Know Your Enemy: Esav Is on the March!
Esau’s Threat: Judeo-Christian Values Revisited
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Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Judeo-Christian values? Really? You can read here to know what I think about so-called Judeo-Christian Values.
One commenter on this post even suggested that…
No. It’s not. It’s Torah against anti-Torah. And, yes, distorted Torah is anti-Torah. As the Ramba”m states:
שלושה הן הכופרים בתורה: … והאומר שהבורא החליף מצוה זו במצוה אחרת, וכבר בטלה תורה זו, אף על פי שהיא הייתה מעם ה’, כגון הנוצריים וההגריים. כל אחד משלושה אלו כופר בתורה. (משנה תורה, הל׳ תשובה ג,יז)
Three [types] are the deniers of the Torah: … And the one who says that the Creator replaced this commandment with a different commandment, and that this Torah was already nullified, even though it was from The Almighty, such as the Christians and the descendants of Hagar. Each of these three denies the Torah. (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Repentance 3:17)
Esau (the West – Malbi”m) are not our friends.
There isn’t any quantitative difference in the threats/dangers between Esau and Yishmael (Arabs/Muslims), only qualitative. Esau’s weapons and strategies (eg. smiles, money, lying, tricks) are simply different than those of Yishmael’s. Esau’s descendants are not our friends.
The Kiss of Esau
And Esau’s kiss IS his bite. (Gerer Rebbe) Thus, the trickiness of Esau. He has many faces. Just as he adapted his strategies to conquer his brother Ya’aqov, Esau’s spiritual descendants have adapted their strategies to conquer Ya’aqov’s descendants.
Do not forget that one of the eventual goals of Esau is to take the Land of Israel which it believes is rightfully his (theirs). The Vatican is acquiring parts, as are the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches.
The Evangelicals, as well as those who have “evolved” beyond that have been sneaking into Israel left and right, with the goal of staying, attempting to blend in with “settler” appearing clothing, and by “volunteering” to work the Land.
There are even those of Esau’s descendants who have invented a recent movement, fake Israelites (Christians calling themselves “Ephraimites”), as a way of getting a foothold on our Land.
From Essser Agaroth, here.
שמח זבולון בצאתך
כבר מזמן הבאנו כאן לעיין בספר “שמח זבולון בצאתך“. כעת אני רואה שיש גם הסכמה כללית על הספר מהרב ברנד שליט”א, ואני מצטט מסוף מאמר מעלת נושא ונותן באמונה וקביעות עתים לתורה:
בנושא משא ומתן באמונה, יש ספר חשוב “שמח זבולון בצאתך”, שראוי להתבונן בו, והוא נחוץ מאוד לדורנו. (ופשוט שאין בזה הסכמה על כל פרט ופרט שנכתב שם).
[אולם מה שכתב בסוף בנושא צניעות בענין שוק באשה ערווה, עיין במאמר שכתבנו בענין, ששוק הוא עד העקב, ודלא כהמשנה ברורה, ואכמ”ל].
Bringing Back the Cursedian Threat – Only Rabbis Can Do It!
No Strings Attached?
More dangerous than the Muslim conquest.
The Israeli public is already used to terror attacks in the name of Allah. These attacks are euphemistically described as “nationalistically motivated.” But everybody knows in whose name the terrorists stage their murderous assaults. The Arabs who piloted the Boeing jets into the Twin Towers did not yell “Long live Saudi Arabia!” and last week’s murderous tractor driver did not declare “Long live the Arab nation!” before perpetrating their horrendous deeds. Every Israeli knows what Arabs shout as they murder.
They shout the Muslim motto, Allah hu akbar. They act in the name of their god. Their terrorism is not nationalistically motivated. It is religiously motivated.
As opposed to the Left, the nationalist camp – and especially the national religious camp in Israel – is capable of understanding and dealing with this fact. But it is specifically this camp that is rapidly falling under the influence of a religious threat even more dangerous than Islam. It is specifically the nationalist and religious nationalist public that has been opening the door to Christianity and allowing it to slowly but surely sway Israeli reality.
