. Until, of course, they or theirs get caught in the web.

The part about increased penalties is correct. But the bolded part is not, as stated.

Again, why is this wrong?

Because the psychological satisfaction gained by power drowns out all aches and pains. Psychopathy Pays! Pols don’t “feel your pain”. They don’t feel their family’s pain. They don’t even feel their own pain. They enjoy the ups and they enjoy the downs. Nothing has Providential significance to them.

Drunkenness reduces sorrow and pain. Power-drunkenness does the same.

Likewise, I disagree with the pseudo-diagnosis of State-supporters as suffering from a kind of mass “Stockholm Syndrome“. There are personality types of “leaders” and “followers”. Followers don’t themselves need to wield power to enjoy it vicariously. “Enjoy” being the operative word! Much of the State’s “intellectual bodyguard”; journalists, teachers, etc., live off an average salary, for instance.

(I speak only of This World, of course. The Next World is a different matter.)

המשך: כפרות – מנהג שטות?

בפוסט קודם כתבנו:

גם הכותרות בשו”ע נכתבו ע”י המחבר, כידוע. כותרת סימן תר”ה “מנהג כפרות בערב יום כפור”. שמעתי שבדפוסים ראשונים היה כתוב: “מנהג כפרות בערב יום כפור מנהג של שטות הוא“.
ב”תורת אבא” נטען שב18 המהדורות הראשונות של השלחן ערוך נכתב בכותרת “מנהג שטות”. ארבעה מתוכם יצאו לאור בחיי מחבר השלחן ערוך עצמו. יש לו גם צילום הדף המקורי.

ראו זאת כאן.