re: Following Moshe Feiglin Money

 In response to the post: Following Moshe Feiglin Money, I received this response from Rafi Farber:


Read the Feiglin post today and followed the link to this:
She’s asking for answers to questions that are already answered by a simple googling. At the bottom, she asks specifically where the Charidy money, the nearly half a million raised by Zehut last year, was coming from. That’s a silly question. Donor information is public at Charidy. All donors names and amounts are clearly visible and published.
The matchers are all Jews.
See here.

I searched through this Devash person‘s Feiglin related posts. All of them are negative saturated with authoritarian values. She’s trying to smear Zehut by asking money questions that are clear and public and already answered, presenting them as if she’s being ignored and Zehut refuses to answer.

I have criticized Feiglin before, recently in fact, regarding his position on Syria. I will criticize him, even harshly, when he’s wrong. But that blogger has a vendetta against him, probably because she does not value liberty.
Which I forwarded to Tomer Devorah asking for a response, since she has a reputation for accuracy in accusation, but none came, so here it is.
It’s still not too late, you know.
UPDATE: Still no answer…

לא ירדתי לסוף דעתו

ודע דעל מה שכתב דכשנכנס לבית הכסא קבוע לעשות בו צרכיו חולצן ברחוק ארבע אמות, כתב רבינו הרמ”א דיש אומרים אפילו בלא צרכיו. וטוב להחמיר. עד כאן לשונו. ונראה לי דאין כוונתו על הכניסה, דבזה לית מאן דפליג דאסור ליכנס בתפילין לבית הכסא ולמרחץ. ולא שייך בזה “טוב להחמיר” דאיסור גמור הוא. אלא כונתו אהרחקת ארבע אמות. (ובזה אתי שפיר קושית המגן אברהם סעיף קטן ט’, עיין שם. ודו”ק.)
אבל אין הו”א לחלק!
עוד פוסטים בענין ספר ערוך השלחן ראה כאן אף כאן.

How to Be a Good Anti-Zionist

Two Jews are about to be executed by a firing squad. As they are handed their blindfolds, one of the Jews refuses to put his on. The second Jew, mortified by this act of rebellion, turns to his friend and says: “Please, don’t make trouble!”
(I can’t find the original source.)
Update:  See “Jewish Humor” by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1992), p. 77.
This is so reflective of reality, it’s hardly humorous.

Austrian Economics: Always Proven Right, Always Soundly Rejected

“The special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital that they could not attract under pure market conditions. Like all artificially-created bubbles, the boom in housing prices cannot last forever. When housing prices fall homeowners will experience difficulty as their equity is wiped out.
“Furthermore, the holders of the mortgage debt will also have a loss. These losses will be greater than they would have otherwise been had government policy not actively encouraged over investing in housing. Because so many people will invest in housing the damage will be catastrophic.”
  • Ron Paul, 2002, testimony to U.S. House of Representatives, July 16