The Christian conquest is much more dangerous than the Muslim conquest because it is not direct. It is not violent. It is embracing and supportive. It connects with Israel against the Muslim enemy. It supports a Jewish Land of Israel in its entirety. It even speaks up for the sanctity of the connection between the Nation of Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel. It just forgets to mention to which Nation of Israel and to which Torah it refers.
The nationalist public is not aware of the extent and depth of the influence that these groups have achieved in Israel. It is very easy to be enticed by the fact that they hide their motives and offer large sums of money to causes that are important, and often crucial, for Israel.
It took me a bit of time to realize their true intentions, and in the meantime, I also received a small number of contributions from Christian factors. They insinuated that they were Noahides – non-Jews who have accepted the seven commandments that G-d gave to Noah, which negate Christianity. They declared that they were not part of any church and that the crucifix offends them. They simply forgot to mention that for them, G-d is actually the Christian deity and that the Nation of Israel is actually those who believe in that deity. Thank G-d, it took me a relatively short time to figure out what was going on and I cut off all ties with them.
They are careful to hide their true intentions. They will not usually display the crucifix and will not mention the name of their deity in conversation with Jews. They simply “love” us – “no strings attached.” But their goal is clear: to immigrate to Israel by the millions, to become citizens and to convert us all, G-d forbid. They do explicitly admit that as far as they are concerned, a Jew who does not accept their deity will burn in hell.
On the surface, why should we care? What difference does it make if huge sums of money for Israeli welfare causes are from Christian sources? “When Mashiach comes, we’ll ask him what religion he is,” the cynics wink. But this is not a matter that can be laughed off. Money talks. The organizations that feed the hungry children of Israel will eventually control their minds, as well.
Slowly but surely, more and more Christian institutions are being built in Israel. They have infiltrated almost every Jewish organization. And most worrisome of all, they have infiltrated the political Right. Acting MKs and candidates for the Knesset from all the rightist parties have been busy running to their churches in the US, hugging the most despicable missionaries and giving their activities in Israel and their beliefs the legitimacy so crucial to their success. Big money from these groups has been blinding the eyes of many Likud candidates, as well as Orange MKs and rabbis, and strictly kosher Hareidi rabbis, as well.
It is hard to blame the Likud candidates for taking their money. If well-known rabbis and MKs with large skullcaps and beards see nothing wrong with Christian support, then why should the less religiously knowledgeable Likudnik be more stringent than they are?
These Christians have been waiting 2,000 years for their messiah to arrive. They certainly have the patience to position more and more politicians who owe them their seats in key slots in Israel. Missionary activity in Israel is growing by leaps and bounds. But what mayor or politician will fight the missionaries after they have received millions from the very same “Israel-loving” organizations?
It is astounding how a history of 2,000 years of bloodshed evaporates in the face of large sums of cash. The children of Beit El will not pay the price of this abomination any time soon. The price will first be paid by the children in poor neighborhoods and in families whose Jewish identity is not well developed.
But every Jew is responsible for one another. If we do not open our eyes and reject these Christian groups and their money, we will all pay the price.
חיבת הארץ
יניב בן משיח – ארץ ישראל | yaniv ben mashiach
יניב בן משיח העמוד הרשמי בפייסבוק:
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יחסי ציבור: זיו תקשורת ויחסי ציבור 03-6555181 |
מילות השיר:
את היקרה לי תמיד מכולן באים אלייך מכל העולם כל טוב הארץ ושפע קיים את יותר ממושלם.
שם אל מול ההר קם משה להנהיג גזרת האל הוא קיבל והבליג ולא זכה את יופייך לקבל כמה שהתפלל.
אך אנחנו כן קיבלנו את הזכות לחזק לכבד להחזיק אבותינו סיפרו לנו כמה קשה אותך להשיג