Rabbi Grossman Re: ‘Ever Min Hachai’

For Jews, please it is permissible to eat fish while  they are still alive, as long as they have been pulled from the water, and I would argue that Maimonides held the same standard for gentiles, so I would be reluctant to brand such a practice as cruel, even if we do find other examples of gentiles eating אבר מן החי.

Let’s Start an Arab Pro-Beis Hamikdash Organization!

We can call it “Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis” (Supporters of Beis Hamikdash).

Aw shucks, that name is already taken…

Why do they term Jerusalem “Bayt al-Maqdis”? Do the Arabs agree the Holy Temple existed [there] or not?

Did you know the Waqf still has a sign standing on Har Habayis that says “Bayt al-Maqdis” in English (I don’t know what the Arabic says)?

(Of course, since Mohamedans are supposedly the “New Jews” — same as the curious Cursedian Supersessionism claim — (what does that make us, I wonder [see the last blockquote here!]) the Beis Hamikdash retroactively became a Mohamedan “mosque”…)

Even “Al Quds” is based on the holiness of the Holy City. It all gets so confusing…