Please Don’t Read This (Because It’s About Freemasons)
- Freemasonry is a Hermetic/Occult/etc./etc. “Mystery Religion”. Ooh.
- The wicked fools deify the sun (like Da Lie Llama Shikutz (read: Dalai Lama), by the way).
- Members commit to committing perjury if subpoenaed to testify against one another (rumor).
- They cannot cut stones to order any more. Nor are they still a craftsmen guild.
- Did the institutions influence the French, American and Mexican revolutions? Don’t ask me.
- Apparently, Freemasons don’t even know enough Tum’ah to attract many members anymore — if indeed they ever did. Yeridas Hadoros?
- Yet their shtick isn’t nearly as ancient as they pretend, either.
That’s all I think I know.
תיקוני עירובין גליון 134#
גליון שאלות הלכתיות המתחדשות מדי שבוע בבדיקת העירובים השכונתיים
Reprinted with permission.
Honesty Is Golden
Some (him?) say they have a “family tradition” to follow the Taz’s rulings (including in all his disputes with the Shach?).
Oh, yeah?
For one, how about O.C. 448:4 where he says unless you “sell” the room containing the Chametz, then hand the Goy the key you violate “בל יראה ובל ימצא”?
… ופשוט הוא שהחמץ יהיה מונח במקום שהעכו”ם יכול לכנוס שם מעצמו כדמשמע לישנא דגמרא דעכו”ם עייל לדנפשיה וכ”ש שלא יסגירנו במסגרת וישראל יחזיק המפתח בידו או יניח חותמו עליו וגם צריך שימכור לו בפירוש אותו החדר עם החמץ שבו דאם לא כן הרי הוא בבתיכם. וכל שאינו עושה בדרך שזכרנו ה”ז עובר בבל יראה ובבל ימצא וחמצו לאחר הפסח אסור בהנאה.
Do they?
What do you think?
ודבר פשוט הוא שאין למכור החמץ למומר דאע”פ שחטא ישראל הוא. ומעשה היה באחד מחזיק אורנד”א בכפר שמכר יין שרף שלו להפקיד שלו שהיה מומר והיה סך הרבה וקשה הדבר להפסיד היין שרף וקרוב היה שלא יציית ישראל בזה. ואמרתי שיחליפנו הפקיד עם עכו”ם אחר ויקח ממנו יי”ש אחר ואז מותר לישראל זה כמו דאיתא פ”ק דחולין חמץ של עוברי עבירה מותר אחר הפסח מפני שהן מחליפים פירוש וחמץ אינו תופס דמיו וה”ה נמי אם ימכרנו הפקיד להעכו”ם מותרים המעות לישראל מטעם זה כנלע”ד.
There are surely other examples from the Taz.
Feiglin: ‘A Sage Is Better Than a Prophet’
Israel’s Protection Money to Gaza: By Moshe Feiglin
Editor’s Note: Israel is the main provider of electricity for Gaza. Although the ruling Hamas terror organization does charge Gaza residents for the electricity that Israel’s electric company provides, this money does not reach Israel. Instead, the Hamas uses it to build tunnels to attack Israel. In response, Israel has recently reduced the amount of electricity it provides to Gaza. Click here for more information on this issue.
Let us begin with the bottom line. Israel will not continue to reduce the amount of electricity it supplies to Gaza. On the contrary – It will continue to provide more and more water, electricity and other services for free – on an ever growing basis. According to official statistics, Israel funds Gaza’s utilities at a cost of 90 million NIS per month. In my estimate, Gaza costs Israel at least one billion NIS in a regular year, and more than 100 billion NIS every third or fourth year, when the ‘drizzle’ of rockets from Gaza to Israel turns into ‘rain’. Israel’s funding of Gaza’s electricity and water is clearly protection money, similar to the protection money that the cell phone companies pay to the Bedouins in the Negev to “watch” their antennas.
In December 2014, then head of Israel’s National Security Council and present head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, appeared before an open meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Security Committee on this topic. At that point, Gaza owed 1.55 billion shekels to Israel’s electric company. Cohen promised that Israel and Gaza were close to an agreement and that the bill would be paid. “If that happens, I will take you out to dinner in the restaurant of your choice,” I said to him. Cohen agreed and in the next meeting, he admitted that he owed me a restaurant meal. I am still waiting for the meal, but in the meantime, Gaza’s debt to Israel’s electric company is a whopping 3 billion NIS.
If the protection money paid to Gaza does not prevent Jewish fatalities, which have increased five-fold since the Oslo peace accords broke out and Israel retreated from Gaza, why does Israel continue to pay these huge sums of money to our sworn enemies?
The Oslo Accords, which officially adopted the idea of a two-state-solution, turned Israel into a hostage of the terror organizations.
If we do not pay – they will shoot missiles into our cities.
If they shoot missiles into our cities – we will have to go to war with them.
If we go to war with them – the Hamas will fall.
If the Hamas falls – the situation in Gaza will revert to what it was prior to Oslo (when Gaza paid Israel for its electricity, there was plenty of drinking water because there was no pirate pumping and there was relative peace and quiet, which we can only dream about today).
If the situation reverts to its pre-Oslo state – there will be no more Oslo Accords and the entire ‘peace industry’ built on those accords (politicians, generals, judges, professors, journalists, broadcasters, etc.) will have to find new jobs.
So do you really think that Israel will stop paying the protection money?
From Jewish Israel, here.